
The determinants of economic growth have long been debated in economics and are important to understand in helping improve people’s standards of living across the globe. As Lucas stated: “How did the world economy of today, with its vast differences in income levels and growth rates, emerge from the world of two centuries ago, in which the richest and the poorest societies had income differing by perhaps a factor of two, and in which no society had ever enjoyed sustained growth in living standards?” (Lucas, 2000). The Clark-Fisher three-sector model describes how economies change with their level of development. Least developed countries focus on primary sector activities while more developed countries employ more people in tertiary and quaternary services. These sectoral shifts may explain why different economic growth models better suit different countries based on their level of economic development. For instance, the Malthusian model which described output as a function of technology, land and population based on Malthus (Malthus, 1798) explains well pre-industrial growth. Whereas the original Solow-Swan (Solow, 1956) neoclassical growth model incorporated the role of physical capital and fits the growth patterns observed in industrializing countries like that which occurred in the ‘Asian Tiger’ economies during 1960s but fails to explain why productivity was lower in poorer countries and the slow movement of capital from developed to developing nations. This led to growth models which also incorporated the role of human capital (Romer et al., 1992) and social infrastructure (Hall and Jones, 1999) which better explained growth in higher income countries who had higher levels of human capital and social infrastructure. Therefore, with economic development, the main determinants of long run economic growth tend to change. Without, as of yet, a universal economic growth model with widespread consensus it makes more sense to look at the determinants of economic growth for groups of countries with similar levels of economic development as their economies are, on average, structurally more similar. This paper assigns a country’s level of development into one of four categories based on their average ranking in the Economic Complexity Index (ECI) during the dataset period: most developed countries, developed countries, less developed countries and least developed countries. Fixed effects multiple linear regression analysis is then applied to each group of countries to quantify the associated impact of economic growth determinants on output in structurally similar economies. This will also allow us to observe the relative importance of different economic growth factors as countries develop. This is a fundamentally empirically led study and as such the results of this paper should not be interpreted causally. As, like all statistical techniques based on correlation, correlation does not imply causation. Nevertheless, this paper aims to guide public policy or further research by highlighting which growth determinants to focus on, depending on a country’s development level, and identify any interesting findings which either support or undermine existing growth models.


There have been many empirical studies on the determinants of economic growth which usually focus on finding evidence to support an established economic growth model. For instance, Romer et al. (1992) provide cross-country evidence to support a labour-augmented Solow model in explaining economic growth. While Barossi-Filho et al. (2005) find updated evidence to support the predictions of the original Solow model. Papers based on the grounds of a pre-established theoretical model can be more compelling and more likely to imply causation. However, they often restrict themselves to analyzing only a few determinants of economic growth. Economies constantly evolve and with them growth models have also evolved in their success at explaining economic growth. To avoid only focusing on growth models which may only suit a certain set of countries in a certain era, this paper takes a broader approach by incorporating multiple possible growth determinants. Much attention in the mainstream literature pays attention to growth determinants popularized by the (labour-augmented) Solow-Swan model like human and physical capital but less focus is given to the role of productivity factors, in particular the individual role of social and physical productivity. Johansson and Tretow (2015) present one such paper which analyses the role of economic freedom (what this paper would classify as a social productivity factor) on economic growth using multiple linear regression techniques. This paper aims to employ a similar analysis using multiple linear regression but instead also including fixed country and time effects and adds to the literature by using a unique combination of datasets which have never been used together before to assess the impact of economic growth determinants across a wide range of structurally different economies. In addition, rather than focusing on all countries or just developed and developing countries, countries are more finely categorized into four levels of development as the structure of economies can vary significantly with economic development as Fisher (1935) first highlighted. Cross country growth regressions have been rightly criticized for often wrongly inferring causal relationships from their results (Durlauf, 2009). This is because regressions on variables which are endogenous (as is the case in neoclassical growth theory) invalidates any causal claims as for instance reverse causality will impact the results. Instead, this study is an empirical analysis to highlight any interesting trends and assess whether they support or do not support existing growth models. The results of this paper aim to guide public policy and generate new statistical relationships to help future researchers in formulating new and improved economic growth models.

Economic Growth Model

The model for economic growth used in this paper is one which contains the main factors of production used across most mainstream economic growth models.

Formally: \[y=f(k,h,z_p,z_s)\]


\(y\) = output per capita

\(k\) = physical capital per capita

\(h\) = huamn capital per capita

\(z_p\) = Physical productivity

\(z_s\) = Social productivity

One major difference between this growth model and all other conventional models is that total factor productivity (TFP) is split into two components: physical and social productivity. This is done so to observe each individual effect and together the datasets used to proxy each productivity factor roughly approximate the theoretically implied TFP level in an economy derived via growth accounting techniques (shown in Appendix I). One important growth factor that is not included is land as the data available for this study is not long enough to observe any significant shift in land endowments for most countries. In addition, land varies significantly in productivity and the extent to which it contains valuable natural resources. As such, this variable is left out of the economic growth model, but further studies could be carried out to assess the impact of different types and endowments of land in their contribution to economic growth.

Data Used

In total, this study uses annual data for each of the model’s growth determinants for 78 countries for 13 years between 2007 – 2019.

Output per Capita

GDP per capita is used as a measure of output per capita and is sourced from the World Bank. GDP per capita figures are measured in current US dollars with data available for the full dataset period from 2007-2019. The World Bank calculates GDP as the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of the products.

Physical Capital per Capita

Gross fixed capital formation sourced from the World Bank from 2007-2019 in current US dollars is used as a measure of physical capital per capita.

Human Capital per Capita

The World Bank Human Capital Index (HCI) is used as a measure of human capital per capita in a country. Kraay (2018) presents the methodology used in calculating the HCI but essentially it is a measure which assesses how well a country performs in the following attributes:

1. Survival

• Share of children surviving past the age of 5 in %

2. School

• Quantity of education (Expected years of schooling by age 18)

• Quality of education (Harmonized test scores)

3. Health

• Adult survival rates (Share of 15-year-olds who survive until age 60 in %)

• Healthy growth among children (Stunting rates of children under 5 in %)

Some limitations of the HCI are that the data for some years is missing during the dataset period. These missing data points have been interpolated via linear regression on the original available data. Other alternative datasets to measure human capital include the Barro-Lee educational attainment dataset which is a commonly used proxy. However, this dataset only has data available at best every 5 years which is less data available than the HCI over the same period and the HCI is a more holistic measure of human capital.

Physical Productivity

This paper refers to physical productivity as the technology which contributes to productive efficiency. For example, this includes more efficient machines in a production plant or better software and machine learning capabilities to automate parts of the production process. To assess the level of physical productivity in a country this paper uses the ICT Development Index (IDI) published by the International Telecommunications Union of the United Nations as it gives an approximation of the technology level within a country and offers useful comparisons between countries. The IDI uses 11 internationally agreed indicators to measure the developments in information and communication technology (ICT) between countries and over time. These indicators are grouped into three sections: access, use and skills and are presented below:

Access to ICT

  1. Fixed telephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants

  2. Mobile phone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants

  3. International Internet bandwidth (bits / s) per

Internet user

  1. Percentage of households with a computer

  2. Percentage of households with Internet access

Use of ICT

  1. Percentage of people using the Internet

  2. Fixed broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants

  3. Mobile broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants

ICT Skills

  1. Adult literacy rate

  2. Gross secondary school enrollment rate

  3. Gross rate of higher education

Some limitations of the IDI are that data is missing for some years in the dataset period. These missing data points have been interpolated via linear regression on the original available data. In addition, this index is not a true measure of all physical productivity factors in an economy as that would be impossible to capture. However, like the other indices used in this paper, it offers a good estimate and makes for useful comparison across countries and time.

Social Productivity

This paper refers to social productivity as the social, political or cultural elements which contribute to productive efficiency. For example, this could include the (work) culture, rule of law, role of institutions etc. in a country which contribute to how efficiently a country can produce output. The Economic Freedom Index (EFI) published by The Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal is used as a measure of social productivity. The EFI measures a country’s degree of economic freedom based on 12 qualitative and quantitative factors grouped into four main categories: rule of law, government size, regulatory efficiency and open market.

Rule of Law

  1. Property rights

  2. Government integrity

  3. Judicial effectiveness

Government Size

  1. Government spending

  2. Tax burden

  3. Fiscal health

Regulatory Efficiency

  1. Business freedom

  2. Labour freedom

  3. Monetary freedom

Open Markets

  1. Trade freedom

  2. Investment freedom

  3. Financial Freedom

Each of these 12 indicators are graded on a scale of 0 – 100 and then averaged out with equal weights to obtain the final EFI score.

Using growth accounting techniques, we observe that together the proxies used for physical and social productivity are good proxies for total factor productivity and across all countries they overestimate the theoretical TFP by only 2.5% as shown in Appendix A.

Country Development Level Groupings

This paper splits countries into 4 categories for level of development based on their average ranking in the Economic Complexity Index (ECI) during the dataset period: most developed countries, developed countries, less developed countries and least developed countries. The ECI ranks countries based on how diversified and complex their export basket is. Countries that have a great diversity of productive know-how, particularly complex specialized know-how, can produce a great diversity of sophisticated products. This is a better measure of a country’s level of development than usual proxies like GDP per capita as it more accurately captures the productive potential and level of advancement of an economy which is the aim of long run economic growth models. The ECI nevertheless has a strong correlation with GDP per capita rates, is found to highly predict current income levels and can predict faster future economic growth if current economic complexity exceeds expectations for a country’s income level. Therefore, the ECI is a useful measure of economic development which this paper adopts. The following classification is used:

• Most developed countries: have a mean ECI ranking over dataset period less than or equal to 22

• Developed countries: have a mean ECI ranking over dataset period greater than 22 and less than or equal to 43

• Less developed countries: have a mean ECI ranking over dataset period greater than 43 and less than or equal to 85

• Least developed countries: have a mean ECI ranking over dataset period greater than 85

Data Cleaning

To analyse these datasets in R we first need to load all the necessary packages and files and clean all our data so that it is ready to be statistically analysed.

Load Packages

The following packages are used:

## Loading required package: bestglm
## Loading required package: leaps
## Loading required package: VGAM
## Loading required package: stats4
## Loading required package: splines
## Loading required package: rpart
## Loading required package: randomForest
## randomForest 4.6-14
## Type rfNews() to see new features/changes/bug fixes.
## Important regclass change from 1.3:
## All functions that had a . in the name now have an _
## all.correlations -> all_correlations, cor.demo -> cor_demo, etc.
## Attaching package: 'plm'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:VGAM':
##     has.intercept, nobs
## The following object is masked from 'package:stats4':
##     nobs
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:plm':
##     between, lag, lead
## The following object is masked from 'package:randomForest':
##     combine
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
## -- Attaching packages --------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.3.1 --
## v ggplot2 3.3.5     v purrr   0.3.4
## v tibble  3.1.2     v stringr 1.4.0
## v tidyr   1.1.3     v forcats 0.5.1
## v readr   1.4.0
## -- Conflicts ------------------------------------------ tidyverse_conflicts() --
## x dplyr::between()  masks plm::between()
## x dplyr::combine()  masks randomForest::combine()
## x tidyr::fill()     masks VGAM::fill()
## x dplyr::filter()   masks stats::filter()
## x dplyr::lag()      masks plm::lag(), stats::lag()
## x dplyr::lead()     masks plm::lead()
## x ggplot2::margin() masks randomForest::margin()
## Attaching package: 'data.table'
## The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
##     transpose
## The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     between, first, last
## The following object is masked from 'package:plm':
##     between
## Attaching package: 'magrittr'
## The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
##     set_names
## The following object is masked from 'package:tidyr':
##     extract
## Attaching package: 'reshape2'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:data.table':
##     dcast, melt
## The following object is masked from 'package:tidyr':
##     smiths
## Loading required package: carData
## Attaching package: 'car'
## The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
##     some
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     recode
## The following object is masked from 'package:VGAM':
##     logit
## Attaching package: 'janitor'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     chisq.test, fisher.test
## corrplot 0.89 loaded
## Loading required package: zoo
## Attaching package: 'zoo'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     as.Date, as.Date.numeric
## Attaching package: 'lmtest'
## The following object is masked from 'package:VGAM':
##     lrtest
## fixest 0.9.0, BREAKING changes! (Permanently remove this message with fixest_startup_msg(FALSE).) 
## - In i():
##     + the first two arguments have been swapped! Now it's i(factor_var, continuous_var) for interactions. 
##     + argument 'drop' has been removed (put everything in 'ref' now).
## - In feglm(): 
##     + the default family becomes 'gaussian' to be in line with glm(). Hence, for Poisson estimations, please use fepois() instead.
## Attaching package: 'kableExtra'
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     group_rows

Load Files

We now load our raw data files:

country_data <- read_csv("C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Uni\\Exchange Year - Sciences Po\\LT\\Econometrics\\Final Project\\Country Data\\final_country_data2.csv")
## -- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
## cols(
##   country = col_character(),
##   year = col_double(),
##   GDP_per_capita = col_double(),
##   investment = col_character(),
##   working_age_population = col_double(),
##   total_population = col_double()
## )
EFI_data <- read_csv("C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Uni\\Exchange Year - Sciences Po\\LT\\Econometrics\\Final Project\\Index Data\\Final Data\\Final_EFI_2.csv")
## -- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
## cols(
##   country = col_character(),
##   year = col_double(),
##   EFI_score = col_double()
## )
HCI_data <- read_csv("C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Uni\\Exchange Year - Sciences Po\\LT\\Econometrics\\Final Project\\Index Data\\Final Data\\Final_HCI_2.csv")
## -- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
## cols(
##   country = col_character(),
##   HCI_score = col_double(),
##   year = col_double()
## )
IDI_data <- read_csv("C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Uni\\Exchange Year - Sciences Po\\LT\\Econometrics\\Final Project\\Index Data\\Final Data\\Final_IDI_2.csv")
## -- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
## cols(
##   country = col_character(),
##   IDI_score = col_double(),
##   year = col_double()
## )

As most of our growth determinant variables are in separate files, we need to merge all these datasets into one.

merged1 = left_join(country_data, EFI_data)
## Joining, by = c("country", "year")
merged2 = left_join(merged1, HCI_data)
## Joining, by = c("country", "year")
countries = left_join(merged2, IDI_data)
## Joining, by = c("country", "year")

We also remove scientific notation for convenience.

options(scipen = 999)

After merging the files, we check whether all the data we gathered has been downloaded and merged correctly. As in our original data we had 79 countries with 13 years of data, this should mean we have 1,027 rows (as 13 ×79=1027).

## [1] 1027

This equals 1027 as expected.

We also need to check for missing values but as missing values downloaded from the World Bank are usually denoted as ‘..’ rather than ‘NA’ we need to convert any such values to ‘NA’ before using the sum( function.

countries$'investment' <- as.numeric(ifelse(countries$'investment' =='..', NA, countries$'investment'))
## [1] 13
## [1] 13

By comparing the total missing values and the missing values in the investment column we can see that all the missing values are in the investment column. Let’s now remove countries with missing data.

missing_values <- countries[rowSums( > 0,]
kable(missing_values, caption = 'Countries with missing data') %>% kable_styling()
Countries with missing data
country year GDP_per_capita investment working_age_population total_population EFI_score HCI_score IDI_score
Qatar 2007 65421.75 NA 1011771 1218434 62.9 0.576 4.25
Qatar 2008 80234.47 NA 1216538 1436665 62.2 0.580 4.50
Qatar 2009 59094.44 NA 1418508 1654950 65.8 0.585 5.26
Qatar 2010 67403.16 NA 1603834 1856327 69.0 0.591 6.10
Qatar 2011 82409.58 NA 1754252 2035871 70.5 0.595 6.41
Qatar 2012 85076.14 NA 1890848 2196074 71.3 0.599 6.46
Qatar 2013 85050.87 NA 2008879 2336574 71.3 0.604 7.01
Qatar 2014 83858.48 NA 2109133 2459198 71.2 0.609 6.87
Qatar 2015 63039.06 NA 2195417 2565710 70.8 0.614 7.44
Qatar 2016 57163.08 NA 2266630 2654374 70.7 0.619 7.12
Qatar 2017 59124.93 NA 2323022 2724724 73.1 0.615 7.21
Qatar 2018 65908.07 NA 2366906 2781677 72.6 0.635 8.16
Qatar 2019 62088.06 NA 2403885 2832067 72.6 0.633 8.49

So, our missing values were caused by missing investment data for Qatar. We thus remove Qatar from the dataset.

countries_cleaned = countries %>% filter(country != "Qatar")
## [1] 0

Now we no longer have any missing values.

## [1] 1014

The number of rows is now 1014 as expected as we lost one country’s worth of data which is 13 years. Thus, 1027-13=1014.

We also order the data by year and not country.

countries_cleaned = countries_cleaned[order(countries_cleaned$year),]

Alter variables

Some data cleaning to have physical capital in per capita form and remove unnecessary variables.

countries_cleaned = countries_cleaned %>% mutate(investment = investment/total_population) %>% select(-working_age_population) %>% select(-total_population)

Thus, our final cleaned data file containing all the data we will use for our analysis is in the ‘countries_cleaned’ dataframe.

kable(countries_cleaned) %>% kable_paper() %>% scroll_box(width = "800px", height = "400px") %>% kable_styling()
country year GDP_per_capita investment EFI_score HCI_score IDI_score
Finland 2007 48414.85 11714.21235 74.0 0.824 6.70
Chile 2007 10502.35 2176.51701 77.7 0.621 3.99
Singapore 2007 39432.94 9612.04768 87.1 0.839 6.47
Croatia 2007 13937.45 3735.59988 53.4 0.689 4.95
Morocco 2007 2499.26 815.56694 56.4 0.466 2.33
Malta 2007 19485.87 4471.74693 66.1 0.671 5.48
Argentina 2007 7245.45 1414.02743 54.0 0.586 4.13
Latvia 2007 14091.05 5108.41273 67.9 0.669 4.95
Moldova 2007 1531.69 522.36466 58.7 0.548 3.11
Israel 2007 24924.33 5055.76157 64.8 0.716 5.93
Romania 2007 8360.17 2954.69813 61.2 0.606 4.11
Brazil 2007 7348.03 1320.14630 56.2 0.529 3.49
Costa Rica 2007 6071.79 1365.10930 64.0 0.589 3.31
Cyprus 2007 31244.93 5756.76173 71.7 0.667 4.91
Cameroon 2007 1194.07 248.11062 55.6 0.375 1.37
Czech Republic 2007 18466.55 5527.63479 67.4 0.724 4.92
Austria 2007 46855.77 10737.95018 71.6 0.741 6.25
Lithuania 2007 12285.45 3514.25755 71.5 0.683 5.22
Norway 2007 85139.96 20085.68279 67.9 0.771 6.78
Slovenia 2007 23787.65 6815.45431 59.6 0.747 5.77
Switzerland 2007 63555.24 15494.39639 78.0 0.772 6.83
Iceland 2007 69054.27 20407.67458 76.0 0.757 7.06
Georgia 2007 2635.35 695.18085 69.3 0.538 2.87
Albania 2007 3595.04 1308.04580 61.4 0.518 2.74
Bahrain 2007 20976.54 7037.89726 71.2 0.594 4.95
Uganda 2007 403.66 88.27674 63.1 0.333 1.21
South Africa 2007 6095.62 1258.56045 63.5 0.423 2.64
Italy 2007 37822.67 8196.67783 62.8 0.760 5.91
Ukraine 2007 3065.61 800.60972 51.5 0.635 3.56
Portugal 2007 22782.09 5128.16348 64.0 0.736 5.32
Mexico 2007 9642.68 2115.95619 66.0 0.582 3.03
Paraguay 2007 2976.83 532.36531 58.3 0.507 2.46
New Zealand 2007 32511.13 7766.91811 81.4 0.779 6.38
Burkina Faso 2007 535.06 97.29163 55.1 0.301 0.93
Oman 2007 15838.49 4540.18037 65.8 0.534 3.17
Hungary 2007 13918.96 3302.96987 64.8 0.694 5.18
Luxembourg 2007 106018.49 19524.99046 74.6 0.704 6.98
Mauritius 2007 6574.65 1577.61718 69.4 0.595 3.30
Chad 2007 799.60 170.97615 50.1 0.281 0.73
Indonesia 2007 1860.00 464.76751 53.2 0.484 2.15
Turkey 2007 9791.65 2730.59721 57.4 0.619 3.63
Spain 2007 32549.97 9728.74426 69.2 0.704 5.84
United States 2007 47975.97 10722.66062 81.2 0.697 6.33
Azerbaijan 2007 3851.44 824.18774 54.6 0.476 2.77
Botswana 2007 5832.73 1655.63679 68.1 0.357 2.08
Madagascar 2007 438.66 115.50393 61.1 0.386 1.27
Zimbabwe 2007 431.79 21.92786 32.0 0.392 1.43
Canada 2007 44543.04 10429.01089 78.0 0.768 6.30
Kazakhstan 2007 6771.41 2032.61206 59.6 0.594 3.17
Colombia 2007 4714.07 1135.02509 59.9 0.572 3.27
Estonia 2007 16741.94 6093.75812 78.0 0.709 5.86
Belgium 2007 44262.90 10352.25915 72.5 0.751 6.10
Senegal 2007 1222.37 251.82300 58.1 0.382 1.34
Algeria 2007 3946.66 1038.94945 55.4 0.528 2.47
France 2007 41508.43 9622.56053 62.1 0.756 6.09
Peru 2007 3606.07 720.68845 62.7 0.527 3.03
Bulgaria 2007 5885.10 1665.86452 62.7 0.649 4.42
Germany 2007 41587.21 8338.76569 70.8 0.769 6.60
Australia 2007 40960.05 11235.09190 81.1 0.755 6.51
Greece 2007 28827.33 7498.52109 58.7 0.720 5.28
Jordan 2007 2735.38 751.77111 64.5 0.559 2.98
Netherlands 2007 51733.44 12025.61688 75.5 0.800 7.06
Malaysia 2007 7243.46 1622.83723 63.8 0.577 3.66
Ireland 2007 61359.74 17602.74260 82.6 0.760 6.14
Uruguay 2007 7026.51 1305.36337 68.4 0.589 3.96
Poland 2007 11254.52 2528.34939 58.1 0.686 4.95
Ecuador 2007 3567.84 741.01387 55.3 0.509 2.73
Saudi Arabia 2007 16516.63 3906.44234 60.9 0.541 3.76
Panama 2007 6166.18 1718.35511 64.6 0.519 3.39
Sweden 2007 53700.01 13008.17701 69.3 0.753 7.27
Japan 2007 35275.23 8515.55847 72.7 0.823 6.89
United Kingdom 2007 50566.83 9132.05329 79.9 0.760 6.70
Namibia 2007 4350.69 957.55894 63.5 0.379 1.95
Benin 2007 964.93 164.59216 55.1 0.358 1.20
Tunisia 2007 3775.75 870.18978 60.3 0.526 2.74
United Arab Emirates 2007 41809.52 9855.76838 62.6 0.605 5.20
Thailand 2007 3973.02 1011.38119 63.5 0.578 3.03
Denmark 2007 58487.05 13752.29616 77.0 0.749 7.18
Finland 2008 53554.04 13117.45211 74.6 0.823 6.92
Chile 2008 10751.48 2746.41204 78.6 0.625 4.14
Singapore 2008 40007.47 11193.65766 87.3 0.843 6.71
Croatia 2008 16296.81 4594.08382 54.1 0.692 5.43
Morocco 2008 2890.36 1009.56246 55.6 0.469 2.60
Malta 2008 22205.36 4449.25727 66.0 0.674 5.68
Argentina 2008 9020.87 1714.88250 54.2 0.588 4.16
Latvia 2008 16422.11 5246.59189 68.3 0.673 5.31
Moldova 2008 2111.20 717.73805 57.9 0.551 3.57
Israel 2008 29567.80 5902.68064 66.3 0.719 6.20
Romania 2008 10435.04 3890.86406 61.7 0.605 4.67
Brazil 2008 8831.02 1713.27074 56.2 0.531 3.72
Costa Rica 2008 6859.08 1638.72808 64.2 0.592 3.45
Cyprus 2008 35397.36 6998.22122 71.3 0.674 5.02
Cameroon 2008 1371.75 332.45966 54.3 0.377 1.40
Czech Republic 2008 22804.58 6669.97486 68.1 0.727 5.42
Austria 2008 51708.77 12017.07001 71.4 0.743 6.41
Lithuania 2008 14945.00 3895.63006 70.9 0.686 5.44
Norway 2008 96944.10 22020.83297 68.6 0.771 7.12
Slovenia 2008 27483.34 8091.91008 60.2 0.750 6.19
Switzerland 2008 72487.85 17390.90639 79.5 0.771 7.06
Iceland 2008 56409.77 14432.75281 75.8 0.756 7.12
Georgia 2008 3324.74 732.71811 69.2 0.543 2.96
Albania 2008 4370.54 1483.76796 62.4 0.528 2.99
Bahrain 2008 23066.53 7963.18315 72.2 0.600 5.16
Uganda 2008 474.52 107.94453 63.8 0.337 1.24
South Africa 2008 5760.81 1354.43895 63.4 0.422 2.71
Italy 2008 40778.34 8669.52814 62.6 0.759 6.10
Ukraine 2008 3887.24 973.35480 51.0 0.636 3.83
Portugal 2008 24847.55 5678.21963 63.9 0.740 5.70
Mexico 2008 10016.57 2319.17494 66.2 0.584 3.26
Paraguay 2008 4041.58 766.15031 60.0 0.509 2.66
New Zealand 2008 31290.25 7087.30055 80.7 0.778 6.65
Burkina Faso 2008 643.40 111.32119 55.7 0.308 0.98
Oman 2008 22139.68 6778.88975 67.3 0.540 3.45
Hungary 2008 15753.47 3681.90551 67.6 0.694 5.47
Luxembourg 2008 114293.84 23164.62713 74.7 0.703 7.34
Mauritius 2008 8030.06 1907.66753 72.6 0.597 3.43
Chad 2008 929.38 198.01388 47.8 0.283 0.80
Indonesia 2008 2166.85 598.80300 53.2 0.488 2.39
Turkey 2008 10940.99 2911.16251 59.9 0.620 3.81
Spain 2008 35366.26 9835.90019 69.1 0.707 6.18
United States 2008 48382.56 10325.75569 81.0 0.699 6.55
Azerbaijan 2008 5574.60 1035.69309 55.3 0.487 2.97
Botswana 2008 5713.53 1747.34958 68.2 0.362 2.25
Madagascar 2008 536.35 202.69191 62.4 0.386 1.20
Zimbabwe 2008 356.69 11.72062 29.5 0.397 1.49
Canada 2008 46594.45 10948.31739 80.2 0.770 6.42
Kazakhstan 2008 8458.02 2270.23159 61.1 0.604 3.39
Colombia 2008 5472.54 1199.23967 62.2 0.575 3.39
Estonia 2008 18227.12 5667.31855 77.9 0.714 5.81
Belgium 2008 48106.89 11577.99371 71.7 0.751 6.31
Senegal 2008 1411.93 315.77162 58.3 0.385 1.46
Algeria 2008 4923.84 1439.35947 56.2 0.529 2.41
France 2008 45334.11 10702.91528 64.7 0.756 6.48
Peru 2008 4220.62 988.74623 63.8 0.533 3.12
Bulgaria 2008 7265.74 2398.07872 63.7 0.649 4.75
Germany 2008 45427.15 9219.32902 70.6 0.769 6.87
Australia 2008 49601.66 14024.05738 82.2 0.757 6.78
Greece 2008 31997.28 7619.74713 60.6 0.718 5.70
Jordan 2008 3455.77 949.31749 64.1 0.559 3.29
Netherlands 2008 57644.48 12769.37840 77.4 0.799 7.30
Malaysia 2008 8474.59 1743.24993 63.9 0.581 3.96
Ireland 2008 61262.10 15179.40736 82.5 0.763 6.43
Uruguay 2008 9091.08 1868.52010 67.9 0.590 4.21
Poland 2008 13996.03 3226.16528 60.3 0.692 5.29
Ecuador 2008 4249.02 950.65782 55.2 0.516 2.87
Saudi Arabia 2008 20078.26 4596.62829 62.5 0.545 4.13
Panama 2008 7154.27 2257.17521 64.7 0.519 3.52
Sweden 2008 56152.55 13774.94580 70.8 0.757 7.53
Japan 2008 39339.30 9448.47458 73.0 0.823 7.01
United Kingdom 2008 47287.00 8251.49322 79.4 0.762 7.03
Namibia 2008 4158.03 1052.72659 61.4 0.384 2.06
Benin 2008 1120.89 177.60485 55.2 0.361 1.27
Tunisia 2008 4307.16 1017.82916 60.1 0.525 2.98
United Arab Emirates 2008 44498.93 9956.14642 62.6 0.611 5.63
Thailand 2008 4379.66 1158.31964 62.3 0.580 3.03
Denmark 2008 64322.06 14758.01870 79.2 0.751 7.46
Finland 2009 47293.99 10856.32985 74.5 0.821 7.19
Chile 2009 10208.91 2293.04347 78.3 0.628 4.65
Singapore 2009 38927.21 11225.61758 87.1 0.846 6.86
Croatia 2009 14540.64 3667.63546 55.1 0.695 5.48
Morocco 2009 2866.92 921.20355 57.7 0.472 3.06
Malta 2009 21083.28 3854.92411 66.1 0.677 6.07
Argentina 2009 8225.14 1281.62053 52.3 0.590 4.71
Latvia 2009 12288.21 2740.77516 66.6 0.678 5.55
Moldova 2009 1899.01 429.10767 54.9 0.554 4.07
Israel 2009 27715.64 5206.51583 67.6 0.722 6.24
Romania 2009 8548.12 2222.30405 63.2 0.604 4.61
Brazil 2009 8597.92 1640.13475 56.7 0.533 4.19
Costa Rica 2009 6760.48 1428.45287 66.4 0.594 4.20
Cyprus 2009 32109.24 5538.21382 70.8 0.682 5.36
Cameroon 2009 1314.71 310.25663 53.0 0.379 1.61
Czech Republic 2009 19861.70 5484.77023 69.4 0.731 5.64
Austria 2009 47963.18 10749.99136 71.2 0.745 6.53
Lithuania 2009 11820.78 2114.14048 70.0 0.689 5.47
Norway 2009 79977.70 18602.88873 70.2 0.771 7.37
Slovenia 2009 24694.23 5958.87047 62.9 0.753 6.17
Switzerland 2009 69927.47 15883.61110 79.4 0.771 7.19
Iceland 2009 41333.42 6256.00877 75.9 0.755 7.57
Georgia 2009 2822.67 443.53512 69.8 0.548 3.63
Albania 2009 4114.14 1345.68869 63.7 0.538 3.42
Bahrain 2009 19355.90 4889.28603 74.8 0.606 5.54
Uganda 2009 796.53 192.25060 63.5 0.342 1.49
South Africa 2009 5862.80 1261.17808 63.8 0.422 3.35
Italy 2009 37079.76 7462.51419 61.4 0.758 6.03
Ukraine 2009 2543.00 442.94385 48.8 0.636 4.06
Portugal 2009 23059.80 4889.04492 64.9 0.743 5.69
Mexico 2009 8002.97 1769.45689 65.8 0.587 3.52
Paraguay 2009 3624.57 672.13207 61.0 0.511 2.94
New Zealand 2009 28205.73 5667.36596 82.0 0.778 6.76
Burkina Faso 2009 624.18 117.29232 59.5 0.314 1.13
Oman 2009 16823.79 5603.36064 67.0 0.547 4.16
Hungary 2009 13046.48 2960.65724 66.8 0.694 5.47
Luxembourg 2009 103198.67 18994.19526 75.2 0.702 7.14
Mauritius 2009 7318.13 1866.93041 74.3 0.600 3.96
Chad 2009 803.69 236.41807 47.5 0.284 0.88
Indonesia 2009 2261.25 704.04662 53.4 0.493 2.79
Turkey 2009 9103.71 2019.02938 61.6 0.622 4.15
Spain 2009 32042.47 7398.14938 70.1 0.710 6.18
United States 2009 47099.98 8866.53337 80.7 0.701 6.88
Azerbaijan 2009 4950.29 931.61735 58.0 0.497 3.83
Botswana 2009 5255.77 1834.77069 69.7 0.367 2.80
Madagascar 2009 467.54 173.72999 62.2 0.386 1.28
Zimbabwe 2009 771.60 76.61363 22.7 0.403 1.97
Canada 2009 40773.06 9129.05405 80.5 0.773 6.68
Kazakhstan 2009 7165.22 1991.33921 60.1 0.614 4.34
Colombia 2009 5193.24 1176.09824 62.3 0.577 3.72
Estonia 2009 14794.97 3336.36345 76.4 0.719 6.25
Belgium 2009 44583.54 10188.49362 72.1 0.752 6.50
Senegal 2009 1317.24 259.33266 56.3 0.388 1.72
Algeria 2009 3883.13 1484.77192 56.6 0.529 2.78
France 2009 41575.42 9179.83576 63.3 0.757 6.61
Peru 2009 4196.31 929.00623 64.6 0.539 3.35
Bulgaria 2009 6988.23 1941.40210 64.6 0.649 4.96
Germany 2009 41485.90 7997.33272 70.5 0.769 6.90
Australia 2009 42772.36 11801.74906 82.6 0.760 6.94
Greece 2009 29710.97 6177.35034 60.8 0.715 5.77
Jordan 2009 3559.69 953.63616 65.4 0.558 3.69
Netherlands 2009 52514.03 11191.50984 77.0 0.799 7.34
Malaysia 2009 7292.49 1602.62462 64.6 0.585 4.36
Ireland 2009 52105.15 10989.42456 82.2 0.767 6.49
Uruguay 2009 9451.93 1771.74770 69.1 0.591 4.82
Poland 2009 11526.06 2471.58828 60.3 0.698 5.50
Ecuador 2009 4231.62 965.02503 52.5 0.524 3.36
Saudi Arabia 2009 16113.14 4168.18389 64.3 0.548 4.62
Panama 2009 7576.14 2194.92562 64.7 0.518 3.81
Sweden 2009 46946.96 10560.14941 70.5 0.761 7.71
Japan 2009 40855.18 9137.26991 72.8 0.823 7.10
United Kingdom 2009 38713.14 6166.07257 79.0 0.764 7.20
Namibia 2009 4240.69 1185.41720 62.4 0.390 2.45
Benin 2009 1084.39 179.63582 55.4 0.365 1.41
Tunisia 2009 4128.46 1004.59833 58.0 0.524 3.29
United Arab Emirates 2009 32024.18 9259.15233 64.7 0.616 5.46
Thailand 2009 4213.01 973.58173 63.0 0.583 3.52
Denmark 2009 58163.28 11730.89323 79.6 0.752 7.64
Finland 2010 46459.97 10358.87287 73.8 0.817 7.96
Chile 2010 12808.03 2760.74832 77.2 0.626 4.90
Singapore 2010 47236.96 12078.35904 86.1 0.847 7.62
Croatia 2010 13949.33 2954.90357 59.2 0.693 5.82
Morocco 2010 2839.93 883.54142 59.2 0.474 3.55
Malta 2010 21799.17 4576.20525 67.2 0.680 6.67
Argentina 2010 10385.96 1728.37676 51.2 0.589 5.02
Latvia 2010 11383.52 2176.60520 66.2 0.676 6.22
Moldova 2010 2437.53 549.03606 53.7 0.556 4.28
Israel 2010 30693.59 5798.13745 67.7 0.718 6.69
Romania 2010 8214.08 2141.61764 64.2 0.600 4.99
Brazil 2010 11286.24 2319.71574 55.6 0.533 4.29
Costa Rica 2010 8141.91 1600.69010 65.9 0.598 4.07
Cyprus 2010 31023.64 5192.73536 70.9 0.686 5.75
Cameroon 2010 1286.52 301.91957 52.3 0.380 1.60
Czech Republic 2010 19960.07 5418.92262 69.8 0.727 6.30
Austria 2010 46858.04 10119.80217 71.6 0.738 6.90
Lithuania 2010 11990.66 2021.53800 70.3 0.688 6.02
Norway 2010 87693.79 18194.97615 69.4 0.771 8.16
Slovenia 2010 23509.54 4956.18472 64.7 0.752 6.69
Switzerland 2010 74605.72 16997.00278 81.1 0.768 7.60
Iceland 2010 43024.92 6047.17897 73.7 0.755 8.19
Georgia 2010 3233.30 611.71785 70.4 0.541 3.76
Albania 2010 4094.35 1163.96025 66.0 0.544 3.65
Bahrain 2010 20722.14 5397.18764 76.3 0.605 5.42
Uganda 2010 819.01 211.66097 62.2 0.344 1.57
South Africa 2010 7328.62 1411.93024 62.8 0.425 3.65
Italy 2010 36000.52 7203.41779 62.7 0.750 6.38
Ukraine 2010 2965.14 505.11267 46.4 0.633 4.41
Portugal 2010 22498.69 4628.84049 64.4 0.743 6.15
Mexico 2010 9271.40 1998.37040 68.3 0.589 3.70
Paraguay 2010 4355.93 928.19221 61.3 0.511 3.11
New Zealand 2010 33700.13 6623.33188 82.1 0.779 7.17
Burkina Faso 2010 647.84 130.36255 59.4 0.320 1.13
Oman 2010 18712.58 4629.91895 67.7 0.548 4.41
Hungary 2010 13191.62 2652.68192 66.1 0.690 5.92
Luxembourg 2010 104965.31 18482.47100 75.4 0.700 7.82
Mauritius 2010 8000.38 1932.69841 76.3 0.600 4.31
Chad 2010 892.57 300.10041 47.5 0.286 0.88
Indonesia 2010 3122.36 967.60502 55.5 0.496 3.11
Turkey 2010 10742.43 2640.78465 63.8 0.627 4.56
Spain 2010 30502.72 6655.66021 69.6 0.708 6.53
United States 2010 48467.52 8922.75034 78.0 0.692 7.30
Azerbaijan 2010 5842.81 1061.44649 58.8 0.497 4.21
Botswana 2010 6434.82 2163.13935 70.3 0.368 2.86
Madagascar 2010 471.96 122.17086 63.2 0.389 1.34
Zimbabwe 2010 948.33 161.32766 21.4 0.410 1.97
Canada 2010 47448.01 11145.45617 80.4 0.774 7.03
Kazakhstan 2010 9070.49 2206.60918 61.0 0.594 4.81
Colombia 2010 6336.71 1396.79917 65.5 0.580 3.91
Estonia 2010 14790.82 3115.43893 74.7 0.726 6.70
Belgium 2010 44141.88 9728.71032 70.1 0.753 6.76
Senegal 2010 1280.23 235.45382 54.6 0.390 1.80
Algeria 2010 4479.34 1625.24779 56.9 0.531 2.99
France 2010 40638.33 8980.81484 64.2 0.757 7.22
Peru 2010 5082.35 1195.03332 67.6 0.545 3.64
Bulgaria 2010 6812.41 1520.35006 62.3 0.637 5.45
Germany 2010 41531.93 8119.64939 71.1 0.761 7.28
Australia 2010 52022.13 14115.99169 82.6 0.755 7.32
Greece 2010 26917.76 4727.57624 62.7 0.715 6.20
Jordan 2010 3736.65 1004.98620 66.1 0.557 3.82
Netherlands 2010 50950.03 10050.92025 75.0 0.797 7.82
Malaysia 2010 9040.57 2028.28716 64.8 0.584 4.85
Ireland 2010 48715.18 8545.29200 81.3 0.766 7.04
Uruguay 2010 11992.02 2286.89011 69.8 0.591 5.19
Poland 2010 12613.01 2555.72211 63.2 0.701 6.38
Ecuador 2010 4633.59 1141.01362 49.3 0.526 3.65
Saudi Arabia 2010 19262.55 4704.34453 64.1 0.548 4.96
Panama 2010 8082.03 2393.37061 64.8 0.513 4.07
Sweden 2010 52869.04 11942.68450 72.4 0.762 8.43
Japan 2010 44507.68 9526.04045 72.9 0.816 7.73
United Kingdom 2010 39435.84 6229.45108 76.5 0.765 7.62
Namibia 2010 5318.01 1344.59551 62.2 0.394 2.63
Benin 2010 1036.53 182.94821 55.4 0.366 1.63
Tunisia 2010 4141.98 1018.34766 58.9 0.525 3.62
United Arab Emirates 2010 33893.30 8392.14256 67.3 0.621 5.38
Thailand 2010 5076.34 1217.95116 64.1 0.585 3.62
Denmark 2010 58041.40 10513.43839 77.9 0.749 8.18
Finland 2011 51082.00 11552.90385 74.0 0.818 7.99
Chile 2011 14637.24 3384.08598 77.4 0.636 5.08
Singapore 2011 53890.43 13615.37082 87.2 0.854 7.55
Croatia 2011 14609.52 2949.54922 61.1 0.700 6.14
Morocco 2011 3046.95 973.91840 59.6 0.477 3.59
Malta 2011 23155.55 4205.54788 65.7 0.683 6.85
Argentina 2011 12848.86 2216.20868 51.7 0.594 5.06
Latvia 2011 13895.16 3051.63674 65.8 0.687 6.00
Moldova 2011 2942.26 681.48666 55.7 0.560 4.46
Israel 2011 33669.25 6888.71451 68.5 0.729 6.70
Romania 2011 9099.22 2479.00932 64.7 0.601 5.05
Brazil 2011 13245.61 2728.91310 56.3 0.537 4.59
Costa Rica 2011 9121.93 1793.56510 67.3 0.599 4.47
Cyprus 2011 32396.39 4665.08993 73.3 0.697 5.71
Cameroon 2011 1405.09 339.86266 51.8 0.382 1.66
Czech Republic 2011 21871.27 5851.62753 70.4 0.738 6.30
Austria 2011 51374.96 11544.83447 71.9 0.750 7.10
Lithuania 2011 14392.53 2656.84518 71.3 0.694 5.79
Norway 2011 100600.56 21602.68503 70.3 0.771 7.97
Slovenia 2011 25095.13 5005.07950 64.6 0.760 6.60
Switzerland 2011 88415.63 20726.96545 81.9 0.769 7.62
Iceland 2011 47516.87 7316.65291 68.2 0.752 8.12
Georgia 2011 4021.74 816.97013 70.4 0.557 4.24
Albania 2011 4437.14 1303.02070 64.0 0.557 3.80
Bahrain 2011 22514.24 4742.99252 77.7 0.617 5.79
Uganda 2011 829.01 213.17847 61.7 0.350 1.72
South Africa 2011 8007.48 1530.73908 62.7 0.421 3.67
Italy 2011 38599.06 7612.06120 60.3 0.756 6.43
Ukraine 2011 3569.76 629.93761 45.8 0.637 4.38
Portugal 2011 23186.91 4271.08803 64.0 0.750 6.07
Mexico 2011 10203.42 2273.20908 67.8 0.592 3.78
Paraguay 2011 5322.96 1116.38926 62.3 0.515 3.10
New Zealand 2011 38437.54 7627.24893 82.3 0.776 7.31
Burkina Faso 2011 751.17 158.60078 60.6 0.328 1.11
Oman 2011 20876.79 4858.17827 69.8 0.561 4.80
Hungary 2011 14216.17 2781.03085 66.6 0.694 5.91
Luxembourg 2011 115761.51 22201.65965 76.2 0.699 7.76
Mauritius 2011 9197.03 2157.57284 76.2 0.605 4.23
Chad 2011 984.74 278.48693 45.3 0.287 0.94
Indonesia 2011 3643.04 1142.31533 56.0 0.502 3.14
Turkey 2011 11420.77 3172.49108 64.2 0.625 4.47
Spain 2011 31636.45 6332.54003 70.2 0.715 6.65
United States 2011 49886.82 9372.28559 77.8 0.706 7.35
Azerbaijan 2011 7189.69 1450.70746 59.7 0.519 4.62
Botswana 2011 7617.33 2440.96060 68.8 0.378 2.83
Madagascar 2011 531.27 131.14833 61.2 0.386 1.28
Zimbabwe 2011 1093.65 160.05309 22.1 0.415 2.16
Canada 2011 52087.45 12289.11643 80.8 0.778 7.14
Kazakhstan 2011 11634.00 2497.20373 62.1 0.634 5.41
Colombia 2011 7335.17 1607.56238 68.0 0.582 3.89
Estonia 2011 17621.55 4620.82207 75.2 0.729 6.74
Belgium 2011 47348.53 10871.27469 70.2 0.754 6.85
Senegal 2011 1373.52 287.24194 55.7 0.395 1.88
Algeria 2011 5462.26 1729.94259 52.4 0.529 2.98
France 2011 43790.73 9825.10998 64.6 0.758 7.26
Peru 2011 5869.32 1370.40081 68.6 0.551 3.58
Bulgaria 2011 7809.43 1635.74500 64.9 0.649 5.50
Germany 2011 46644.78 9504.82917 71.8 0.768 7.33
Australia 2011 62517.83 16293.62618 82.5 0.765 7.54
Greece 2011 25916.29 3956.62358 60.3 0.710 6.21
Jordan 2011 3852.75 955.20475 68.9 0.557 3.90
Netherlands 2011 54159.35 10902.72529 74.7 0.799 7.85
Malaysia 2011 10399.37 2306.90733 66.3 0.593 4.81
Ireland 2011 51848.91 8607.81302 78.7 0.775 7.10
Uruguay 2011 14236.68 2721.84952 70.0 0.593 5.38
Poland 2011 13879.56 2863.65420 64.1 0.709 6.22
Ecuador 2011 5200.56 1342.88527 47.1 0.539 3.73
Saudi Arabia 2011 23745.80 5377.16477 66.2 0.555 5.46
Panama 2011 9358.25 2914.00230 64.9 0.518 4.38
Sweden 2011 60755.76 13863.58843 71.9 0.769 8.41
Japan 2011 48168.00 10560.65335 72.8 0.824 7.77
United Kingdom 2011 42038.57 6481.31067 74.5 0.767 7.63
Namibia 2011 5723.33 1299.11596 62.7 0.401 2.60
Benin 2011 1130.27 206.00729 56.0 0.373 1.57
Tunisia 2011 4264.67 932.12603 58.5 0.521 3.58
United Arab Emirates 2011 39194.68 8401.69017 67.8 0.628 5.68
Thailand 2011 5492.12 1418.96473 64.7 0.589 3.42
Denmark 2011 61753.65 11213.36832 78.6 0.755 8.18
Finland 2012 47710.79 11010.62049 72.3 0.817 8.27
Chile 2012 15351.55 3818.81153 78.3 0.639 5.68
Singapore 2012 55546.49 14680.93042 87.5 0.858 7.85
Croatia 2012 13258.36 2596.27862 60.9 0.703 6.70
Morocco 2012 2912.66 963.62097 60.2 0.480 4.09
Malta 2012 22527.64 3966.21510 67.0 0.687 7.08
Argentina 2012 13082.66 2074.58682 48.0 0.596 5.58
Latvia 2012 13926.35 3503.73048 65.2 0.692 6.84
Moldova 2012 3045.74 719.82746 54.4 0.563 5.44
Israel 2012 32511.24 6818.64732 67.8 0.732 7.25
Romania 2012 8507.10 2342.40424 64.4 0.600 5.52
Brazil 2012 12370.02 2564.13735 57.9 0.539 5.16
Costa Rica 2012 9913.21 2041.93659 68.0 0.602 5.64
Cyprus 2012 28912.16 3412.16946 71.8 0.705 6.09
Cameroon 2012 1354.55 308.34032 51.8 0.384 1.98
Czech Republic 2012 19870.80 5197.28128 69.9 0.741 6.57
Austria 2012 48567.70 11000.23950 70.3 0.752 7.46
Lithuania 2012 14373.06 2490.01325 71.5 0.697 6.50
Norway 2012 101524.14 22715.62056 68.8 0.771 8.35
Slovenia 2012 22643.10 4309.37068 62.9 0.763 6.96
Switzerland 2012 83538.23 19882.80151 81.1 0.768 7.94
Iceland 2012 45910.02 7335.54096 70.9 0.751 8.58
Georgia 2012 4421.82 977.88228 69.4 0.562 4.48
Albania 2012 4247.63 1125.14100 65.1 0.566 4.42
Bahrain 2012 23654.35 6348.19160 75.2 0.623 7.22
Uganda 2012 786.73 197.78979 61.9 0.355 1.90
South Africa 2012 7501.66 1442.40218 62.7 0.421 4.19
Italy 2012 35053.53 6415.88538 58.8 0.755 6.66
Ukraine 2012 3855.42 732.27655 46.1 0.637 4.97
Portugal 2012 20564.89 3254.23340 63.0 0.753 6.57
Mexico 2012 10241.73 2336.40566 65.3 0.594 4.07
Paraguay 2012 5183.08 1012.22383 61.8 0.517 3.56
New Zealand 2012 39982.75 8217.83999 82.1 0.776 7.62
Burkina Faso 2012 758.00 167.93546 60.6 0.334 1.35
Oman 2012 21872.62 4756.98909 67.9 0.568 5.43
Hungary 2012 12950.69 2486.55687 67.1 0.695 6.35
Luxembourg 2012 106749.01 21523.86239 74.5 0.698 8.19
Mauritius 2012 9291.23 2098.21317 77.0 0.607 4.96
Chad 2012 967.35 300.84928 44.8 0.288 1.09
Indonesia 2012 3694.35 1207.47469 56.4 0.507 3.70
Turkey 2012 11795.32 3188.08285 62.5 0.626 5.12
Spain 2012 28324.43 5238.05854 69.1 0.717 7.14
United States 2012 51610.61 10100.97824 76.3 0.708 7.90
Azerbaijan 2012 7496.29 1683.30695 58.9 0.530 5.22
Botswana 2012 7050.57 2554.25901 69.6 0.383 3.94
Madagascar 2012 518.15 121.07018 62.4 0.386 1.43
Zimbabwe 2012 1304.97 158.53217 26.3 0.420 2.68
Canada 2012 52678.39 12905.37348 79.9 0.781 7.37
Kazakhstan 2012 12386.70 2824.55840 63.6 0.644 5.80
Colombia 2012 8050.26 1700.63331 68.0 0.584 4.61
Estonia 2012 17534.42 4996.76023 73.2 0.734 7.54
Belgium 2012 44673.12 10263.86044 69.0 0.755 7.33
Senegal 2012 1329.98 272.81246 55.4 0.398 2.20
Algeria 2012 5591.21 1722.04367 51.0 0.529 3.30
France 2012 40874.70 9183.70018 63.2 0.758 7.73
Peru 2012 6528.97 1635.15014 68.7 0.557 3.92
Bulgaria 2012 7395.85 1569.86244 64.7 0.649 6.12
Germany 2012 43858.36 8915.04710 71.0 0.768 7.72
Australia 2012 68012.15 18650.91837 83.1 0.767 8.03
Greece 2012 22242.68 2808.19672 55.4 0.707 6.70
Jordan 2012 3909.91 828.79000 69.9 0.557 4.48
Netherlands 2012 50073.01 9370.35846 73.3 0.799 8.36
Malaysia 2012 10817.44 2743.67654 66.4 0.596 5.18
Ireland 2012 48917.90 9591.93690 76.9 0.779 7.48
Uruguay 2012 15171.58 3361.01934 69.9 0.594 5.92
Poland 2012 13097.27 2601.41180 64.2 0.715 6.63
Ecuador 2012 5682.05 1532.09782 48.3 0.547 4.28
Saudi Arabia 2012 25243.36 5625.07111 62.5 0.558 6.01
Panama 2012 10722.28 3803.26970 65.2 0.517 4.69
Sweden 2012 58037.82 13236.16448 71.7 0.773 8.68
Japan 2012 48603.48 10890.94171 71.6 0.825 8.15
United Kingdom 2012 42462.77 6577.68581 74.1 0.769 8.28
Namibia 2012 5942.22 1529.96156 61.9 0.406 3.08
Benin 2012 1145.14 185.55896 55.7 0.376 1.75
Tunisia 2012 4152.68 934.02568 58.6 0.520 4.07
United Arab Emirates 2012 40976.50 8528.23973 69.3 0.633 6.27
Thailand 2012 5860.58 1577.33457 64.9 0.592 4.09
Denmark 2012 58507.51 10986.36489 76.2 0.756 8.78
Finland 2013 49878.04 10977.16814 74.0 0.815 8.31
Chile 2013 15842.94 3929.73433 79.0 0.643 5.92
Singapore 2013 56967.43 15693.50928 88.0 0.862 7.90
Croatia 2013 13674.42 2687.88018 61.3 0.705 6.90
Morocco 2013 3121.68 975.64811 59.6 0.483 4.27
Malta 2013 24771.08 4093.14116 67.5 0.690 7.25
Argentina 2013 13080.25 2130.70956 46.7 0.598 5.80
Latvia 2013 15120.78 3481.72681 66.5 0.696 7.03
Moldova 2013 3322.04 765.19371 55.5 0.566 5.72
Israel 2013 36309.47 7417.37065 66.9 0.735 7.29
Romania 2013 9547.85 2358.45561 65.1 0.599 5.83
Brazil 2013 12300.32 2571.67995 57.7 0.541 5.50
Costa Rica 2013 10490.08 2048.30641 67.0 0.604 5.92
Cyprus 2013 27729.19 2949.31690 69.0 0.712 6.11
Cameroon 2013 1465.64 331.47931 52.3 0.385 2.10
Czech Republic 2013 20133.17 5105.74803 70.9 0.745 6.72
Austria 2013 50716.71 11685.22988 71.8 0.754 7.62
Lithuania 2013 15726.63 2897.11106 72.1 0.699 6.74
Norway 2013 102913.45 24214.39544 70.5 0.771 8.39
Slovenia 2013 23496.60 4613.22771 61.7 0.766 7.13
Switzerland 2013 85112.46 20026.34082 81.0 0.767 8.11
Iceland 2013 49522.24 7751.59746 72.1 0.750 8.64
Georgia 2013 4623.75 868.77862 72.2 0.567 4.86
Albania 2013 4413.06 1150.90754 65.2 0.576 4.72
Bahrain 2013 24744.30 6127.60534 75.5 0.629 7.40
Uganda 2013 806.60 245.54762 61.1 0.359 1.94
South Africa 2013 6832.73 1392.09772 61.8 0.421 4.42
Italy 2013 35549.97 6109.51153 60.6 0.754 6.94
Ukraine 2013 4029.71 679.46877 46.3 0.637 5.15
Portugal 2013 21647.04 3193.28152 63.1 0.757 6.67
Mexico 2013 10725.18 2280.62337 67.0 0.597 4.29
Paraguay 2013 5926.83 1127.01475 61.1 0.519 3.71
New Zealand 2013 42962.99 9113.42827 81.4 0.775 7.82
Burkina Faso 2013 787.47 184.91833 59.9 0.341 1.56
Oman 2013 20865.79 5114.36121 68.1 0.575 6.10
Hungary 2013 13687.51 2852.20784 67.3 0.695 6.52
Luxembourg 2013 113625.13 22171.38349 74.2 0.697 8.26
Mauritius 2013 9637.00 2008.62217 76.9 0.610 5.22
Chad 2013 979.81 280.05677 45.2 0.290 1.11
Indonesia 2013 3623.91 1159.62103 56.9 0.512 3.83
Turkey 2013 12614.48 3582.31456 62.9 0.627 5.29
Spain 2013 29059.55 5040.75018 68.0 0.720 7.38
United States 2013 53117.67 10506.53808 76.0 0.710 8.02
Azerbaijan 2013 7875.76 2031.46394 59.7 0.540 5.65
Botswana 2013 7224.97 2420.19623 70.6 0.388 4.01
Madagascar 2013 541.07 106.88658 62.0 0.385 1.42
Zimbabwe 2013 1430.00 131.29368 28.6 0.426 2.89
Canada 2013 52652.59 12741.23040 79.4 0.784 7.62
Kazakhstan 2013 13890.63 3039.57396 63.0 0.654 6.08
Colombia 2013 8218.35 1753.66370 69.6 0.586 4.95
Estonia 2013 19174.10 5315.17317 75.3 0.739 7.68
Belgium 2013 46744.66 10394.81757 69.2 0.756 7.57
Senegal 2013 1376.07 304.30534 55.5 0.401 2.46
Algeria 2013 5498.78 1879.69437 49.6 0.530 3.42
France 2013 42592.93 9394.12628 64.1 0.759 7.87
Peru 2013 6756.75 1709.51230 68.2 0.563 4.00
Bulgaria 2013 7655.13 1627.45787 65.0 0.649 6.31
Germany 2013 46285.76 9213.14931 72.8 0.768 7.90
Australia 2013 68150.11 18981.21547 82.6 0.769 8.18
Greece 2013 21874.82 2659.41003 55.4 0.704 6.85
Jordan 2013 4043.75 787.86700 70.4 0.556 4.62
Netherlands 2013 52184.06 9580.80583 73.5 0.798 8.38
Malaysia 2013 10970.12 2904.56569 66.1 0.600 5.20
Ireland 2013 51590.19 9574.33862 75.7 0.782 7.57
Uruguay 2013 16973.67 3707.47534 69.7 0.595 6.32
Poland 2013 13696.47 2592.49277 66.0 0.721 6.60
Ecuador 2013 6056.33 1668.73808 46.9 0.555 4.56
Saudi Arabia 2013 24844.74 5889.68951 60.6 0.562 6.36
Panama 2013 11889.13 4671.07138 62.5 0.517 4.75
Sweden 2013 61126.94 13749.45718 72.9 0.777 8.67
Japan 2013 40454.45 9415.82643 71.8 0.825 8.22
United Kingdom 2013 43444.53 6814.46700 74.8 0.771 8.50
Namibia 2013 5377.73 1660.95250 60.3 0.412 3.24
Benin 2013 1251.21 259.10396 57.6 0.380 1.84
Tunisia 2013 4222.70 925.28575 57.0 0.519 4.23
United Arab Emirates 2013 42412.63 7724.85467 71.1 0.639 7.03
Thailand 2013 6168.26 1570.19273 64.1 0.595 4.76
Denmark 2013 61191.19 11658.38597 76.1 0.758 8.86
Finland 2014 50260.30 10791.91009 73.4 0.814 8.07
Chile 2014 14671.00 3499.40016 78.7 0.646 5.93
Singapore 2014 57562.53 16191.30910 89.4 0.866 7.89
Croatia 2014 13599.41 2618.58900 60.4 0.708 6.80
Morocco 2014 3171.70 961.05458 58.3 0.486 4.26
Malta 2014 26754.27 4457.21225 66.4 0.693 7.35
Argentina 2014 12334.80 1971.09509 44.6 0.600 6.04
Latvia 2014 15713.54 3583.94490 68.7 0.701 6.89
Moldova 2014 3328.80 861.92326 57.3 0.569 5.62
Israel 2014 37678.89 7548.36337 68.4 0.738 7.36
Romania 2014 10043.68 2446.82474 65.5 0.598 5.90
Brazil 2014 12112.59 2406.74201 56.9 0.543 5.49
Costa Rica 2014 10547.15 2059.06869 66.9 0.607 5.71
Cyprus 2014 27129.63 2681.77813 67.6 0.720 6.60
Cameroon 2014 1542.62 366.21154 52.6 0.387 2.05
Czech Republic 2014 19890.92 5053.01425 72.2 0.749 6.83
Austria 2014 51717.50 11700.89334 72.4 0.757 7.59
Lithuania 2014 16564.96 3125.80577 73.0 0.702 6.76
Norway 2014 97019.18 23164.22540 70.9 0.771 8.35
Slovenia 2014 24214.92 4626.88532 62.7 0.769 7.10
Switzerland 2014 86605.56 20638.32508 81.6 0.766 8.29
Iceland 2014 54241.93 9326.42505 72.4 0.749 8.64
Georgia 2014 4739.19 1035.72674 72.6 0.572 4.97
Albania 2014 4578.63 1106.13646 66.9 0.585 4.57
Bahrain 2014 24989.40 6397.35077 75.1 0.634 7.10
Uganda 2014 879.72 225.16505 59.9 0.363 1.93
South Africa 2014 6433.40 1311.83623 62.5 0.420 4.46
Italy 2014 35518.42 5938.56074 60.9 0.752 6.86
Ukraine 2014 3104.64 416.85890 49.3 0.638 5.10
Portugal 2014 22074.30 3318.11962 63.5 0.760 6.73
Mexico 2014 10928.92 2293.21346 66.8 0.600 4.47
Paraguay 2014 6102.94 1210.04593 62.0 0.521 3.71
New Zealand 2014 44486.20 9938.94641 81.2 0.775 7.92
Burkina Faso 2014 792.85 147.95520 58.9 0.348 1.57
Oman 2014 20035.17 4858.22478 67.4 0.582 5.77
Hungary 2014 14267.01 3146.13882 67.0 0.695 6.57
Luxembourg 2014 118823.65 23725.87533 74.2 0.695 8.33
Mauritius 2014 10153.94 1916.22686 76.5 0.612 5.17
Chad 2014 1020.29 338.46219 44.5 0.291 1.09
Indonesia 2014 3491.62 1136.67986 58.5 0.517 3.76
Turkey 2014 12157.34 3495.96443 64.9 0.629 5.37
Spain 2014 29461.55 5227.95587 67.2 0.723 7.38
United States 2014 55064.74 11184.38180 75.5 0.712 7.93
Azerbaijan 2014 7891.31 2164.61827 61.3 0.551 5.52
Botswana 2014 7780.65 2370.04418 72.0 0.393 3.89
Madagascar 2014 530.86 97.03162 61.7 0.385 1.51
Zimbabwe 2014 1434.90 137.88367 35.5 0.432 2.65
Canada 2014 50893.45 12416.24852 80.2 0.787 7.53
Kazakhstan 2014 12807.26 2760.72167 63.7 0.664 6.05
Colombia 2014 8114.34 1839.56314 70.7 0.589 4.86
Estonia 2014 20367.10 5209.05776 75.9 0.744 7.70
Belgium 2014 47700.54 10884.05563 69.9 0.756 7.51
Senegal 2014 1396.66 327.93047 55.4 0.405 2.36
Algeria 2014 5494.35 2022.76386 50.8 0.530 3.75
France 2014 43011.26 9379.89160 63.5 0.759 7.88
Peru 2014 6672.88 1637.55921 67.4 0.569 4.22
Bulgaria 2014 7876.87 1664.13222 65.7 0.649 6.33
Germany 2014 47959.99 9607.01386 73.4 0.768 7.98
Australia 2014 62510.79 16825.91938 82.0 0.772 8.03
Greece 2014 21760.98 2512.12088 55.7 0.701 6.86
Jordan 2014 4130.88 800.38087 69.2 0.556 4.95
Netherlands 2014 52830.17 9309.21586 74.2 0.798 8.34
Malaysia 2014 11319.08 2940.07399 69.6 0.604 5.62
Ireland 2014 55492.98 11453.00550 76.2 0.786 7.67
Uruguay 2014 16831.97 3608.45903 69.3 0.596 6.32
Poland 2014 14271.31 2841.22785 67.0 0.727 6.67
Ecuador 2014 6377.09 1735.48847 48.0 0.562 4.40
Saudi Arabia 2014 24463.90 6145.48749 62.2 0.565 6.33
Panama 2014 12796.07 5199.34945 63.4 0.516 4.69
Sweden 2014 60020.36 13923.10937 73.1 0.781 8.52
Japan 2014 38109.41 9114.05135 72.4 0.826 8.25
United Kingdom 2014 47425.61 7755.14208 74.9 0.773 8.37
Namibia 2014 5435.17 1924.54633 59.4 0.418 3.23
Benin 2014 1291.41 279.43090 57.1 0.384 1.84
Tunisia 2014 4305.47 875.05075 57.3 0.518 4.35
United Arab Emirates 2014 43751.84 8566.14708 71.4 0.645 6.79
Thailand 2014 5951.88 1461.16095 63.3 0.597 4.77
Denmark 2014 62548.98 11986.67234 76.1 0.759 8.66
Finland 2015 42784.70 9083.18428 73.4 0.812 8.36
Chile 2015 13574.17 3227.29957 78.5 0.650 6.31
Singapore 2015 55646.62 15148.27330 89.4 0.869 8.08
Croatia 2015 11781.73 2303.22687 61.5 0.710 7.00
Morocco 2015 2875.26 828.06294 60.1 0.489 4.47
Malta 2015 24921.60 6030.93890 66.5 0.696 7.52
Argentina 2015 13789.06 2146.23210 44.1 0.602 6.40
Latvia 2015 13774.61 3012.92286 69.7 0.706 7.16
Moldova 2015 2732.46 663.78887 57.5 0.572 5.81
Israel 2015 35776.80 6829.29730 70.5 0.741 7.19
Romania 2015 8969.15 2223.58906 66.6 0.596 6.11
Brazil 2015 8814.00 1569.89887 56.6 0.545 6.03
Costa Rica 2015 11299.14 2103.61848 67.2 0.609 6.20
Cyprus 2015 23333.71 2200.67306 67.9 0.727 6.37
Cameroon 2015 1327.50 305.95449 51.9 0.389 2.19
Czech Republic 2015 17829.70 4731.65377 72.5 0.752 7.21
Austria 2015 44178.05 10026.96217 71.2 0.759 7.67
Lithuania 2015 14258.23 2796.20509 74.7 0.705 7.08
Norway 2015 74355.52 17722.16178 71.8 0.771 8.49
Slovenia 2015 20881.77 3895.40807 60.3 0.772 7.23
Switzerland 2015 82081.60 19559.55740 80.5 0.765 8.56
Iceland 2015 52564.43 10196.76195 72.0 0.747 8.86
Georgia 2015 4014.19 977.54033 73.0 0.577 5.25
Albania 2015 3952.80 965.01596 65.7 0.595 4.73
Bahrain 2015 22634.12 5448.49352 73.4 0.640 7.63
Uganda 2015 843.63 190.15475 59.7 0.368 2.14
South Africa 2015 5734.63 1164.76714 62.6 0.420 4.90
Italy 2015 30230.23 5120.97842 61.7 0.751 7.12
Ukraine 2015 2124.66 273.14320 46.9 0.638 5.23
Portugal 2015 19242.37 2985.88020 65.3 0.764 6.93
Mexico 2015 9616.65 2158.24520 66.4 0.602 4.68
Paraguay 2015 5406.70 1050.26354 61.1 0.523 3.79
New Zealand 2015 38501.22 8808.02957 82.1 0.774 8.14
Burkina Faso 2015 653.33 125.09390 58.6 0.354 1.77
Oman 2015 16028.61 4507.97382 66.7 0.589 6.33
Hungary 2015 12706.89 2819.64834 66.8 0.695 6.82
Luxembourg 2015 101376.50 18461.27796 73.2 0.694 8.59
Mauritius 2015 9260.45 1607.55887 76.4 0.615 5.41
Chad 2015 776.02 215.84960 45.9 0.293 1.17
Indonesia 2015 3331.70 1091.40199 58.1 0.521 3.94
Turkey 2015 11006.25 3247.19113 63.2 0.630 5.58
Spain 2015 25732.02 4629.14797 67.6 0.725 7.66
United States 2015 56839.38 11601.97143 76.2 0.715 8.19
Azerbaijan 2015 5500.31 1530.47805 61.0 0.562 5.79
Botswana 2015 6799.87 2311.06700 69.8 0.398 3.82
Madagascar 2015 467.24 88.58534 61.7 0.385 1.51
Zimbabwe 2015 1445.07 144.44304 37.6 0.438 2.90
Canada 2015 43585.51 10391.31042 79.1 0.789 7.76
Kazakhstan 2015 10510.77 2405.02447 63.3 0.674 6.20
Colombia 2015 6175.88 1443.59755 71.7 0.591 5.32
Estonia 2015 17522.23 4260.77345 76.8 0.750 8.05
Belgium 2015 40991.81 9402.00082 68.8 0.757 7.88
Senegal 2015 1219.25 280.63853 57.8 0.408 2.68
Algeria 2015 4187.51 1769.51214 48.9 0.530 3.71
France 2015 36638.18 7873.98356 62.5 0.760 8.12
Peru 2015 6229.10 1438.21039 67.7 0.575 4.26
Bulgaria 2015 7055.94 1475.29556 66.8 0.649 6.52
Germany 2015 41086.73 8226.56237 73.8 0.768 8.22
Australia 2015 56755.72 14863.96012 81.4 0.774 8.29
Greece 2015 18167.77 2100.11983 54.0 0.699 7.09
Jordan 2015 4164.11 792.33735 69.3 0.555 4.75
Netherlands 2015 45175.23 9976.43260 73.7 0.798 8.53
Malaysia 2015 9955.24 2574.98785 70.8 0.608 5.90
Ireland 2015 61995.42 14915.58278 76.6 0.790 7.82
Uruguay 2015 15613.76 3089.37633 68.6 0.597 6.70
Poland 2015 12578.50 2524.55168 68.6 0.733 6.91
Ecuador 2015 6124.49 1627.83268 49.2 0.570 4.81
Saudi Arabia 2015 20627.93 6147.99317 62.1 0.568 7.05
Panama 2015 13630.31 5374.84437 64.1 0.516 4.87
Sweden 2015 51545.48 12245.91512 72.7 0.785 8.67
Japan 2015 34524.47 8179.89476 73.3 0.826 8.47
United Kingdom 2015 44974.83 7617.14988 75.8 0.774 8.75
Namibia 2015 4869.38 1509.72202 59.6 0.423 3.41
Benin 2015 1076.80 220.69765 58.8 0.388 2.05
Tunisia 2015 3861.69 766.45916 57.7 0.517 4.73
United Arab Emirates 2015 38663.38 9038.75336 72.4 0.650 7.32
Thailand 2015 5840.05 1432.47695 62.4 0.600 5.36
Denmark 2015 53254.86 10571.42416 76.3 0.760 8.88
Finland 2016 43784.28 9958.64096 72.6 0.811 7.83
Chile 2016 13753.59 3126.90680 77.7 0.653 6.28
Singapore 2016 56828.30 14949.87105 87.8 0.873 7.85
Croatia 2016 12361.48 2479.29932 59.1 0.713 6.96
Morocco 2016 2896.72 883.26556 61.3 0.492 4.57
Malta 2016 25617.83 6147.74407 66.7 0.699 7.65
Argentina 2016 12790.24 1825.46980 43.8 0.604 6.68
Latvia 2016 14315.79 2765.29770 70.4 0.710 7.05
Moldova 2016 2880.44 639.70977 57.4 0.575 6.21
Israel 2016 37321.62 7681.05725 70.7 0.744 7.71
Romania 2016 9548.59 2191.11261 65.6 0.595 6.23
Brazil 2016 8710.10 1353.29774 56.5 0.547 5.89
Costa Rica 2016 11666.46 2127.84745 67.4 0.612 6.29
Cyprus 2016 24532.52 3243.68816 68.7 0.735 7.30
Cameroon 2016 1364.33 308.23723 54.2 0.391 2.14
Czech Republic 2016 18575.23 4633.15417 73.2 0.756 7.06
Austria 2016 45276.83 10457.26713 71.7 0.761 7.70
Lithuania 2016 14998.13 2978.28186 75.2 0.708 6.97
Norway 2016 70459.18 17757.95875 70.8 0.771 8.45
Slovenia 2016 21663.64 3764.95047 60.6 0.775 7.20
Switzerland 2016 80172.23 19227.69629 81.0 0.764 8.66
Iceland 2016 61466.80 12977.05154 73.3 0.746 8.78
Georgia 2016 4062.17 1077.39999 72.6 0.582 5.59
Albania 2016 4124.06 1004.94791 65.9 0.605 4.90
Bahrain 2016 22608.48 5824.87419 74.3 0.646 7.46
Uganda 2016 733.43 177.73979 59.3 0.372 1.90
South Africa 2016 5272.54 1023.95525 61.9 0.420 4.91
Italy 2016 30939.71 5311.12137 61.2 0.750 6.84
Ukraine 2016 2187.73 320.62097 46.8 0.638 5.31
Portugal 2016 19978.40 3095.30679 65.1 0.767 6.88
Mexico 2016 8744.52 1994.59390 65.2 0.605 4.87
Paraguay 2016 5319.41 1015.91595 61.5 0.525 4.02
New Zealand 2016 39927.80 9052.37766 81.6 0.773 8.23
Burkina Faso 2016 688.25 139.33722 59.1 0.361 1.74
Oman 2016 14618.73 4824.58373 67.1 0.596 6.14
Hungary 2016 13090.51 2554.73528 66.0 0.695 6.74
Luxembourg 2016 104278.39 18913.54184 73.9 0.693 8.40
Mauritius 2016 9681.62 1669.92416 74.7 0.617 5.51
Chad 2016 693.45 163.95640 46.3 0.294 1.06
Indonesia 2016 3562.85 1162.28288 59.4 0.526 3.85
Turkey 2016 10895.32 3169.56321 62.1 0.631 5.66
Spain 2016 26505.34 4754.31773 68.5 0.728 7.61
United States 2016 57951.58 11766.84391 75.4 0.717 8.13
Azerbaijan 2016 3880.74 971.52696 60.2 0.573 6.25
Botswana 2016 7243.87 2250.31144 71.1 0.403 4.51
Madagascar 2016 475.96 90.32327 61.1 0.385 1.70
Zimbabwe 2016 1464.58 143.64400 38.2 0.443 2.85
Canada 2016 42322.48 9637.35652 78.0 0.792 7.64
Kazakhstan 2016 7714.84 1752.75531 63.6 0.684 6.72
Colombia 2016 5870.78 1299.18307 70.8 0.593 5.12
Estonia 2016 18437.25 4466.61115 77.2 0.755 8.16
Belgium 2016 41984.10 9795.76967 68.4 0.758 7.70
Senegal 2016 1269.90 303.86375 58.1 0.411 2.48
Algeria 2016 3945.48 1699.49436 50.1 0.530 4.32
France 2016 37037.37 8078.04028 62.3 0.760 8.05
Peru 2016 6205.00 1330.78235 67.4 0.581 4.61
Bulgaria 2016 7548.86 1392.97643 65.9 0.649 6.66
Germany 2016 42107.52 8549.01492 74.4 0.768 8.20
Australia 2016 49971.13 12649.38103 80.3 0.777 8.08
Greece 2016 18116.46 2184.83699 53.2 0.696 7.08
Jordan 2016 4176.59 729.42117 68.3 0.555 5.97
Netherlands 2016 46007.85 9218.85527 74.6 0.798 8.40
Malaysia 2016 9817.74 2505.26967 71.5 0.612 6.22
Ireland 2016 63197.08 22501.04356 77.3 0.794 7.90
Uruguay 2016 15387.14 2922.09631 68.8 0.598 6.75
Poland 2016 12447.44 2237.75598 69.3 0.739 6.73
Ecuador 2016 6060.09 1520.86672 48.6 0.578 4.52
Saudi Arabia 2016 19879.30 5178.38105 62.1 0.572 6.87
Panama 2016 14343.96 5501.03317 64.8 0.515 4.80
Sweden 2016 51965.16 12596.88897 72.0 0.789 8.41
Japan 2016 38761.82 9055.50949 73.1 0.826 8.32
United Kingdom 2016 41064.13 7071.92096 76.4 0.776 8.53
Namibia 2016 4523.09 982.43536 61.9 0.429 3.33
Benin 2016 1087.29 214.44027 59.3 0.391 1.92
Tunisia 2016 3697.93 715.23779 57.6 0.515 4.70
United Arab Emirates 2016 38141.85 9326.78874 72.6 0.656 7.18
Thailand 2016 5994.23 1421.23012 63.9 0.603 5.31
Denmark 2016 54664.00 11492.98152 75.3 0.762 8.68
Finland 2017 46336.66 10839.43172 74.0 0.814 7.88
Chile 2017 14999.37 3152.58604 76.5 0.674 6.57
Singapore 2017 60913.75 15491.13768 88.6 0.884 8.05
Croatia 2017 13451.62 2683.92976 59.4 0.723 7.24
Morocco 2017 3036.33 882.11268 61.5 0.500 4.77
Malta 2017 28091.86 6111.00832 67.7 0.701 7.86
Argentina 2017 14613.04 2215.65845 50.4 0.611 6.79
Latvia 2017 15682.22 3233.37333 74.8 0.724 7.26
Moldova 2017 3509.69 782.22904 58.0 0.580 6.45
Israel 2017 40541.86 8383.59225 69.7 0.763 7.88
Romania 2017 10807.80 2421.83512 69.7 0.601 6.48
Brazil 2017 9925.39 1443.46086 52.9 0.560 6.12
Costa Rica 2017 11814.63 2038.13005 65.0 0.619 6.44
Cyprus 2017 26338.69 4052.86944 67.9 0.751 7.77
Cameroon 2017 1425.11 327.39620 51.8 0.394 2.38
Czech Republic 2017 20636.20 5141.77322 73.3 0.782 7.16
Austria 2017 47426.51 11204.73525 72.3 0.793 8.02
Lithuania 2017 16885.41 3396.46449 75.8 0.712 7.19
Norway 2017 75496.75 18542.92333 74.0 0.771 8.47
Slovenia 2017 23512.82 4306.51846 59.2 0.788 7.38
Switzerland 2017 80449.99 19640.69362 81.5 0.767 8.74
Iceland 2017 71310.94 15681.67843 74.4 0.740 8.98
Georgia 2017 4357.00 1110.69234 76.0 0.614 5.79
Albania 2017 4531.02 1113.56519 64.4 0.621 5.14
Bahrain 2017 23742.99 6731.00686 68.5 0.668 7.60
Uganda 2017 747.20 179.71896 60.9 0.382 2.19
South Africa 2017 6131.48 1150.54432 62.3 0.406 4.96
Italy 2017 32406.72 5665.98359 62.5 0.769 7.04
Ukraine 2017 2640.68 394.45190 48.1 0.647 5.62
Portugal 2017 21490.43 3606.94862 62.6 0.776 7.13
Mexico 2017 9287.85 2051.65483 63.6 0.607 5.16
Paraguay 2017 5680.58 1089.90171 62.4 0.533 4.18
New Zealand 2017 42674.06 9864.05192 83.7 0.767 8.33
Burkina Faso 2017 734.99 153.49257 59.6 0.369 1.90
Oman 2017 15130.52 4139.16413 62.1 0.622 6.43
Hungary 2017 14605.85 3238.31282 65.8 0.703 6.93
Luxembourg 2017 107627.15 20191.02405 75.9 0.692 8.47
Mauritius 2017 10484.91 1823.13628 74.7 0.626 5.88
Chad 2017 665.95 136.76997 49.0 0.293 1.27
Indonesia 2017 3837.65 1235.61339 61.9 0.535 4.33
Turkey 2017 10591.47 3156.52315 65.2 0.626 6.08
Spain 2017 28170.17 5258.27397 63.6 0.743 7.79
United States 2017 60062.22 12308.23997 75.1 0.762 8.18
Azerbaijan 2017 4147.09 987.72098 63.6 0.597 6.20
Botswana 2017 7893.23 2297.96415 70.1 0.424 4.59
Madagascar 2017 515.29 93.47113 57.4 0.374 1.68
Zimbabwe 2017 1548.17 149.64444 44.0 0.441 2.92
Canada 2017 45146.11 10261.23883 78.5 0.799 7.77
Kazakhstan 2017 9247.58 2006.49861 69.0 0.746 6.79
Colombia 2017 6376.71 1385.19873 69.7 0.593 5.36
Estonia 2017 20458.46 5093.68830 79.1 0.747 8.14
Belgium 2017 44192.62 10285.57142 67.8 0.757 7.81
Senegal 2017 1361.70 351.66793 55.9 0.418 2.66
Algeria 2017 4111.29 1676.63874 46.5 0.523 4.67
France 2017 38812.16 8734.09742 63.3 0.765 8.24
Peru 2017 6710.51 1382.87445 68.9 0.586 4.85
Bulgaria 2017 8334.08 1530.49101 67.9 0.676 6.86
Germany 2017 44552.82 9097.83783 73.8 0.795 8.39
Australia 2017 54027.97 12925.85195 81.0 0.803 8.24
Greece 2017 18930.22 2441.46357 55.0 0.681 7.23
Jordan 2017 4234.40 764.15589 66.7 0.562 6.00
Netherlands 2017 48675.22 9806.61358 75.8 0.800 8.49
Malaysia 2017 10259.18 2571.25517 73.8 0.622 6.38
Ireland 2017 69822.35 21841.38247 76.7 0.806 8.02
Uruguay 2017 17322.15 2853.54528 69.7 0.600 7.16
Poland 2017 13864.68 2429.89986 68.3 0.747 6.89
Ecuador 2017 6213.50 1578.53358 49.3 0.602 4.84
Saudi Arabia 2017 20803.75 5105.87176 64.4 0.585 6.67
Panama 2017 15150.35 5957.94117 66.3 0.532 4.91
Sweden 2017 53791.51 13521.98087 74.9 0.800 8.41
Japan 2017 38386.51 9149.28981 69.6 0.844 8.43
United Kingdom 2017 40361.42 6963.48691 76.4 0.781 8.65
Namibia 2017 5303.31 939.93859 62.5 0.435 3.89
Benin 2017 1136.59 266.39975 59.2 0.406 1.94
Tunisia 2017 3481.23 655.72095 55.7 0.508 4.82
United Arab Emirates 2017 40644.80 7713.08627 76.9 0.659 7.21
Thailand 2017 6592.91 1517.12492 66.2 0.604 5.67
Denmark 2017 57610.10 12228.15233 75.1 0.774 8.71
Finland 2018 50030.88 12067.07145 74.1 0.814 8.77
Chile 2018 15924.79 3396.65255 75.2 0.665 6.95
Singapore 2018 66188.78 15299.89130 88.8 0.887 8.72
Croatia 2018 15014.09 3057.36206 61.0 0.729 7.86
Morocco 2018 3222.20 930.68907 61.9 0.493 5.22
Malta 2018 30437.22 6418.13264 68.5 0.708 8.38
Argentina 2018 11633.50 1705.45797 52.3 0.617 7.10
Latvia 2018 17858.28 3951.57784 73.6 0.738 7.96
Moldova 2018 4230.36 1028.81858 58.4 0.582 6.86
Israel 2018 41719.73 8946.22724 72.2 0.763 8.26
Romania 2018 12399.89 2610.42231 69.4 0.594 6.93
Brazil 2018 9001.23 1370.12896 51.4 0.546 6.54
Costa Rica 2018 12112.13 2123.21894 65.6 0.603 6.92
Cyprus 2018 28689.71 4084.95003 67.8 0.755 7.58
Cameroon 2018 1534.49 349.58935 51.9 0.393 2.41
Czech Republic 2018 23415.84 6160.61177 74.2 0.765 7.79
Austria 2018 51478.29 12329.59008 71.8 0.769 8.44
Lithuania 2018 19176.18 4017.63663 75.3 0.727 7.78
Norway 2018 81734.47 19766.87884 74.3 0.769 9.13
Slovenia 2018 26115.91 5023.36020 64.8 0.789 7.85
Switzerland 2018 82818.11 19966.34145 81.7 0.766 9.17
Iceland 2018 72968.70 15730.72932 77.0 0.743 9.49
Georgia 2018 4722.79 1187.67003 76.2 0.609 6.03
Albania 2018 5284.38 1262.26971 64.5 0.629 5.48
Bahrain 2018 23991.06 7102.34812 67.7 0.664 8.34
Uganda 2018 770.45 187.59027 62.0 0.382 2.29
South Africa 2018 6372.61 1159.00147 63.0 0.423 5.34
Italy 2018 34615.76 6173.27268 62.5 0.753 7.52
Ukraine 2018 3096.82 517.64656 51.9 0.642 5.93
Portugal 2018 23562.55 4128.75503 63.4 0.783 7.57
Mexico 2018 9686.51 2131.69285 64.8 0.612 5.23
Paraguay 2018 5805.68 1153.59713 62.1 0.528 4.32
New Zealand 2018 42427.58 10018.59056 84.2 0.771 8.85
Burkina Faso 2018 813.10 161.23994 60.0 0.378 1.91
Oman 2018 16521.18 3829.80247 61.0 0.611 7.06
Hungary 2018 16410.19 4066.72199 66.7 0.705 7.45
Luxembourg 2018 116654.26 19612.43080 76.4 0.692 9.28
Mauritius 2018 11208.34 2101.71585 75.1 0.623 6.13
Chad 2018 726.15 151.52943 49.3 0.299 1.26
Indonesia 2018 3893.85 1255.30781 64.2 0.538 4.53
Turkey 2018 9455.59 2806.13186 65.4 0.625 6.34
Spain 2018 30389.36 5919.08748 65.1 0.736 8.34
United States 2018 62996.47 13101.20524 75.7 0.714 8.77
Azerbaijan 2018 4739.84 980.86648 64.3 0.629 6.88
Botswana 2018 8279.60 2503.01786 69.9 0.413 4.75
Madagascar 2018 527.50 99.19796 56.8 0.385 1.70
Zimbabwe 2018 1683.74 156.69262 44.0 0.461 3.20
Canada 2018 46303.91 10441.06681 77.7 0.800 8.21
Kazakhstan 2018 9812.63 2078.00350 69.1 0.777 7.42
Colombia 2018 6716.91 1434.07242 68.9 0.599 5.77
Estonia 2018 23170.71 5696.44480 78.8 0.774 8.87
Belgium 2018 47583.07 11288.99890 67.5 0.763 8.32
Senegal 2018 1465.59 381.65763 55.7 0.421 2.87
Algeria 2018 4153.73 1667.66358 44.7 0.532 4.53
France 2018 41631.09 9542.16826 63.9 0.756 8.90
Peru 2018 6941.24 1457.90369 68.7 0.595 4.92
Bulgaria 2018 9427.73 1771.71653 68.3 0.670 7.42
Germany 2018 47810.51 10107.85955 74.2 0.764 8.85
Australia 2018 57354.96 13969.67372 80.9 0.781 8.90
Greece 2018 20324.30 2250.62509 57.3 0.695 7.74
Jordan 2018 4312.18 755.57024 64.9 0.547 5.95
Netherlands 2018 53044.53 10852.14023 76.2 0.803 9.13
Malaysia 2018 11377.46 2754.17090 74.5 0.633 6.63
Ireland 2018 78621.23 18394.84296 80.4 0.814 8.61
Uruguay 2018 17277.97 2850.49932 69.2 0.602 7.53
Poland 2018 15468.48 2817.66174 68.5 0.760 7.61
Ecuador 2018 6295.94 1610.69474 48.5 0.596 5.24
Saudi Arabia 2018 23338.96 4896.15013 59.6 0.581 7.69
Panama 2018 15592.57 6011.50669 67.0 0.514 5.38
Sweden 2018 54589.06 13758.92438 76.3 0.803 9.17
Japan 2018 39159.42 9483.98432 72.3 0.841 9.17
United Kingdom 2018 43043.23 7282.53829 78.0 0.777 9.31
Namibia 2018 5495.43 916.73707 58.5 0.445 3.86
Benin 2018 1240.83 321.44905 56.7 0.397 2.18
Tunisia 2018 3438.79 638.75733 58.9 0.510 5.19
United Arab Emirates 2018 43839.36 7594.91323 77.6 0.676 7.85
Thailand 2018 7295.48 1656.37973 67.1 0.617 5.77
Denmark 2018 61598.54 13568.54502 76.6 0.771 9.47
Finland 2019 48771.37 11654.15167 74.9 0.806 8.95
Chile 2019 14896.45 3342.80114 75.4 0.664 7.21
Singapore 2019 65233.28 15099.72839 89.4 0.885 8.93
Croatia 2019 14944.36 3141.54231 61.4 0.721 8.13
Morocco 2019 3204.10 908.23833 62.9 0.501 5.46
Malta 2019 29737.25 6436.99706 68.6 0.708 8.64
Argentina 2019 9912.28 1339.38671 52.2 0.610 7.36
Latvia 2019 17819.27 3953.27309 70.4 0.724 8.23
Moldova 2019 4494.02 1153.21970 59.1 0.584 7.17
Israel 2019 43588.71 9095.41359 72.8 0.753 8.49
Romania 2019 12913.07 3051.78100 68.6 0.591 7.19
Brazil 2019 8717.19 1340.91748 51.9 0.553 6.80
Costa Rica 2019 12243.81 1931.80011 65.3 0.619 7.22
Cyprus 2019 27858.37 4040.35615 68.1 0.758 7.83
Cameroon 2019 1507.45 340.27426 52.4 0.396 2.50
Czech Republic 2019 23489.84 6157.45539 73.7 0.766 8.02
Austria 2019 50121.55 12387.49899 72.0 0.768 8.66
Lithuania 2019 19550.73 4178.48815 74.2 0.716 8.04
Norway 2019 75419.63 19633.88966 73.0 0.770 9.33
Slovenia 2019 25940.73 5094.06801 65.5 0.785 8.04
Switzerland 2019 81989.44 19707.81129 81.9 0.762 9.39
Iceland 2019 67084.08 13564.78703 77.1 0.742 9.71
Georgia 2019 4697.98 1129.99257 75.9 0.597 6.30
Albania 2019 5353.24 1205.46069 66.5 0.633 5.71
Bahrain 2019 23503.98 6832.31252 66.4 0.663 8.65
Uganda 2019 794.34 201.21479 59.7 0.385 2.38
South Africa 2019 6001.40 1074.23043 58.3 0.419 5.56
Italy 2019 33225.65 6003.10838 62.2 0.747 7.69
Ukraine 2019 3659.03 624.29782 52.3 0.639 6.14
Portugal 2019 23213.98 4226.94811 65.3 0.777 7.77
Mexico 2019 9946.03 2053.68539 64.7 0.612 5.42
Paraguay 2019 5414.80 1001.65665 61.8 0.530 4.47
New Zealand 2019 41557.80 9598.73878 84.4 0.772 9.08
Burkina Faso 2019 786.90 161.19011 59.4 0.381 2.00
Oman 2019 15343.06 3567.38706 61.0 0.616 7.38
Hungary 2019 16729.78 4555.04553 65.0 0.696 7.67
Luxembourg 2019 114685.17 19358.63882 75.9 0.689 9.52
Mauritius 2019 11099.24 2177.00988 73.0 0.625 6.37
Chad 2019 709.54 151.93694 49.9 0.298 1.30
Indonesia 2019 4135.57 1337.64153 65.8 0.540 4.72
Turkey 2019 9126.56 2361.27183 64.6 0.636 6.58
Spain 2019 29564.74 5876.92144 65.7 0.736 8.58
United States 2019 65297.52 13557.17300 76.8 0.724 8.98
Azerbaijan 2019 4793.13 929.19070 65.4 0.605 7.22
Botswana 2019 7961.33 2510.89918 69.5 0.419 4.97
Madagascar 2019 523.36 110.65084 56.6 0.385 1.75
Zimbabwe 2019 1463.99 140.38473 40.4 0.461 3.34
Canada 2019 46189.66 10214.56329 77.7 0.800 8.38
Kazakhstan 2019 9812.53 2365.43472 65.4 0.714 7.76
Colombia 2019 6428.68 1384.50938 67.3 0.600 5.99
Estonia 2019 23717.80 6217.11302 76.6 0.770 9.16
Belgium 2019 46345.40 11214.75437 67.3 0.761 8.52
Senegal 2019 1446.83 414.60326 56.3 0.421 3.00
Algeria 2019 3973.96 1537.69998 46.2 0.531 4.73
France 2019 40496.36 9574.10818 63.8 0.762 9.16
Peru 2019 6977.70 1477.03440 67.8 0.599 5.09
Bulgaria 2019 9828.15 1838.38879 69.0 0.649 7.70
Germany 2019 46467.52 10073.05528 73.5 0.767 9.06
Australia 2019 55057.20 12773.13164 80.9 0.784 9.12
Greece 2019 19580.99 2235.92909 57.7 0.688 7.96
Jordan 2019 4405.49 752.99212 66.5 0.553 6.20
Netherlands 2019 52295.04 10954.24504 76.8 0.797 9.33
Malaysia 2019 11414.21 2620.62200 74.0 0.623 6.88
Ireland 2019 78778.99 34251.85041 80.5 0.805 8.84
Uruguay 2019 16190.13 2781.99022 68.6 0.601 7.83
Poland 2019 15694.74 2897.36925 67.8 0.756 7.85
Ecuador 2019 6183.82 1543.77834 46.9 0.601 5.45
Saudi Arabia 2019 23139.80 5106.72650 60.7 0.582 8.03
Panama 2019 15731.02 5916.84209 67.2 0.514 5.56
Sweden 2019 51647.99 12647.28370 75.2 0.801 9.33
Japan 2019 40246.88 9567.18537 72.1 0.828 9.39
United Kingdom 2019 42328.90 7211.64704 78.9 0.781 9.54
Namibia 2019 4957.46 800.67983 58.7 0.445 4.01
Benin 2019 1219.43 306.97090 55.3 0.403 2.27
Tunisia 2019 3317.45 586.88142 55.4 0.512 5.40
United Arab Emirates 2019 43103.32 7602.36550 77.6 0.673 8.12
Thailand 2019 7806.74 1766.59206 68.3 0.612 6.02
Denmark 2019 60213.09 13217.06726 76.7 0.766 9.67

Explore the Data

We will know explore our data to spot any immediate relationships. As we will be performing regression analysis it is helpful to get an immediate insight into the relationship between our variables as very high correlations between individual regressors can bias the regression coefficients although, this is purely for insight and not a filter on which variables to include as we won’t be running our regressions on the whole data set.

correlation_analysis_countries = countries_cleaned %>% select(-year) %>% select(-country)
correlations = cor(correlation_analysis_countries)

Note that for the purposes of running a regression analysis, only the correlations between independent variables (regressors) are important for assessing multicollinearity.

We can also observe the relationship between the economic growth determinants and GDP per capita in general across all countries to gain an idea of what to expect.





This paper analyses the determinants of economic growth by level of economic development as growth factors are likely to vary across levels of development due to having structurally different economies. We classify countries in our dataset into 4 groups from 1 (most developed) to 4 (least developed) based on their average ranking in the Economic Complexity Index (ECI) over the 13 year dataset period.

G1_countries = countries_cleaned %>% filter(country %in% c('Austria', 'Belgium', 'Switzerland', 'Czech Republic', 'Germany', 'Denmark', 'Finland', 'France', 'United Kingdom', 'Hungary', 'Ireland', 'Italy', 'Japan', 'Mexico', 'Singapore', 'Slovenia', 'Sweden', 'United States', 'Luxembourg'))

G2_countries = countries_cleaned %>% filter(country %in% c('Bulgaria', 'Canada', 'Cyprus', 'Spain', 'Estonia', 'Croatia', 'Israel', 'Lithuania', 'Latvia', 'Malaysia', 'Netherlands', 'Norway', 'Panama', 'Poland', 'Portugal', 'Romania', 'Thailand', 'Turkey', 'Iceland', 'Malta'))

G3_countries = countries_cleaned %>% filter(country %in% c('Albania', 'United Arab Emirates', 'Argentina', 'Australia', 'Bahrain', 'Brazil', 'Chile', 'Colombia', 'Costa Rica', 'Georgia', 'Greece', 'Indonesia', 'Jordan', 'Moldova', 'Mauritius', 'Namibia', 'New Zealand', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Tunisia', 'Ukraine', 'Uruguay', 'South Africa'))

G4_countries = countries_cleaned %>% filter(country %in% c('Azerbaijan', 'Burkina Faso', 'Botswana', 'Cameroon', 'Algeria', 'Ecuador', 'Kazakhstan', 'Morocco', 'Madagascar', 'Oman', 'Peru', 'Paraguay', 'Senegal', 'Uganda', 'Zimbabwe'))

The following table shows the countries in each group.

country_groups_table <- data.frame(Country = c("1", "2", "3", "4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19","20","21","22"), Group1_Countries = c('Austria', 'Belgium', 'Switzerland', 'Czech Republic', 'Germany', 'Denmark', 'Finland', 'France', 'United Kingdom', 'Hungary', 'Ireland', 'Italy', 'Japan', 'Mexico', 'Singapore', 'Slovenia', 'Sweden', 'United States', 'Luxembourg', '', '', ''), Group2_Countries = c('Bulgaria', 'Canada', 'Cyprus', 'Spain', 'Estonia', 'Croatia', 'Israel', 'Lithuania', 'Latvia', 'Malaysia', 'Netherlands', 'Norway', 'Panama', 'Poland', 'Portugal', 'Romania', 'Thailand', 'Turkey', 'Iceland', 'Malta', '', ''), Group3_Countries = c('Albania', 'United Arab Emirates', 'Argentina', 'Australia', 'Bahrain', 'Brazil', 'Chile', 'Colombia', 'Costa Rica', 'Georgia', 'Greece', 'Indonesia', 'Jordan', 'Moldova', 'Mauritius', 'Namibia', 'New Zealand', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Tunisia', 'Ukraine', 'Uruguay', 'South Africa'), Group4_Countries = c('Azerbaijan', 'Burkina Faso', 'Botswana', 'Cameroon', 'Algeria', 'Ecuador', 'Kazakhstan', 'Morocco', 'Madagascar', 'Oman', 'Peru', 'Paraguay', 'Senegal', 'Uganda', 'Zimbabwe', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''))
kable(country_groups_table, caption = "List of countries in each group") %>% kable_styling()
List of countries in each group
Country Group1_Countries Group2_Countries Group3_Countries Group4_Countries
1 Austria Bulgaria Albania Azerbaijan
2 Belgium Canada United Arab Emirates Burkina Faso
3 Switzerland Cyprus Argentina Botswana
4 Czech Republic Spain Australia Cameroon
5 Germany Estonia Bahrain Algeria
6 Denmark Croatia Brazil Ecuador
7 Finland Israel Chile Kazakhstan
8 France Lithuania Colombia Morocco
9 United Kingdom Latvia Costa Rica Madagascar
10 Hungary Malaysia Georgia Oman
11 Ireland Netherlands Greece Peru
12 Italy Norway Indonesia Paraguay
13 Japan Panama Jordan Senegal
14 Mexico Poland Moldova Uganda
15 Singapore Portugal Mauritius Zimbabwe
16 Slovenia Romania Namibia
17 Sweden Thailand New Zealand
18 United States Turkey Saudi Arabia
19 Luxembourg Iceland Tunisia
20 Malta Ukraine
21 Uruguay
22 South Africa

The number of observations for each group:

## [1] 247
## [1] 260
## [1] 286
## [1] 195

As we can see, we have the least data for the least developed countries which is to be expected.


Multiple Linear Regression Model

Multiple linear regression analysis is used for each group of countries to analyze the relative importance of economic growth determinants. For each regression the natural logarithm of all variables is taken as the figures for different factors vary greatly in magnitude and so this can help reduce the impact of heteroskedasticity. By having panel data, fixed effects regression analysis can be used to control for heterogenous time-invariant attributes across countries. The Hausman test (Hausman, 1978) is used to decide whether to use fixed or random effects where the null hypothesis is that the preferred model is random effects and fixed effects being the preferred model under the alternative hypothesis. This test essentially analyses whether the unique errors are correlated with the regressors, which the null hypothesis argues are not. For each regression the p-value is less than 0.05 and so at the 5% significance level the null hypothesis is rejected and a fixed effects model is adopted. Tests to include time effects are similarly conducted with the conclusion being that time effects should be included in all models at the 5% significance level.

fixedG1 <- plm(log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score) + log(HCI_score), data=G1_countries, index=c("country", "year"), model="within")
randomG1 <- plm(log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score) + log(HCI_score), data=G1_countries, index=c("country", "year"), model="random")
phtest(fixedG1, randomG1)
##  Hausman Test
## data:  log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score) +  ...
## chisq = 2096.9, df = 4, p-value < 0.00000000000000022
## alternative hypothesis: one model is inconsistent

Therefore, as the p-value < 0.05, we can reject the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level and conclude that we should use a fixed effects model.

fixedG2 <- plm(log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score) + log(HCI_score), data=G2_countries, index=c("country", "year"), model="within")
randomG2 <- plm(log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score) + log(HCI_score), data=G2_countries, index=c("country", "year"), model="random")
phtest(fixedG2, randomG2)
##  Hausman Test
## data:  log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score) +  ...
## chisq = 63.376, df = 4, p-value = 0.0000000000005656
## alternative hypothesis: one model is inconsistent

Therefore, as the p-value < 0.05, we can reject the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level and conclude that we should use a fixed effects model.

fixedG3 <- plm(log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score) + log(HCI_score), data=G3_countries, index=c("country", "year"), model="within")
randomG3 <- plm(log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score) + log(HCI_score), data=G3_countries, index=c("country", "year"), model="random")
phtest(fixedG3, randomG3)
##  Hausman Test
## data:  log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score) +  ...
## chisq = 52.996, df = 4, p-value = 0.00000000008538
## alternative hypothesis: one model is inconsistent

Therefore, as the p-value < 0.05, we can reject the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level and conclude that we should use a fixed effects model.

fixedG4 <- plm(log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score) + log(HCI_score), data=G4_countries, index=c("country", "year"), model="within")
randomG4 <- plm(log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score) + log(HCI_score), data=G4_countries, index=c("country", "year"), model="random")
phtest(fixedG4, randomG4)
##  Hausman Test
## data:  log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score) +  ...
## chisq = 105.62, df = 4, p-value < 0.00000000000000022
## alternative hypothesis: one model is inconsistent

Therefore, as the p-value < 0.05, we can reject the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level and conclude that we should use a fixed effects model.

Now we similarly test as to whether we should include time effects in the model:

fixed.timeG1 <- plm(log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score) + log(HCI_score) + factor(year), data=G1_countries, index=c("country","year"), model="within")
pFtest(fixed.timeG1, fixedG1)
##  F test for individual effects
## data:  log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score) +  ...
## F = 7.1893, df1 = 12, df2 = 212, p-value = 0.00000000005602
## alternative hypothesis: significant effects

Therefore, as the p-value < 0.05, we can reject the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level and conclude that we should include time effects.

fixed.timeG2 <- plm(log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score) + log(HCI_score) + factor(year), data=G2_countries, index=c("country","year"), model="within")
pFtest(fixed.timeG2, fixedG2)
##  F test for individual effects
## data:  log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score) +  ...
## F = 5.1125, df1 = 12, df2 = 224, p-value = 0.0000001532
## alternative hypothesis: significant effects

Therefore, as the p-value < 0.05, we can reject the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level and conclude that we should include time effects.

fixed.timeG3 <- plm(log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score) + log(HCI_score) + factor(year), data=G3_countries, index=c("country","year"), model="within")
pFtest(fixed.timeG3, fixedG3)
##  F test for individual effects
## data:  log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score) +  ...
## F = 6.5507, df1 = 12, df2 = 248, p-value = 0.000000000377
## alternative hypothesis: significant effects

Therefore, as the p-value < 0.05, we can reject the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level and conclude that we should include time effects.

fixed.timeG4 <- plm(log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score) + log(HCI_score) + factor(year), data=G4_countries, index=c("country","year"), model="within")
pFtest(fixed.timeG4, fixedG4)
##  F test for individual effects
## data:  log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score) +  ...
## F = 5.0605, df1 = 12, df2 = 164, p-value = 0.0000003818
## alternative hypothesis: significant effects

Therefore, as the p-value < 0.05, we can reject the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level and conclude that we should include time effects.

Therefore, each regression model includes both time and country fixed effects. There are no further control variables but by using fixed effects multiple linear regression analysis, the regressor coefficients will automatically show the associated impact of each economic growth determinant on output while controlling for all the other growth factors and exogenous time-invariant heterogeneities across countries as well as variables which are constant across countries but vary over time. Thus, formally, the entity and time fixed effects regression model for each group of countries is as follows:

\[ln(y_{it})= β_0+β_1ln(k_{it})+β_2ln(h_{it})+β_3ln(z_{p_{it}})+β_4ln(z_{s_{it}})+γ_2D2_i+...+γ_nDn_i+δ_2 B2_t+...+δ_T BT_t+e_{it}\]


\(γ_n Dn_i\) = Dummy variable for nth country in dataset. These country dummy variables control for unobserved time-invariant heterogeneities across countries.

\(δ_t BT_t\) = Dummy variable for year t in dataset. These time dummy variables control for variables that are constant across entities but vary over time.

\(e_{it}\) = Residual error term between the true observed value and the model’s fitted value.

There are only n−1 country and t-1 time dummies (i.e. \(γ_1 D1_i\) and \(δ_1 B1_t\) are omitted) as the regression model already includes an intercept \(β_0\).

The regression model can be simplified in notation as follows:


where: \(α_i\) = Entity fixed effect i.e. country-specific intercepts that capture time-invariant heterogeneities across countries e.g. country climates, cultures.

\(δ_t\) = Time fixed effect i.e. time-specific intercepts that capture differences in log GDP per capita that vary across time periods but not across individual countries e.g. global macroeconomic conditions like the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

To estimate the regression coefficients: \((β_0,β_1,β_2,β_3,β_4 )\) we use the ordinary least squares (OLS) method with fixed effects. The OLS method minimizes the sum of the squares of the residuals (differences between observed dependent variables and the values predicted by the function of independent variables and fixed effects) which mathematically is as follows:

\[min(∑_ie_{it}^2 )=min(∑_i(ln(y_{it})-\hat{ln(y_{it})} )^2 )\] \[\sum_{i} [ln(y_{it})-(β_0+β_1ln(k_{it})+β_2ln(h_{it})+β_3ln(z_{p_{it}})+β_4ln(z_{s_{it}})+γ_2D2_i+...+γ_nDn_i+δ_2 B2_t+...+δ_T BT_t)]^2\]


\[\sum_{i} [ln(y_{it})-(β_1ln(k_{it})+β_2ln(h_{it})+β_3ln(z_{p_{it}})+β_4ln(z_{s_{it}})+α_i+δ_t)]^2\]

Provided the fixed effects regression assumptions hold, the sampling distribution of the OLS estimator in the fixed effects regression model is normal in large samples. Thus, the variance of the estimates can be estimated and standard errors, t-statistics and confidence intervals computed for the coefficients.

Testing Regression Assumptions

The following regression assumptions must hold for the best inference from the fixed effects regression models:

  1. No multicollinearity
    1. Linearity
    2. Normally distributed errors
    3. Independent error terms (no autocorrelation)
    4. Homoskedasticity (constant error variance)
    5. No exogeneity

The following measures are used to test if the regression models satisfy each assumption.

Assumption 1: Multicollinearity

While multicollinearity does not reduce the predictive power of a model it alters the coefficients of individual regressors of which we are interested in knowing for measuring the importance of each of the economic growth determinants as countries develop. The Pearson correlation coefficient between regressors is used to test for multicollinearity with a maximum permitted correlation coefficient of 0.75, otherwise at least one of the regressors is dropped from the model.

Assumption 2: Linearity

Linearity means the dependent variable is a linear combination of the regression coefficients and predictor variables. This ensures we are using the correct functional form to model the relationship between the dependent variable (GDP per capita) and the predictor variables (the economic growth determinants). A plot of the residuals versus predicted GDP per capita value from the regression model is used to test for linearity. If the residuals are plotted fairly evenly around the zero line, then the model exhibits an acceptable degree of linearity.

Assumption 3: Normality of error terms

Non-normality of error terms will impact the standard error of regression coefficients which impacts whether a growth determinant is statistically significant. To assess the normality of error terms a histogram and Q-Q plot of the residuals is used. If there is normality, the histogram should display a normal distribution. A Q-Q plot is a scatterplot created by plotting two sets of quantiles against one another. If both sets of quantiles come from the same distribution i.e. the error terms are normally distributed, the points should form a line that’s roughly straight.

Assumption 4: Independent Error Terms (No Autocorrelation)

Autocorrelation is a degree of similarity between a given time series and a lagged version of itself over successive time intervals. If a regression model exhibits autocorrelation, this impacts the standard errors of the coefficients thereby impacting whether a regressor term is statistically significant. The Breusch-Godfrey test (Breusch, 1978) is used to test for autocorrelated errors in the regression model. The Breusch-Godfrey test has the following null and alternative hypotheses:

\(H_0\): no autocorrelation exists

\(H_1\): autocorrelation exists

If the p-value < 0.05, then at the 5% significance level the null hypothesis is rejected, and we conclude that autocorrelation exists.

Assumption 5: Constant Error Variance (Homoskedasticity)

Heteroskedasticity is when the standard deviations of a predicted variable, as calculated over different values of an independent variable(s) or as related to prior time periods is not constant. With homoskedasticity, the Gaussian Markov theorem ensures that each least-squares estimator is the best linear unbiased estimator. To have homoskedasticity, all the variances of the error terms must be constant and not depend on the covariates, which means that each probability distribution of the response variable has the same variance regardless of the covariates. Mathematically, this is expressed as follows:

\[E(e│x)=0\] \[E(e^2│X)= σ^2\] \[∴Var(e│X)=E(e^2│X)-E(e│X)^2=σ^2\]

If heteroskedasticity is present, this impacts the standard errors of regressor coefficients and thus whether a regressor variable is statistically significant. The Breusch-Pagan test is used to test for heteroskedasticity (Breusch; Pagan, 1979) which has the following null and alternative hypotheses:

\(H_0\): the error variances are all equal

\(H_1\): the error variances are not equal

If the p-value < 0.05, then at the 5% significance level the null hypothesis is rejected, and we conclude that heteroskedasticity exists. Most of the fixed effects regression models in this paper exhibit both heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation. This means that while the regressor coefficients are still unbiased the standard errors are wrong (usually understating the true uncertainty). To correct for this, clustered standard errors are used which are a form of heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation-consistent standard errors. Clustered standard errors allow the regression error terms to have an arbitrary correlation within a grouping but assume that the regression errors are uncorrelated across groups. Clustered standard errors are still valid whether or not there is heteroskedasticity, autocorrelation or both. Clustered standard errors are generated in R using the vcovHC function from the sandwich library.

Assumption 6: No Exogeneity

Despite using the most common important economic growth determinants as control variables for one another and including country and time fixed effects, the regression models cannot control for omitted variables that vary both across countries and time. However, this paper assumes that the overall impact of such exogenous omitted variables is small.

Regression Analysis

We now test whether the regression models satisfy the necessary assumptions.

Most Developed (Group 1) Countries

The initial fixed effects regression model for group 1 countries is given by the following code:

reg_G1_fixed <- plm(log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score) + log(HCI_score), data=G1_countries, index=c("country", "year"), model="within", effects="twoways")

Assumption 1: Multicollinearity

The Pearson correlation coefficient between regressors is used to test for multicollinearity and keep only those growth determinants with a correlation coefficient less than 0.75.

corr_analysis_countriesG1 = countries_cleaned %>% filter(country %in% c('Austria', 'Belgium', 'Switzerland', 'Czech Republic', 'Germany', 'Denmark', 'Finland', 'France', 'United Kingdom', 'Hungary', 'Ireland', 'Italy', 'Japan', 'Mexico', 'Singapore', 'Slovenia', 'Sweden', 'United States', 'Luxembourg')) %>% mutate(GDP_per_capita = log(GDP_per_capita)) %>% mutate(investment = log(investment)) %>% mutate(EFI_score = log(EFI_score)) %>% mutate(IDI_score = log(IDI_score)) %>% mutate(HCI_score = log(HCI_score)) %>% select(-year) %>% select(-country) 
cor(corr_analysis_countriesG1, method="pearson")
##                GDP_per_capita investment EFI_score HCI_score IDI_score
## GDP_per_capita      1.0000000  0.9675161 0.5774627 0.5079794 0.7136771
## investment          0.9675161  1.0000000 0.6108746 0.5550177 0.6785159
## EFI_score           0.5774627  0.6108746 1.0000000 0.3970563 0.3924941
## HCI_score           0.5079794  0.5550177 0.3970563 1.0000000 0.6641941
## IDI_score           0.7136771  0.6785159 0.3924941 0.6641941 1.0000000

As all the independent variables have correlations less than 0.75 we do not need to remove any growth determinants.

Assumption 2: Linearity

We plot the residual vs fitted values to test for linearity in the regression model.

resid_plot_G1_fixed = ggplot(G1_countries, aes(x= as.matrix(log(G1_countries$GDP_per_capita) - residuals(reg_G1_fixed), idbyrow = TRUE), y= as.matrix(residuals(reg_G1_fixed), idbyrow = TRUE))) + geom_point() + geom_hline(yintercept=0) + labs(x="Fitted Variable (predicted log GDP per capita from Group 1 countries fixed effects regression model)", y="Residual")
## Warning: Use of `G1_countries$GDP_per_capita` is discouraged. Use `GDP_per_capita`
## instead.

As the residual vs fitted plot shows, there is a fairly even distribution around the 0-line indicating that our model has good functional form.

Assumption 3: Normality of error terms

Plot of histogram of the error terms:


Q-Q plot of error terms:

qqnorm(residuals(reg_G1_fixed), ylab = 'Residuals')

The error terms of the regression model display a roughly normal distribution as shown by the histogram and Q-Q plot.

Assumption 4: Independent Error Terms (No Autocorrelation) Test

The Breusch-Godfrey test returns:

##  Breusch-Godfrey/Wooldridge test for serial correlation in panel models
## data:  log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score) +     log(HCI_score)
## chisq = 76.088, df = 13, p-value = 0.00000000005966
## alternative hypothesis: serial correlation in idiosyncratic errors

Therefore, at the 5% significance level there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the regression model exhibits autocorrelation which will thus be corrected for using robust standard errors.

Assumption 5: Constant Error Variance (Homoskedasticity) Test

The Breusch-Pagan test returns:

##  studentized Breusch-Pagan test
## data:  reg_G1_fixed
## BP = 1.0872, df = 4, p-value = 0.8963

Therefore, at the 5% significance level there is insufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis and thus we can conclude that the regression model does not have heteroskedasticity.

Developed (Group 2) Countries

Our initial fixed effects regression model for group 2 countries is given by the following code:

reg_G2_fixed <- plm(log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score) + log(HCI_score), data=G2_countries, index=c("country", "year"), model="within", effects="twoways")

Assumption 1: Multicollinearity

The Pearson correlation coefficient between regressors is used to test for multicollinearity and keep only those growth determinants with a correlation coefficient less than 0.75.

corr_analysis_countriesG2 = countries_cleaned %>% filter(country %in% c('Bulgaria', 'Canada', 'Cyprus', 'Spain', 'Estonia', 'Croatia', 'Israel', 'Lithuania', 'Latvia', 'Malaysia', 'Netherlands', 'Norway', 'Panama', 'Poland', 'Portugal', 'Romania', 'Thailand', 'Turkey', 'Iceland', 'Malta')) %>% mutate(GDP_per_capita = log(GDP_per_capita)) %>% mutate(investment = log(investment)) %>% mutate(EFI_score = log(EFI_score)) %>% mutate(IDI_score = log(IDI_score)) %>% mutate(HCI_score = log(HCI_score)) %>% select(-year) %>% select(-country) 
cor(corr_analysis_countriesG2, method="pearson")
##                GDP_per_capita investment EFI_score HCI_score IDI_score
## GDP_per_capita      1.0000000  0.9504520 0.5760025 0.7578345 0.7184349
## investment          0.9504520  1.0000000 0.5649833 0.6188324 0.6116635
## EFI_score           0.5760025  0.5649833 1.0000000 0.4979387 0.5572681
## HCI_score           0.7578345  0.6188324 0.4979387 1.0000000 0.7823195
## IDI_score           0.7184349  0.6116635 0.5572681 0.7823195 1.0000000

HCI is removed due to multicollinearity.

 reg_G2_fixed <- plm(log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score), data=G2_countries, index=c("country", "year"), model="within", effects="twoways")

Assumption 2: Linearity

We plot the residual vs fitted values to test for linearity in the regression model.

resid_plot_G2_fixed = ggplot(G2_countries, aes(x= as.matrix(log(G2_countries$GDP_per_capita) - residuals(reg_G2_fixed), idbyrow = TRUE), y= as.matrix(residuals(reg_G2_fixed), idbyrow = TRUE))) + geom_point() + geom_hline(yintercept=0) + labs(x="Fitted Variable (predicted log GDP per capita from Group 2 countries fixed effects regression model)", y="Residual")
## Warning: Use of `G2_countries$GDP_per_capita` is discouraged. Use `GDP_per_capita`
## instead.

As the residual vs fitted plot shows, there is a fairly even distribution around the 0-line indicating that our model has good functional form.

Assumption 3: Normality of error terms

Plot of histogram of the error terms:


Q-Q plot of error terms:

qqnorm(residuals(reg_G2_fixed), ylab = 'Residuals')

The error terms of the regression model display a roughly normal distribution as shown by the histogram and Q-Q plot.

Assumption 4: Independent Error Terms (No Autocorrelation) Test

The Breusch-Godfrey test returns:

##  Breusch-Godfrey/Wooldridge test for serial correlation in panel models
## data:  log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score)
## chisq = 117.66, df = 13, p-value < 0.00000000000000022
## alternative hypothesis: serial correlation in idiosyncratic errors

Therefore, at the 5% significance level there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the regression model exhibits autocorrelation which will thus be corrected for using robust standard errors.

Assumption 5: Constant Error Variance (Homoskedasticity) Test

The Breusch-Pagan test returns:

##  studentized Breusch-Pagan test
## data:  reg_G2_fixed
## BP = 4.764, df = 3, p-value = 0.1899

Therefore, at the 5% significance level there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the regression model exhibits heteroskedasticity which will thus be corrected for using robust standard errors.

Less Developed (Group 3) Countries

Our initial fixed effects regression model for group 2 countries is given by the following code:

reg_G3_fixed <- plm(log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score) + log(HCI_score), data=G3_countries, index=c("country", "year"), model="within", effects="twoways")

Assumption 1: Multicollinearity

The Pearson correlation coefficient between regressors is used to test for multicollinearity and keep only those growth determinants with a correlation coefficient less than 0.75.

corr_analysis_countriesG3 = countries_cleaned %>% filter(country %in% c('Albania', 'United Arab Emirates', 'Argentina', 'Australia', 'Bahrain', 'Brazil', 'Chile', 'Colombia', 'Costa Rica', 'Georgia', 'Greece', 'Indonesia', 'Jordan', 'Moldova', 'Mauritius', 'Namibia', 'New Zealand', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Tunisia', 'Ukraine', 'Uruguay', 'South Africa')) %>% mutate(GDP_per_capita = log(GDP_per_capita)) %>% mutate(investment = log(investment)) %>% mutate(EFI_score = log(EFI_score)) %>% mutate(IDI_score = log(IDI_score)) %>% mutate(HCI_score = log(HCI_score)) %>% select(-year) %>% select(-country) 
cor(corr_analysis_countriesG3, method="pearson")
##                GDP_per_capita investment EFI_score HCI_score IDI_score
## GDP_per_capita      1.0000000  0.9695265 0.5138992 0.6302457 0.6972739
## investment          0.9695265  1.0000000 0.5891720 0.5908814 0.6131862
## EFI_score           0.5138992  0.5891720 1.0000000 0.3986155 0.3217410
## HCI_score           0.6302457  0.5908814 0.3986155 1.0000000 0.7218330
## IDI_score           0.6972739  0.6131862 0.3217410 0.7218330 1.0000000

As all the independent variables have correlations less than 0.75 no variables are removed.

Assumption 2: Linearity

We plot the residual vs fitted values to test for linearity in the regression model.

resid_plot_G3_fixed = ggplot(G3_countries, aes(x= as.matrix(log(G3_countries$GDP_per_capita) - residuals(reg_G3_fixed), idbyrow = TRUE), y= as.matrix(residuals(reg_G3_fixed), idbyrow = TRUE))) + geom_point() + geom_hline(yintercept=0) + labs(x="Fitted Variable (predicted log GDP per capita from Group 3 countries fixed effects regression model)", y="Residual")
## Warning: Use of `G3_countries$GDP_per_capita` is discouraged. Use `GDP_per_capita`
## instead.

As the residual vs fitted plot shows, there is a fairly even distribution around the 0-line indicating that our model has good functional form.

Assumption 3: Normality of error terms

Plot of histogram of the error terms:


Q-Q plot of error terms:

qqnorm(residuals(reg_G3_fixed), ylab = 'Residuals')

The error terms of the regression model display a roughly normal distribution as shown by the histogram and Q-Q plot.

Assumption 4: Independent Error Terms (No Autocorrelation) Test

The Breusch-Godfrey test returns:

##  Breusch-Godfrey/Wooldridge test for serial correlation in panel models
## data:  log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score) +     log(HCI_score)
## chisq = 103.19, df = 13, p-value = 0.0000000000000003979
## alternative hypothesis: serial correlation in idiosyncratic errors

Therefore, at the 5% significance level there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the regression model exhibits autocorrelation which will thus be corrected for using robust standard errors.

Assumption 5: Constant Error Variance (Homoskedasticity) Test

The Breusch-Pagan test returns:

##  studentized Breusch-Pagan test
## data:  reg_G3_fixed
## BP = 11.743, df = 4, p-value = 0.01937

Therefore, at the 5% significance level there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the regression model exhibits heteroskedasticity which will thus be corrected for using robust standard errors.

Least Developed (Group 4) Countries

Our initial fixed effects regression model for group 2 countries is given by the following code:

reg_G4_fixed <- plm(log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(IDI_score) + log(HCI_score), data=G4_countries, index=c("country", "year"), model="within", effects="twoways")

Assumption 1: Multicollinearity

The Pearson correlation coefficient between regressors is used to test for multicollinearity and keep only those growth determinants with a correlation coefficient less than 0.75.

corr_analysis_countriesG4 = countries_cleaned %>% filter(country %in% c('Azerbaijan', 'Burkina Faso', 'Botswana', 'Cameroon', 'Algeria', 'Ecuador', 'Kazakhstan', 'Morocco', 'Madagascar', 'Oman', 'Peru', 'Paraguay', 'Senegal', 'Uganda', 'Zimbabwe', 'Burkina Faso', 'Cameroon')) %>% mutate(GDP_per_capita = log(GDP_per_capita)) %>% mutate(investment = log(investment)) %>% mutate(EFI_score = log(EFI_score)) %>% mutate(IDI_score = log(IDI_score)) %>% mutate(HCI_score = log(HCI_score)) %>% select(-year) %>% select(-country) 
cor(corr_analysis_countriesG4, method="pearson")
##                GDP_per_capita investment EFI_score HCI_score IDI_score
## GDP_per_capita      1.0000000  0.9671826 0.3364193 0.8100206 0.8666488
## investment          0.9671826  1.0000000 0.4392903 0.7478245 0.8216275
## EFI_score           0.3364193  0.4392903 1.0000000 0.1373786 0.2081729
## HCI_score           0.8100206  0.7478245 0.1373786 1.0000000 0.8703283
## IDI_score           0.8666488  0.8216275 0.2081729 0.8703283 1.0000000

As IDI has a correlation coefficient over 0.75 with both physical capital per capita and HCI, IDI is removed from the regression model. Thus, the new fixed effects regression model is given by:

 reg_G4_fixed <- plm(log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(HCI_score), data=G4_countries, index=c("country", "year"), model="within", effects="twoways")

Assumption 2: Linearity

We plot the residual vs fitted values to test for linearity in the regression model.

resid_plot_G4_fixed = ggplot(G4_countries, aes(x= as.matrix(log(G4_countries$GDP_per_capita) - residuals(reg_G4_fixed), idbyrow = TRUE), y= as.matrix(residuals(reg_G4_fixed), idbyrow = TRUE))) + geom_point() + geom_hline(yintercept=0) + labs(x="Fitted Variable (predicted log GDP per capita from Group 4 countries fixed effects regression model)", y="Residual")
## Warning: Use of `G4_countries$GDP_per_capita` is discouraged. Use `GDP_per_capita`
## instead.

As the residual vs fitted plot shows, there is a fairly even distribution around the 0 line indicating that our model has good functional form.

Assumption 3: Normality of error terms

Plot of histogram of the error terms:


Q-Q plot of error terms:

qqnorm(residuals(reg_G4_fixed), ylab = 'Residuals')

The error terms of the regression model display a roughly normal distribution as shown by the histogram and Q-Q plot.

Assumption 4: Independent Error Terms (No Autocorrelation) Test

The Breusch-Godfrey test returns:

##  Breusch-Godfrey/Wooldridge test for serial correlation in panel models
## data:  log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + log(HCI_score)
## chisq = 83.223, df = 13, p-value = 0.000000000002721
## alternative hypothesis: serial correlation in idiosyncratic errors

Therefore, at the 5% significance level there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the regression model exhibits autocorrelation which will thus be corrected for using robust standard errors.

Assumption 5: Constant Error Variance (Homoskedasticity) Test

The Breusch-Pagan test returns:

##  studentized Breusch-Pagan test
## data:  reg_G4_fixed
## BP = 26.337, df = 3, p-value = 0.000008108

Therefore, at the 5% significance level there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the regression model exhibits heteroskedasticity which will thus be corrected for using robust standard errors.


As each of the regression models have now been altered to satisfy all the necessary regression assumptions, the coefficients and standard errors are reliable. Note that the p-values for each independent variable tests the null hypothesis that the regressor has no correlation with the dependent variable. If there is no correlation, then there is no association between the changes in the independent variable and shifts in the dependent variable i.e. insufficient evidence to conclude that there is an effect at the population level. This paper uses a 5% significance level to test if an independent variable is statistically significant.

Most Developed (Group 1) Countries

The full summary table for all the regressor coefficients and supplementary statistics:

## Oneway (individual) effect Within Model
## Call:
## plm(formula = log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + 
##     log(IDI_score) + log(HCI_score), data = G1_countries, model = "within", 
##     index = c("country", "year"), effects = "twoways")
## Balanced Panel: n = 19, T = 13, N = 247
## Residuals:
##        Min.     1st Qu.      Median     3rd Qu.        Max. 
## -0.18293121 -0.02998604  0.00045275  0.03286511  0.14972063 
## Coefficients:
##                 Estimate Std. Error t-value              Pr(>|t|)    
## log(investment) 0.478102   0.022971 20.8130 < 0.00000000000000022 ***
## log(EFI_score)  0.345102   0.158242  2.1809              0.030236 *  
## log(IDI_score)  0.110814   0.038657  2.8666              0.004545 ** 
## log(HCI_score)  0.356388   0.291205  1.2238              0.222299    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Total Sum of Squares:    1.9619
## Residual Sum of Squares: 0.58946
## R-Squared:      0.69955
## Adj. R-Squared: 0.67005
## F-statistic: 130.389 on 4 and 224 DF, p-value: < 0.000000000000000222

Adjusting for autocorrelation by using clustered standard errors we have the final coefficient table:

coeftest(reg_G1_fixed, vcov = vcovHC, type = "HC1")
## t test of coefficients:
##                 Estimate Std. Error t value       Pr(>|t|)    
## log(investment) 0.478102   0.078260  6.1092 0.000000004387 ***
## log(EFI_score)  0.345102   0.223040  1.5473       0.123211    
## log(IDI_score)  0.110814   0.040414  2.7420       0.006601 ** 
## log(HCI_score)  0.356388   0.520763  0.6844       0.494457    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

We thus have the following regression model:


However, only capital per worker and physical productivity are statistically significant.

Therefore, in the most developed countries: A 5% increase in investment is associated, on average, with a 2.36% increase (2dp) in GDP per capita holding all other variables constant. A 5% increase in physical productivity is associated, on average, with a 0.54% increase (2dp) in GDP per capita holding all other variables constant.

The adjusted \(R^2\) of the regression model is: 0.67005.

Developed (Group 2) Countries

The full summary table for all the regressor coefficients and supplementary statistics:

## Oneway (individual) effect Within Model
## Call:
## plm(formula = log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + 
##     log(IDI_score), data = G2_countries, model = "within", index = c("country", 
##     "year"), effects = "twoways")
## Balanced Panel: n = 20, T = 13, N = 260
## Residuals:
##       Min.    1st Qu.     Median    3rd Qu.       Max. 
## -0.1957890 -0.0354597  0.0050607  0.0404851  0.1407737 
## Coefficients:
##                 Estimate Std. Error t-value            Pr(>|t|)    
## log(investment) 0.484998   0.018775 25.8321 <0.0000000000000002 ***
## log(EFI_score)  0.232258   0.145564  1.5956              0.1119    
## log(IDI_score)  0.369310   0.032905 11.2236 <0.0000000000000002 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Total Sum of Squares:    5.3321
## Residual Sum of Squares: 0.99909
## R-Squared:      0.81263
## Adj. R-Squared: 0.79524
## F-statistic: 342.625 on 3 and 237 DF, p-value: < 0.000000000000000222

Adjusting for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation by using clustered standard errors we have the final coefficient table:

coeftest(reg_G2_fixed, vcov = vcovHC, type = "HC1")
## t test of coefficients:
##                 Estimate Std. Error t value              Pr(>|t|)    
## log(investment) 0.484998   0.031805 15.2489 < 0.00000000000000022 ***
## log(EFI_score)  0.232258   0.230766  1.0065                0.3152    
## log(IDI_score)  0.369310   0.065208  5.6635         0.00000004275 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

We thus have the following regression model:


However, only capital per worker and physical productivity are statistically significant.

Therefore, in group 2 developed countries: A 5% increase in investment is associated, on average, with a 2.39% increase (2dp) in GDP per capita holding all other variables constant. A 5% increase in physical productivity is associated, on average, with a 1.91% increase (2dp) in GDP per capita holding all other variables constant.

The adjusted \(R^2\) of the regression model is: 0.79469.

Less Developed (Group 3) Countries

The full summary table for all the regressor coefficients and supplementary statistics:

## Oneway (individual) effect Within Model
## Call:
## plm(formula = log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + 
##     log(IDI_score) + log(HCI_score), data = G3_countries, model = "within", 
##     index = c("country", "year"), effects = "twoways")
## Balanced Panel: n = 22, T = 13, N = 286
## Residuals:
##       Min.    1st Qu.     Median    3rd Qu.       Max. 
## -0.2471625 -0.0495284  0.0021785  0.0571561  0.1896138 
## Coefficients:
##                   Estimate Std. Error t-value            Pr(>|t|)    
## log(investment)  0.5595072  0.0219947 25.4383 <0.0000000000000002 ***
## log(EFI_score)   0.0062484  0.1257740  0.0497              0.9604    
## log(IDI_score)   0.4103559  0.0313670 13.0824 <0.0000000000000002 ***
## log(HCI_score)  -0.1805835  0.2375740 -0.7601              0.4479    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Total Sum of Squares:    8.8703
## Residual Sum of Squares: 1.6358
## R-Squared:      0.81559
## Adj. R-Squared: 0.79786
## F-statistic: 287.477 on 4 and 260 DF, p-value: < 0.000000000000000222

Adjusting for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation by using clustered standard errors we have the final coefficient table:

coeftest(reg_G3_fixed, vcov = vcovHC, type = "HC1")
## t test of coefficients:
##                   Estimate Std. Error t value              Pr(>|t|)    
## log(investment)  0.5595072  0.0442448 12.6457 < 0.00000000000000022 ***
## log(EFI_score)   0.0062484  0.2251412  0.0278                0.9779    
## log(IDI_score)   0.4103559  0.0693647  5.9159         0.00000001036 ***
## log(HCI_score)  -0.1805835  0.4155118 -0.4346                0.6642    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

We thus have the following regression model:


However, only capital per worker and physical productivity are statistically significant.

Therefore, in less developed countries: A 5% increase in investment is associated, on average, with a 2.77% increase (2dp) in GDP per capita holding all other variables constant. A 5% increase in physical productivity is associated, on average, with a 2.02% increase (2dp) in GDP per capita holding all other variables constant.

The adjusted \(R^2\) of the regression model is: 0.79786.

Least Developed (Group 4) Countries

The full summary table for all the regressor coefficients and supplementary statistics:

## Oneway (individual) effect Within Model
## Call:
## plm(formula = log(GDP_per_capita) ~ log(investment) + log(EFI_score) + 
##     log(HCI_score), data = G4_countries, model = "within", index = c("country", 
##     "year"), effects = "twoways")
## Balanced Panel: n = 15, T = 13, N = 195
## Residuals:
##       Min.    1st Qu.     Median    3rd Qu.       Max. 
## -0.3199559 -0.0532180  0.0056404  0.0546306  0.1997657 
## Coefficients:
##                 Estimate Std. Error t-value              Pr(>|t|)    
## log(investment) 0.581034   0.025701 22.6073 < 0.00000000000000022 ***
## log(EFI_score)  0.472326   0.097647  4.8371           0.000002852 ***
## log(HCI_score)  0.282886   0.154743  1.8281               0.06922 .  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Total Sum of Squares:    7.8599
## Residual Sum of Squares: 1.6704
## R-Squared:      0.78747
## Adj. R-Squared: 0.76706
## F-statistic: 218.61 on 3 and 177 DF, p-value: < 0.000000000000000222

Adjusting for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation by using clustered standard errors we have the final coefficient table:

coeftest(reg_G4_fixed, vcov = vcovHC, type = "HC1")
## t test of coefficients:
##                 Estimate Std. Error t value              Pr(>|t|)    
## log(investment) 0.581034   0.056032 10.3698 < 0.00000000000000022 ***
## log(EFI_score)  0.472326   0.096429  4.8982           0.000002172 ***
## log(HCI_score)  0.282886   0.307897  0.9188                0.3595    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

We thus have the following regression model (as physical productivity was dropped from the regression model due to multicollinearity):


However, only capital per worker and physical productivity are statistically significant.

Therefore, in the least developed countries: A 5% increase in investment is associated, on average, with a 2.88% increase (2dp) in GDP per capita holding all other variables constant. A 5% increase in social productivity is associated, on average, with a 2.33% increase (2dp) in GDP per capita holding all other variables constant.

The adjusted \(R^2\) of the regression model is: 0.76706.

Results Summary

The associated impact on percentage growth in GDP per capita for a 5% increase in each economic growth determinant while holding all other determinants constant and accounting for country and time fixed effects is shown below for all 4 country groups.

summary_table <- data.frame(Economic_Growth_Determinant = c("Physical Capital per Capita", "Social Productivity ", "Physical Productivity", "Human Capital per Capita"), Group4_Countries = c("2.88%", "2.33%","Variable Removed"," Statistically Insignificant "), Group3_Countries = c("2.77%"," Statistically Insignificant ","2.02%", " Statistically Insignificant "), Group2_Countries = c("2.39%"," Statistically Insignificant ","1.82%","Variable Removed"), Group1_Countries = c("2.36%"," Statistically Insignificant ","0.54%"," Statistically Insignificant "))
kable(summary_table, caption = 'Results Summary') %>% kable_styling()
Results Summary
Economic_Growth_Determinant Group4_Countries Group3_Countries Group2_Countries Group1_Countries
Physical Capital per Capita 2.88% 2.77% 2.39% 2.36%
Social Productivity 2.33% Statistically Insignificant Statistically Insignificant Statistically Insignificant
Physical Productivity Variable Removed 2.02% 1.82% 0.54%
Human Capital per Capita Statistically Insignificant Statistically Insignificant Variable Removed Statistically Insignificant

There are several interesting results from this study. The key points are:

• All economic growth determinants exhibit individual decreasing returns to scale i.e. a 5% increase in any growth factor will result in a less than 5% associated increase in output ceteris paribus. This supports the view that economic growth determinants are complementary in causing economic growth as is assumed by the Cobb-Douglas production function used in neoclassical growth models.

• There is evidence to support conditional convergence. Less developed countries have higher output growth rates all else equal when increasing any statistically significant economic growth factor and thus in the long run they should grow faster than more developed countries.

• There is positive but diminishing marginal returns to physical capital increases as countries develop as originally posited by the Solow model.

• Contrary to what is assumed by neoclassical production functions, this paper finds evidence to suggest that there is positive but diminishing marginal returns to physical productivity increases as countries develop (at least in the short-term) rather than it being an exogenous constant.

• Surprisingly, human capital seems to be a statistically insignificant growth determinant across most countries.

Role of Physical Capital

There is evidence to support the positive but diminishing marginal returns to physical capital as countries develop which supports the economic growth models of (labour-augmented) Solow-Swan. Physical capital is also the only economic growth determinant that is statistically significant across all levels of development.

Role of Human Capital

Human capital seems to be a statistically insignificant growth determinant across most countries. However, this surprising result is likely due to 2 factors. The first is the lack of available data, there was the least data available for the HCI than any other growth factor. The HCI is a fairly new index which has significant amounts of missing data which were interpolated via linear regression. This interpolation is likely to reduce the significance of human capital in the regression analysis, particularly in less developed economies whose GDP per capita rates fluctuate a lot more from year-to-year than developed economies (whose rates of growth are instead more linear). Nevertheless, the HCI is still the best available dataset for the time period assessed in this paper as it has a more holistic view of human capital and more frequent data available compared to other publicly available human capital proxies. Secondly, the 13-year time period in this paper is too short to fully observe the returns on output from improvements in human capital.

Role of Physical Productivity

There is positive but diminishing marginal returns to physical productivity increases as countries develop. This is an important observation as most economic growth models rely on exogenous technology improvements to drive growth and such technology improvements have resulted in large growth during periods of great technological change like the industrial revolution. However, for how long can economies rely on technology improvements, are technology levels bounded? Technology levels still have lots of unfulfilled potential and society is no way near any upper bound on technology levels if one even exists. However, over the short-term, the gains from technological advancement appear to be diminishing with development. This makes some intuitive sense as for example, the gain from everyone having access to a laptop when they previously had no laptop is likely higher than the gain from everyone having access to a faster laptop when they already had a laptop. However, over the longer term (likely decades) there are periods when major technological breakthroughs are made whereby the returns on investment in technology are likely much higher such as at the start of the industrial or digital revolution. Essentially, when you are exploring (but likely not founding due to potentially high start-up costs) a new technology there is the potential for higher returns on investment into technology, however when you are simply improving pre-existing technologies then the returns will likely be lower. What likely happened over the sample period of 2007-2019 was that there were no major breakthroughs which had become commercially available for use and developed countries simply improved pre-existing technologies whilst developing countries began to acquire and catch up with the technology levels of more developed countries by imitation and importing products which were both easy to do during this period of hyper globalization, connectivity and easy access to information. This meant the returns on physical productivity improvements were higher in less developed countries and thus diminishing with development. Although, further research is required is to test this hypothesis.

Role of Social Productivity

Social productivity is important in the least developed nations, however, then becomes statistically insignificant in more developed countries. This may be because the role of institutions is more important in the least developed economies who often have significant issues with corruption, lack of property rights, wars and civil unrest. Once the basic building blocks of good institutions have been established such as those which allow for ease of trade, effective governance, and secure property rights amongst many others, then any further improvements become statistically insignificant. Therefore, social productivity is very important in the poorest nations however, once an acceptable threshold is met any further improvements have a statistically insignificant associated impact on economic growth. Intuitively this makes sense as there is likely an upper bound on social productivity or rapidly diminishing returns when past a certain threshold. For example, how far can you improve how well a society is run or how conducive cultures are towards improving efficiency? There is likely some upper threshold past which further advances are negligible.

Research and Policy Recommendations

Research Recommendations

As mentioned throughout this paper, there are some areas where further research is required. One is to repeat the regression analysis with a more complete dataset for human capital which will likely only become available with time as more data is recorded. Repeating the dataset over a longer period will also help fully observe the impact of human capital on output. Secondly, further research could be carried out to test the hypotheses outlined in this paper regarding the explanation for positive but diminishing returns of physical productivity in the short run compared to its impact over the long run and if social productivity is only important for growth before reaching a certain threshold.

Policy Recommendations

When issuing policy advice, one should reiterate that the regression analysis does not explicitly show a causal relationship but rather quantifies the associated impact on output from increasing an economic growth determinant in countries of different levels of development. Nevertheless, the results from this study suggest that least developed countries should focus on institutional and if possible cultural reforms to improve their social productivity. Meanwhile, all other more developed nations should focus on investment and physical productivity with the former always having a relatively larger impact on output which intuitively makes sense as investment can immediately boost output while physical productivity takes longer to observe the impact on output (but is arguably more important over the long run). Also note that the results of this paper do not necessarily mean that human capital is irrelevant, as explained previously, more complete data sets on human capital are needed in order to confirm the statistical insignificance observed in this study’s dataset.


Overall, this paper sought to analyze how the factors which influence economic growth change over time as economies develop and structurally change using fixed effects multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this paper do lend support to pre-existing economic growth models which assume complementary economic growth factors, some of which have positive but diminishing marginal returns like physical capital in the Solow-Swan model. However, due to the more in-depth study of the role of TFP in this paper, the results do not fully support a model like Solow-Swan because if TFP behaves in the long-run like it is found to behave in the short-run in this study, then physical productivity and with it TFP (if social productivity becomes insignificant) would have positive but diminishing marginal returns as countries develop which could thus potentially be endogenized into the growth model or at least would not be a constant value as assumed in neoclassical production functions like Solow-Swan. In addition, this paper has shown merit in dividing TFP into its two components of physical and social productivity as they have different evolutions and relative importance depending on an economy’s level of development. Ultimately, this study has shown the relative importance of different economic growth determinants as countries develop and indicates to policy makers in those respective countries which growth factors they should be focusing on. Although, as this paper suggests, growth factors are complimentary and so while a country can pay particular attention to its relatively most important growth factor, this should not detract attention from other growth factors as improvements are needed on all fronts to sustain economic growth, particularly if one seeks output to rise by more than the overall increase in growth determinants.


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Appendix I

The theoretically implied total factor productivity (TFP) level in an economy can be derived via growth accounting techniques and compared against the TFP implied value from combining the proxy datasets for physical productivity (IDI) and social productivity (EFI) to assess whether these datasets are good proxies for overall TFP. Using a neoclassical Cobb-Douglas production function, output per capita (\(y\)) can be written as a function of TFP, physical capital per capita (\(k\)) and human capital per capita (\(h\)): \[y=Ak^α h^{(1-α)}\] where in our instance \(A\) is a function of physical and social productivity i.e. \(A=z_p×z_s\) Taking natural logarithms: \[ln(y)=ln(z_p )+ln(z_s )+αln(k)+(1-α)ln(h)\] In period t: \(ln(y_t) = ln(z_{p_t})+ln(z_{s_t})+αln(k_t)+(1-α)ln(h_t)\)

In period t+1: \(ln(y_{t+1}) = ln(z_{p_{t+1}})+ln(z_{s_{t+1}})+αln(k_{t+1})+(1-α)ln(h_{t+1})\)

Difference between both periods:



\[ln(z_{p_{t+1}})-ln(z_{p_t})+ln(z_{s_{t+1}})-ln(z_{s_t}) = ln(y_{t+1})-ln(y_t)+α(ln(k_t) -ln(k_{t+1}))+(1-α)(ln(h_t)-ln(h_{t+1}))\]

While the left-hand side is realistically unobservable, the right-hand side is easily observable via national accounts and human capital statistics. Therefore, we can compare the theorized TFP values with the actual TFP values calculated from our proxy data sets (IDI and EFI) to judge the extent to which they are a good estimate for TFP.

countries_cleaned_logs =  countries_cleaned %>%  mutate(logy = log(GDP_per_capita)) %>% mutate(logk = log(investment)) %>% mutate(logh = log(HCI_score)) %>% mutate(logEFI = log(EFI_score)) %>% mutate(logIDI = log(IDI_score))
countries_cleaned_logs_resid = countries_cleaned_logs %>% mutate(capital_share = investment/GDP_per_capita)
countries_cleaned_logs_resid_final = countries_cleaned_logs_resid %>% group_by(country) %>% arrange(year) %>% mutate(residual = logy-lag(logy, default = first(logy)) - capital_share*(logk - lag(logk, default = first(logk))) + (1 - capital_share)*(logh - lag(logh, default = first(logh))))
countries_cleaned_logs_resid_final = countries_cleaned_logs_resid_final %>% mutate(residual_in_data = logIDI-lag(logIDI, default = first(logIDI)) + logEFI-lag(logEFI, default = first(logEFI)))
countries_cleaned_logs_resid_final = countries_cleaned_logs_resid_final %>% filter(year != '2007')
countries_cleaned_logs_resid_final = countries_cleaned_logs_resid_final %>% mutate(residual_diff = residual_in_data - residual)
kable(countries_cleaned_logs_resid_final) %>% kable_paper() %>% scroll_box(width = "800px", height = "400px") %>% kable_styling()
country year GDP_per_capita investment EFI_score HCI_score IDI_score logy logk logh logEFI logIDI capital_share residual residual_in_data residual_diff
Finland 2008 53554.04 13117.45211 74.6 0.823 6.92 10.888447 9.481699 -0.1947991 4.312140 1.9344158 0.2449386 0.0722552 0.0403837 -0.0318716
Chile 2008 10751.48 2746.41204 78.6 0.625 4.14 9.282799 7.918051 -0.4700036 4.364372 1.4206958 0.2554450 -0.0311839 0.0484210 0.0796049
Singapore 2008 40007.47 11193.65766 87.3 0.843 6.71 10.596822 9.323103 -0.1707883 4.469351 1.9035990 0.2797892 -0.0247301 0.0387164 0.0634465
Croatia 2008 16296.81 4594.08382 54.1 0.692 5.43 9.698725 8.432525 -0.3681693 3.990834 1.6919391 0.2819008 0.1011956 0.1055750 0.0043794
Morocco 2008 2890.36 1009.56246 55.6 0.469 2.60 7.969136 6.917272 -0.7571525 4.018183 0.9555114 0.3492861 0.0750284 0.0953572 0.0203289
Malta 2008 22205.36 4449.25727 66.0 0.674 5.68 10.008089 8.400493 -0.3945252 4.189655 1.7369512 0.2003686 0.1352215 0.0343321 -0.1008894
Argentina 2008 9020.87 1714.88250 54.2 0.588 4.16 9.107296 7.447100 -0.5310283 3.992681 1.4255151 0.1901017 0.1852554 0.0109345 -0.1743209
Latvia 2008 16422.11 5246.59189 68.3 0.673 5.31 9.706384 8.565334 -0.3960099 4.223910 1.6695918 0.3194834 0.1486185 0.0760780 -0.0725405
Moldova 2008 2111.20 717.73805 57.9 0.551 3.57 7.655012 6.576105 -0.5960205 4.058717 1.2725656 0.3399669 0.2164676 0.1242205 -0.0922471
Israel 2008 29567.80 5902.68064 66.3 0.719 6.20 10.294441 8.683162 -0.3298939 4.194190 1.8245493 0.1996321 0.1432694 0.0674094 -0.0758600
Romania 2008 10435.04 3890.86406 61.7 0.605 4.67 9.252925 8.266386 -0.5025268 4.122284 1.5411591 0.3728653 0.1180294 0.1358728 0.0178434
Brazil 2008 8831.02 1713.27074 56.2 0.531 3.72 9.086026 7.446160 -0.6329933 4.028917 1.3137237 0.1940060 0.1363098 0.0638219 -0.0724879
Costa Rica 2008 6859.08 1638.72808 64.2 0.592 3.45 8.833329 7.401676 -0.5242486 4.162003 1.2383742 0.2389137 0.0821404 0.0445462 -0.0375942
Cyprus 2008 35397.36 6998.22122 71.3 0.674 5.02 10.474393 8.853411 -0.3945252 4.266896 1.6134299 0.1977046 0.0945482 0.0165616 -0.0779866
Cameroon 2008 1371.75 332.45966 54.3 0.377 1.40 7.223843 5.806519 -0.9755101 3.994524 0.3364722 0.2423617 0.0718240 -0.0019975 -0.0738215
Czech Republic 2008 22804.58 6669.97486 68.1 0.727 5.42 10.034717 8.805371 -0.3188288 4.220977 1.6900958 0.2924840 0.1589811 0.1071195 -0.0518617
Austria 2008 51708.77 12017.07001 71.4 0.743 6.41 10.853383 9.394083 -0.2970592 4.268298 1.8578593 0.2323991 0.0744671 0.0224806 -0.0519865
Lithuania 2008 14945.00 3895.63006 70.9 0.686 5.44 9.612132 8.267611 -0.3768777 4.261270 1.6937791 0.2606644 0.1723460 0.0328546 -0.1394913
Norway 2008 96944.10 22020.83297 68.6 0.771 7.12 11.481890 9.999744 -0.2600669 4.228293 1.9629077 0.2271498 0.1089444 0.0591871 -0.0497573
Slovenia 2008 27483.34 8091.91008 60.2 0.750 6.19 10.221335 8.998620 -0.2876821 4.097672 1.8229351 0.2944296 0.0966961 0.0802798 -0.0164163
Switzerland 2008 72487.85 17390.90639 79.5 0.771 7.06 11.191174 9.763703 -0.2600669 4.375757 1.9544451 0.2399148 0.1028216 0.0521686 -0.0506530
Iceland 2008 56409.77 14432.75281 75.8 0.756 7.12 10.940398 9.577255 -0.2797139 4.328098 1.9629077 0.2558556 -0.1146029 0.0058276 0.1204305
Georgia 2008 3324.74 732.71811 69.2 0.543 2.96 8.109147 6.596761 -0.6106460 4.237001 1.0851893 0.2203836 0.2279978 0.0294332 -0.1985646
Albania 2008 4370.54 1483.76796 62.4 0.528 2.99 8.382642 7.302340 -0.6386590 4.133565 1.0952734 0.3394931 0.1651678 0.1034709 -0.0616969
Bahrain 2008 23066.53 7963.18315 72.2 0.600 5.16 10.046138 8.982584 -0.5108256 4.279440 1.6409366 0.3452267 0.0589165 0.0554962 -0.0034202
Uganda 2008 474.52 107.94453 63.8 0.337 1.24 6.162304 4.681617 -1.0876723 4.155753 0.2151114 0.2274815 0.1251992 0.0355234 -0.0896758
South Africa 2008 5760.81 1354.43895 63.4 0.422 2.71 8.658833 7.211143 -0.8627500 4.149464 0.9969486 0.2351126 -0.0755644 0.0245937 0.1001581
Italy 2008 40778.34 8669.52814 62.6 0.759 6.10 10.615906 9.067570 -0.2757535 4.136765 1.8082888 0.2126013 0.0622818 0.0284531 -0.0338287
Ukraine 2008 3887.24 973.35480 51.0 0.636 3.83 8.265455 6.880749 -0.4525567 3.931826 1.3428648 0.2503974 0.1897110 0.0633481 -0.1263629
Portugal 2008 24847.55 5678.21963 63.9 0.740 5.70 10.120514 8.644393 -0.3011051 4.157319 1.7404662 0.2285223 0.0676817 0.0674291 -0.0002526
Mexico 2008 10016.57 2319.17494 66.2 0.584 3.26 9.211996 7.748967 -0.5378543 4.192680 1.1817272 0.2315338 0.0194452 0.0761903 0.0567451
Paraguay 2008 4041.58 766.15031 60.0 0.509 2.66 8.304391 6.641378 -0.6753073 4.094345 0.9783261 0.1895670 0.2399558 0.1069072 -0.1330486
New Zealand 2008 31290.25 7087.30055 80.7 0.778 6.65 10.351062 8.866060 -0.2510288 4.390739 1.8946169 0.2265019 -0.0185290 0.0328121 0.0513410
Burkina Faso 2008 643.40 111.32119 55.7 0.308 0.98 6.466767 4.712420 -1.1776555 4.019980 -0.0202027 0.1730202 0.1800926 0.0631984 -0.1168942
Oman 2008 22139.68 6778.88975 67.3 0.540 3.45 10.005127 8.821569 -0.6161861 4.209160 1.2383742 0.3061873 0.2199464 0.1071830 -0.1127634
Hungary 2008 15753.47 3681.90551 67.6 0.694 5.47 9.664816 8.211186 -0.3652833 4.213608 1.6992786 0.2337203 0.0984247 0.0967759 -0.0016488
Luxembourg 2008 114293.84 23164.62713 74.7 0.703 7.34 11.646528 10.050382 -0.3523984 4.313480 1.9933388 0.2026761 0.0393821 0.0516295 0.0122474
Mauritius 2008 8030.06 1907.66753 72.6 0.597 3.43 8.990947 7.553637 -0.5158382 4.284965 1.2325603 0.2375658 0.1573998 0.0837158 -0.0736840
Chad 2008 929.38 198.01388 47.8 0.283 0.80 6.834518 5.288337 -1.2623084 3.867026 -0.2231436 0.2130602 0.1247072 0.0445718 -0.0801354
Indonesia 2008 2166.85 598.80300 53.2 0.488 2.39 7.681030 6.394933 -0.7174399 3.974058 0.8712934 0.2763472 0.0886289 0.1058255 0.0171966
Turkey 2008 10940.99 2911.16251 59.9 0.620 3.81 9.300272 7.976308 -0.4780358 4.092676 1.3376292 0.2660785 0.0951334 0.0910287 -0.0041047
Spain 2008 35366.26 9835.90019 69.1 0.707 6.18 10.473513 9.193794 -0.3467246 4.235555 1.8213183 0.2781154 0.0830050 0.0551413 -0.0278636
United States 2008 48382.56 10325.75569 81.0 0.699 6.55 10.786895 9.242397 -0.3581045 4.394449 1.8794650 0.2134190 0.0187427 0.0316987 0.0129560
Azerbaijan 2008 5574.60 1035.69309 55.3 0.487 2.97 8.625976 6.942826 -0.7194912 4.012773 1.0885620 0.1857879 0.3459361 0.0824537 -0.2634824
Botswana 2008 5713.53 1747.34958 68.2 0.362 2.25 8.650592 7.465855 -1.0161111 4.222445 0.8109302 0.3058266 -0.0274817 0.0800297 0.1075114
Madagascar 2008 536.35 202.69191 62.4 0.386 1.20 6.284787 5.311687 -0.9519179 4.133565 0.1823216 0.3779098 -0.0114676 -0.0356419 -0.0241744
Zimbabwe 2008 356.69 11.72062 29.5 0.397 1.49 5.876867 2.461350 -0.9238190 3.384390 0.3987761 0.0328594 -0.1582309 -0.0402440 0.1179870
Canada 2008 46594.45 10948.31739 80.2 0.770 6.42 10.749237 9.300941 -0.2613648 4.384524 1.8594181 0.2349704 0.0355970 0.0466832 0.0110862
Kazakhstan 2008 8458.02 2270.23159 61.1 0.604 3.39 9.042870 7.727637 -0.5041811 4.112512 1.2208299 0.2684117 0.2049439 0.0919546 -0.1129893
Colombia 2008 5472.54 1199.23967 62.2 0.575 3.39 8.607498 7.089443 -0.5533852 4.130355 1.2208299 0.2191377 0.1412161 0.0737184 -0.0674977
Estonia 2008 18227.12 5667.31855 77.9 0.714 5.81 9.810666 8.642471 -0.3368723 4.355426 1.7595806 0.3109278 0.1123935 -0.0098519 -0.1222454
Belgium 2008 48106.89 11577.99371 71.7 0.751 6.31 10.781181 9.356862 -0.2863496 4.272491 1.8421357 0.2406723 0.0563470 0.0227511 -0.0335959
Senegal 2008 1411.93 315.77162 58.3 0.385 1.46 7.252713 5.755019 -0.9545119 4.065602 0.3784364 0.2236454 0.0996298 0.0892033 -0.0104266
Algeria 2008 4923.84 1439.35947 56.2 0.529 2.41 8.501844 7.271954 -0.6367668 4.028917 0.8796267 0.2923246 0.1272637 -0.0102542 -0.1375180
France 2008 45334.11 10702.91528 64.7 0.756 6.48 10.721815 9.278271 -0.2797139 4.169761 1.8687205 0.2360897 0.0630419 0.1030876 0.0400458
Peru 2008 4220.62 988.74623 63.8 0.533 3.12 8.347737 6.896438 -0.6292339 4.155753 1.1378330 0.2342656 0.0919503 0.0466621 -0.0452882
Bulgaria 2008 7265.74 2398.07872 63.7 0.649 4.75 8.890925 7.782423 -0.4323226 4.154185 1.5581446 0.3300529 0.0905003 0.0878280 -0.0026723
Germany 2008 45427.15 9219.32902 70.6 0.769 6.87 10.723865 9.129058 -0.2626643 4.257030 1.9271641 0.2029476 0.0679440 0.0372656 -0.0306784
Australia 2008 49601.66 14024.05738 82.2 0.757 6.78 10.811780 9.548530 -0.2783920 4.409155 1.9139771 0.2827336 0.1306335 0.0541100 -0.0765235
Greece 2008 31997.28 7619.74713 60.6 0.718 5.70 10.373406 8.938498 -0.3312857 4.104295 1.7404662 0.2381373 0.0983887 0.1083952 0.0100066
Jordan 2008 3455.77 949.31749 64.1 0.559 3.29 8.147801 6.855743 -0.5816058 4.160444 1.1908876 0.2747051 0.1696831 0.0927434 -0.0769397
Netherlands 2008 57644.48 12769.37840 77.4 0.799 7.30 10.962050 9.454805 -0.2243943 4.348987 1.9878743 0.2215195 0.0939228 0.0582834 -0.0356394
Malaysia 2008 8474.59 1743.24993 63.9 0.581 3.96 9.044828 7.463506 -0.5430045 4.157319 1.3762440 0.2057032 0.1477374 0.0803470 -0.0673904
Ireland 2008 61262.10 15179.40736 82.5 0.763 6.43 11.022917 9.627695 -0.2704972 4.412798 1.8609745 0.2477781 0.0380706 0.0449384 0.0068678
Uruguay 2008 9091.08 1868.52010 67.9 0.590 4.21 9.115049 7.532902 -0.5276327 4.218036 1.4374626 0.2055333 0.1852336 0.0538818 -0.1313518
Poland 2008 13996.03 3226.16528 60.3 0.692 5.29 9.546529 8.079049 -0.3681693 4.099332 1.6658182 0.2305057 0.1685243 0.1035971 -0.0649272
Ecuador 2008 4249.02 950.65782 55.2 0.516 2.87 8.354444 6.857154 -0.6616485 4.010963 1.0543120 0.2237358 0.1295904 0.0482005 -0.0813899
Saudi Arabia 2008 20078.26 4596.62829 62.5 0.545 4.13 9.907393 8.433078 -0.6069695 4.135167 1.4182774 0.2289356 0.1637030 0.1197918 -0.0439112
Panama 2008 7154.27 2257.17521 64.7 0.519 3.52 8.875465 7.721869 -0.6558514 4.169761 1.2584610 0.3155004 0.0625782 0.0391779 -0.0234003
Sweden 2008 56152.55 13774.94580 70.8 0.757 7.53 10.935827 9.530607 -0.2783920 4.259859 2.0188950 0.2453129 0.0346074 0.0565528 0.0219455
Japan 2008 39339.30 9448.47458 73.0 0.823 7.01 10.579979 9.153609 -0.1947991 4.290459 1.9473377 0.2401790 0.0840744 0.0213847 -0.0626897
United Kingdom 2008 47287.00 8251.49322 79.4 0.762 7.03 10.763991 9.018149 -0.2718087 4.374498 1.9501867 0.1744981 -0.0471974 0.0418017 0.0889991
Namibia 2008 4158.03 1052.72659 61.4 0.384 2.06 8.332797 6.959139 -0.9571127 4.117410 0.7227060 0.2531792 -0.0594941 0.0212465 0.0807406
Benin 2008 1120.89 177.60485 55.2 0.361 1.27 7.021878 5.179561 -1.0188773 4.010963 0.2390169 0.1584498 0.1447889 0.0585086 -0.0862803
Tunisia 2008 4307.16 1017.82916 60.1 0.525 2.98 8.368034 6.925427 -0.6443570 4.096010 1.0919233 0.2363110 0.0931927 0.0806431 -0.0125496
United Arab Emirates 2008 44498.93 9956.14642 62.6 0.611 5.63 10.703220 9.205945 -0.4926583 4.136765 1.7281094 0.2237390 0.0677344 0.0794508 0.0117164
Thailand 2008 4379.66 1158.31964 62.3 0.580 3.03 8.384726 7.054726 -0.5447272 4.131961 1.1085626 0.2644771 0.0641080 -0.0190785 -0.0831865
Denmark 2008 64322.06 14758.01870 79.2 0.751 7.46 11.071658 9.599542 -0.2863496 4.371976 2.0095554 0.2294395 0.0809581 0.0664269 -0.0145312
Finland 2009 47293.99 10856.32985 74.5 0.821 7.19 10.764138 9.292504 -0.1972322 4.310799 1.9726912 0.2295499 -0.0827528 0.0369340 0.1196869
Chile 2009 10208.91 2293.04347 78.3 0.628 4.65 9.231016 7.737635 -0.4652151 4.360548 1.5368672 0.2246120 -0.0075461 0.1123473 0.1198935
Singapore 2009 38927.21 11225.61758 87.1 0.846 6.86 10.569449 9.325954 -0.1672359 4.467057 1.9257074 0.2883746 -0.0256669 0.0198149 0.0454818
Croatia 2009 14540.64 3667.63546 55.1 0.695 5.48 9.584703 8.207302 -0.3638434 4.009150 1.7011051 0.2522334 -0.0539786 0.0274815 0.0814601
Morocco 2009 2866.92 921.20355 57.7 0.472 3.06 7.960994 6.825681 -0.7507763 4.055257 1.1184149 0.3213217 0.0256149 0.1999774 0.1743626
Malta 2009 21083.28 3854.92411 66.1 0.677 6.07 9.956236 8.257107 -0.3900840 4.191169 1.8033586 0.1828427 -0.0220072 0.0679214 0.0899286
Argentina 2009 8225.14 1281.62053 52.3 0.590 4.71 9.014951 7.155881 -0.5276327 3.956996 1.5496879 0.1558175 -0.0441019 0.0884883 0.1325902
Latvia 2009 12288.21 2740.77516 66.6 0.678 5.55 9.416396 7.915996 -0.3886080 4.198705 1.7137979 0.2230410 -0.1394083 0.0190009 0.1584092
Moldova 2009 1899.01 429.10767 54.9 0.554 4.07 7.549088 6.061708 -0.5905906 4.005513 1.4036430 0.2259639 0.0145142 0.0778734 0.0633592
Israel 2009 27715.64 5206.51583 67.6 0.722 6.24 10.229752 8.557666 -0.3257301 4.213608 1.8309802 0.1878548 -0.0377325 0.0258490 0.0635815
Romania 2009 8548.12 2222.30405 63.2 0.604 4.61 9.053467 7.706300 -0.5041811 4.146304 1.5282279 0.2599758 -0.0550732 0.0110892 0.0661624
Brazil 2009 8597.92 1640.13475 56.7 0.533 4.19 9.059276 7.402534 -0.6292339 4.037774 1.4327007 0.1907595 -0.0153859 0.1278345 0.1432204
Costa Rica 2009 6760.48 1428.45287 66.4 0.594 4.20 8.818849 7.264347 -0.5208760 4.195697 1.4350845 0.2112946 0.0171974 0.2304041 0.2132068
Cyprus 2009 32109.24 5538.21382 70.8 0.682 5.36 10.376899 8.619427 -0.3827256 4.259859 1.6789640 0.1724804 -0.0473714 0.0584967 0.1058681
Cameroon 2009 1314.71 310.25663 53.0 0.379 1.61 7.181371 5.737400 -0.9702191 3.970292 0.4762342 0.2359886 -0.0221176 0.1155296 0.1376472
Czech Republic 2009 19861.70 5484.77023 69.4 0.731 5.64 9.896548 8.609730 -0.3133418 4.239887 1.7298841 0.2761481 -0.0801705 0.0586979 0.1388684
Austria 2009 47963.18 10749.99136 71.2 0.745 6.53 10.778189 9.282660 -0.2943711 4.265493 1.8764069 0.2241301 -0.0481348 0.0157426 0.0638774
Lithuania 2009 11820.78 2114.14048 70.0 0.689 5.47 9.377614 7.656404 -0.3725140 4.248495 1.6992786 0.1788495 -0.1216205 -0.0072756 0.1143449
Norway 2009 79977.70 18602.88873 70.2 0.771 7.37 11.289503 9.831072 -0.2600669 4.251348 1.9974177 0.2326009 -0.1531534 0.0575658 0.2107191
Slovenia 2009 24694.23 5958.87047 62.9 0.753 6.17 10.114325 8.692636 -0.2836901 4.141546 1.8196988 0.2413062 -0.0301459 0.0406376 0.0707834
Switzerland 2009 69927.47 15883.61110 79.4 0.771 7.19 11.155214 9.673043 -0.2600669 4.374498 1.9726912 0.2271441 -0.0153676 0.0169875 0.0323551
Iceland 2009 41333.42 6256.00877 75.9 0.755 7.57 10.629427 8.741298 -0.2810375 4.329417 2.0241931 0.1513547 -0.1855681 0.0626037 0.2481719
Georgia 2009 2822.67 443.53512 69.8 0.548 3.63 7.945438 6.094777 -0.6014800 4.245634 1.2892326 0.1571332 -0.0771042 0.2126765 0.2897807
Albania 2009 4114.14 1345.68869 63.7 0.538 3.42 8.322185 7.204661 -0.6198967 4.154185 1.2296406 0.3270887 -0.0158818 0.1549865 0.1708682
Bahrain 2009 19355.90 4889.28603 74.8 0.606 5.54 9.870753 8.494802 -0.5008753 4.314818 1.7119945 0.2525993 -0.0447350 0.1064358 0.1511707
Uganda 2009 796.53 192.25060 63.5 0.342 1.49 6.680265 5.258800 -1.0729445 4.151040 0.3987761 0.2413601 0.3898253 0.1789515 -0.2108739
South Africa 2009 5862.80 1261.17808 63.8 0.422 3.35 8.676383 7.139801 -0.8627500 4.155753 1.2089603 0.2151153 0.0328958 0.2183010 0.1854053
Italy 2009 37079.76 7462.51419 61.4 0.758 6.03 10.520827 8.917648 -0.2770719 4.117410 1.7967470 0.2012557 -0.0659602 -0.0308972 0.0350630
Ukraine 2009 2543.00 442.94385 48.8 0.636 4.06 7.841100 6.093443 -0.4525567 3.887730 1.4011830 0.1741816 -0.2872207 0.0142229 0.3014436
Portugal 2009 23059.80 4889.04492 64.9 0.743 5.69 10.045846 8.494752 -0.2970592 4.172848 1.7387102 0.2120159 -0.0397540 0.0137723 0.0535264
Mexico 2009 8002.97 1769.45689 65.8 0.587 3.52 8.987568 7.478428 -0.5327305 4.186620 1.2584610 0.2211000 -0.1606209 0.0706732 0.2312941
Paraguay 2009 3624.57 672.13207 61.0 0.511 2.94 8.195491 6.510455 -0.6713857 4.110874 1.0784096 0.1854377 -0.0814275 0.1166128 0.1980403
New Zealand 2009 28205.73 5667.36596 82.0 0.778 6.76 10.247280 8.642480 -0.2510288 4.406719 1.9110229 0.2009296 -0.0588575 0.0323867 0.0912443
Burkina Faso 2009 624.18 117.29232 59.5 0.314 1.13 6.436439 4.764669 -1.1583623 4.085976 0.1222176 0.1879143 -0.0244785 0.2084165 0.2328950
Oman 2009 16823.79 5603.36064 67.0 0.547 4.16 9.730549 8.631122 -0.6033065 4.204693 1.4255151 0.3330617 -0.2025570 0.1826732 0.3852303
Hungary 2009 13046.48 2960.65724 66.8 0.694 5.47 9.476274 7.993167 -0.3652833 4.201703 1.6992786 0.2269315 -0.1390669 -0.0119049 0.1271620
Luxembourg 2009 103198.67 18994.19526 75.2 0.702 7.14 11.544411 9.851889 -0.3538219 4.320151 1.9657128 0.1840547 -0.0667446 -0.0209549 0.0457897
Mauritius 2009 7318.13 1866.93041 74.3 0.600 3.96 8.898110 7.532051 -0.5108256 4.308111 1.3762440 0.2551103 -0.0835966 0.1668298 0.2504264
Chad 2009 803.69 236.41807 47.5 0.284 0.88 6.689214 5.465602 -1.2587810 3.860730 -0.1278334 0.2941658 -0.1949595 0.0890143 0.2839738
Indonesia 2009 2261.25 704.04662 53.4 0.493 2.79 7.723673 6.556845 -0.7072461 3.977811 1.0260416 0.3113528 -0.0007486 0.1585006 0.1592491
Turkey 2009 9103.71 2019.02938 61.6 0.622 4.15 9.116437 7.610372 -0.4748152 4.120662 1.4231083 0.2217809 -0.1001704 0.1134645 0.2136349
Spain 2009 32042.47 7398.14938 70.1 0.710 6.18 10.374818 8.908985 -0.3424903 4.249923 1.8213183 0.2308857 -0.0296810 0.0143681 0.0440491
United States 2009 47099.98 8866.53337 80.7 0.701 6.88 10.760028 9.090039 -0.3552474 4.390739 1.9286187 0.1882492 0.0041336 0.0454430 0.0413094
Azerbaijan 2009 4950.29 931.61735 58.0 0.497 3.83 8.507201 6.836922 -0.6991653 4.060443 1.3428648 0.1881945 -0.0823432 0.3019730 0.3843161
Botswana 2009 5255.77 1834.77069 69.7 0.367 2.80 8.567082 7.514675 -1.0023934 4.244200 1.0296194 0.3490965 -0.0916243 0.2404450 0.3320693
Madagascar 2009 467.54 173.72999 62.2 0.386 1.28 6.147485 5.157502 -0.9519179 4.130355 0.2468601 0.3715832 -0.0800095 0.0613282 0.1413378
Zimbabwe 2009 771.60 76.61363 22.7 0.403 1.97 6.648466 4.338775 -0.9088187 3.122365 0.6780335 0.0992919 0.5986970 0.0172321 -0.5814649
Canada 2009 40773.06 9129.05405 80.5 0.773 6.68 10.615777 9.119217 -0.2574762 4.388257 1.8991180 0.2238992 -0.0897542 0.0434335 0.1331877
Kazakhstan 2009 7165.22 1991.33921 60.1 0.614 4.34 8.876994 7.596563 -0.4877604 4.096010 1.4678743 0.2779174 -0.1175913 0.2305424 0.3481337
Colombia 2009 5193.24 1176.09824 62.3 0.577 3.72 8.555113 7.069958 -0.5499130 4.131961 1.3137237 0.2264671 -0.0452864 0.0945002 0.1397866
Estonia 2009 14794.97 3336.36345 76.4 0.719 6.25 9.602042 8.112637 -0.3298939 4.335983 1.8325815 0.2255066 -0.0837374 0.0535576 0.1372950
Belgium 2009 44583.54 10188.49362 72.1 0.752 6.50 10.705120 9.229014 -0.2850190 4.278054 1.8718022 0.2285259 -0.0458177 0.0352298 0.0810475
Senegal 2009 1317.24 259.33266 56.3 0.388 1.72 7.183294 5.558112 -0.9467499 4.030695 0.5423243 0.1968758 -0.0244187 0.1289803 0.1533990
Algeria 2009 3883.13 1484.77192 56.6 0.529 2.78 8.264397 7.303016 -0.6367668 4.036009 1.0224509 0.3823647 -0.2493246 0.1499164 0.3992410
France 2009 41575.42 9179.83576 63.3 0.757 6.61 10.635264 9.124765 -0.2783920 4.147885 1.8885837 0.2207996 -0.0516263 -0.0020127 0.0496136
Peru 2009 4196.31 929.00623 64.6 0.539 3.35 8.341961 6.834115 -0.6180397 4.168214 1.2089603 0.2213865 0.0167367 0.0835886 0.0668518
Bulgaria 2009 6988.23 1941.40210 64.6 0.649 4.96 8.851983 7.571166 -0.4323226 4.168214 1.6014057 0.2778103 0.0197466 0.0572910 0.0375443
Germany 2009 41485.90 7997.33272 70.5 0.769 6.90 10.633109 8.986863 -0.2626643 4.255613 1.9315214 0.1927723 -0.0633452 0.0029399 0.0662851
Australia 2009 42772.36 11801.74906 82.6 0.760 6.94 10.663647 9.376003 -0.2744368 4.414010 1.9373018 0.2759200 -0.0976648 0.0281791 0.1258439
Greece 2009 29710.97 6177.35034 60.8 0.715 5.77 10.299272 8.728645 -0.3354727 4.107590 1.7526721 0.2079148 -0.0338193 0.0155008 0.0493201
Jordan 2009 3559.69 953.63616 65.4 0.558 3.69 8.177429 6.860282 -0.5833963 4.180522 1.3056265 0.2678987 0.0271014 0.1348168 0.1077154
Netherlands 2009 52514.03 11191.50984 77.0 0.799 7.34 10.868836 9.322911 -0.2243943 4.343805 1.9933388 0.2131147 -0.0651055 0.0002831 0.0653886
Malaysia 2009 7292.49 1602.62462 64.6 0.585 4.36 8.894600 7.379398 -0.5361434 4.168214 1.4724721 0.2197637 -0.1263900 0.1071231 0.2335130
Ireland 2009 52105.15 10989.42456 82.2 0.767 6.49 10.861019 9.304689 -0.2652685 4.409155 1.8702625 0.2109086 -0.0896468 0.0056450 0.0952918
Uruguay 2009 9451.93 1771.74770 69.1 0.591 4.82 9.153974 7.479722 -0.5259393 4.235555 1.5727739 0.1874482 0.0502698 0.1528300 0.1025601
Poland 2009 11526.06 2471.58828 60.3 0.698 5.50 9.352366 7.812616 -0.3595362 4.099332 1.7047481 0.2144348 -0.1302487 0.0389298 0.1691785
Ecuador 2009 4231.62 965.02503 52.5 0.524 3.36 8.350340 6.872154 -0.6462636 3.960813 1.2119410 0.2280510 0.0043522 0.1074792 0.1031270
Saudi Arabia 2009 16113.14 4168.18389 64.3 0.548 4.62 9.687390 8.335236 -0.6014800 4.163560 1.5303947 0.2586823 -0.1906229 0.1405104 0.3311333
Panama 2009 7576.14 2194.92562 64.7 0.518 3.81 8.932759 7.693903 -0.6577800 4.169761 1.3376292 0.2897156 0.0640267 0.0791682 0.0151415
Sweden 2009 46946.96 10560.14941 70.5 0.761 7.71 10.756774 9.264843 -0.2731219 4.255613 2.0425182 0.2249379 -0.1151886 0.0193769 0.1345654
Japan 2009 40855.18 9137.26991 72.8 0.823 7.10 10.617789 9.120117 -0.1947991 4.287716 1.9600948 0.2236502 0.0453000 0.0100136 -0.0352864
United Kingdom 2009 38713.14 6166.07257 79.0 0.764 7.20 10.563934 8.726817 -0.2691875 4.369448 1.9740810 0.1592760 -0.1514504 0.0188438 0.1702942
Namibia 2009 4240.69 1185.41720 62.4 0.390 2.45 8.352481 7.077850 -0.9416085 4.133565 0.8960880 0.2795340 -0.0023290 0.1895375 0.1918665
Benin 2009 1084.39 179.63582 55.4 0.365 1.41 6.988773 5.190932 -1.0078579 4.014580 0.3435897 0.1656561 -0.0257950 0.1081894 0.1339845
Tunisia 2009 4128.46 1004.59833 58.0 0.524 3.29 8.325660 6.912343 -0.6462636 4.060443 1.1908876 0.2433349 -0.0406331 0.0633974 0.1040305
United Arab Emirates 2009 32024.18 9259.15233 64.7 0.616 5.46 10.374246 9.133368 -0.4845083 4.169761 1.6974488 0.2891300 -0.3021959 0.0023353 0.3045312
Thailand 2009 4213.01 973.58173 63.0 0.583 3.52 8.345933 6.880982 -0.5395681 4.143135 1.2584610 0.2310893 0.0053235 0.1610717 0.1557482
Denmark 2009 58163.28 11730.89323 79.6 0.752 7.64 10.971009 9.369981 -0.2850190 4.377014 2.0333976 0.2016890 -0.0532863 0.0288800 0.0821662
Finland 2010 46459.97 10358.87287 73.8 0.817 7.96 10.746346 9.245599 -0.2021162 4.301359 2.0744290 0.2229634 -0.0111291 0.0922974 0.1034266
Chile 2010 12808.03 2760.74832 77.2 0.626 4.90 9.457828 7.923257 -0.4684049 4.346400 1.5892352 0.2155482 0.1842988 0.0382198 -0.1460789
Singapore 2010 47236.96 12078.35904 86.1 0.847 7.62 10.762932 9.399171 -0.1660546 4.455509 2.0307764 0.2556972 0.1756411 0.0935215 -0.0821196
Croatia 2010 13949.33 2954.90357 59.2 0.693 5.82 9.543187 7.991221 -0.3667253 4.080921 1.7613003 0.2118312 0.0019853 0.1319670 0.1299816
Morocco 2010 2839.93 883.54142 59.2 0.474 3.55 7.951535 6.783938 -0.7465480 4.080921 1.2669476 0.3111138 0.0064407 0.1741971 0.1677563
Malta 2010 21799.17 4576.20525 67.2 0.680 6.67 9.989627 8.428625 -0.3856625 4.207673 1.8976199 0.2099257 0.0008787 0.1107658 0.1098870
Argentina 2010 10385.96 1728.37676 51.2 0.589 5.02 9.248210 7.454938 -0.5293291 3.935739 1.6134299 0.1664147 0.1820780 0.0424852 -0.1395928
Latvia 2010 11383.52 2176.60520 66.2 0.676 6.22 9.339922 7.685522 -0.3915622 4.192680 1.8277699 0.1912067 -0.0347947 0.1079479 0.1427425
Moldova 2010 2437.53 549.03606 53.7 0.556 4.28 7.798741 6.308164 -0.5869870 3.983413 1.4539530 0.2252428 0.1969320 0.0282097 -0.1687223
Israel 2010 30693.59 5798.13745 67.7 0.718 6.69 10.331809 8.665292 -0.3312857 4.215086 1.9006139 0.1889039 0.0772199 0.0711119 -0.0061080
Romania 2010 8214.08 2141.61764 64.2 0.600 4.99 9.013605 7.669317 -0.5108256 4.162003 1.6074359 0.2607252 -0.0351313 0.0949070 0.1300383
Brazil 2010 11286.24 2319.71574 55.6 0.533 4.29 9.331340 7.749200 -0.6292339 4.018183 1.4562867 0.2055349 0.2008120 0.0039950 -0.1968170
Costa Rica 2010 8141.91 1600.69010 65.9 0.598 4.07 9.004780 7.378190 -0.5141645 4.188138 1.4036430 0.1965988 0.1689415 -0.0390001 -0.2079416
Cyprus 2010 31023.64 5192.73536 70.9 0.686 5.75 10.342505 8.555016 -0.3768777 4.261270 1.7491999 0.1673800 -0.0187440 0.0716473 0.0903913
Cameroon 2010 1286.52 301.91957 52.3 0.380 1.60 7.159696 5.710161 -0.9675840 3.956996 0.4700036 0.2346793 -0.0132661 -0.0195261 -0.0062600
Czech Republic 2010 19960.07 5418.92262 69.8 0.727 6.30 9.901489 8.597652 -0.3188288 4.245634 1.8405496 0.2714882 0.0042223 0.1164127 0.1121904
Austria 2010 46858.04 10119.80217 71.6 0.738 6.90 10.754878 9.222249 -0.3038115 4.271095 1.9315214 0.2159673 -0.0176658 0.0607167 0.0783826
Lithuania 2010 11990.66 2021.53800 70.3 0.688 6.02 9.391883 7.611614 -0.3739664 4.252772 1.7950873 0.1685927 0.0206127 0.1000852 0.0794725
Norway 2010 87693.79 18194.97615 69.4 0.771 8.16 11.381606 9.808901 -0.2600669 4.239887 2.0992442 0.2074831 0.0967034 0.0903650 -0.0063384
Slovenia 2010 23509.54 4956.18472 64.7 0.752 6.69 10.065162 8.508392 -0.2850190 4.169761 1.9006139 0.2108159 -0.0113704 0.1091301 0.1205004
Switzerland 2010 74605.72 16997.00278 81.1 0.768 7.60 11.219973 9.740792 -0.2639655 4.395683 2.0281482 0.2278244 0.0463133 0.0766417 0.0303284
Iceland 2010 43024.92 6047.17897 73.7 0.755 8.19 10.669535 8.707347 -0.2810375 4.300003 2.1029139 0.1405506 0.0448799 0.0493069 0.0044271
Georgia 2010 3233.30 611.71785 70.4 0.541 3.76 8.081259 6.416271 -0.6143360 4.254193 1.3244190 0.1891930 0.0645718 0.0437456 -0.0208263
Albania 2010 4094.35 1163.96025 66.0 0.544 3.65 8.317363 7.059583 -0.6088060 4.189655 1.2947272 0.2842845 0.0443593 0.1005568 0.0561975
Bahrain 2010 20722.14 5397.18764 76.3 0.605 5.42 9.938958 8.593633 -0.5025268 4.334673 1.6900958 0.2604551 0.0412428 -0.0020436 -0.0432864
Uganda 2010 819.01 211.66097 62.2 0.344 1.57 6.708096 5.354986 -1.0671136 4.130355 0.4510756 0.2584351 0.0072977 0.0316146 0.0243169
South Africa 2010 7328.62 1411.93024 62.8 0.425 3.65 8.899543 7.252713 -0.8556661 4.139955 1.2947272 0.1926598 0.2071255 0.0699687 -0.1371568
Italy 2010 36000.52 7203.41779 62.7 0.750 6.38 10.491289 8.882311 -0.2876821 4.138361 1.8531681 0.2000920 -0.0309544 0.0773727 0.1083271
Ukraine 2010 2965.14 505.11267 46.4 0.633 4.41 7.994680 6.224781 -0.4572849 3.837299 1.4838747 0.1703504 0.1272835 0.0322609 -0.0950226
Portugal 2010 22498.69 4628.84049 64.4 0.743 6.15 10.021212 8.440062 -0.2970592 4.165114 1.8164521 0.2057382 -0.0133818 0.0700078 0.0833897
Mexico 2010 9271.40 1998.37040 68.3 0.589 3.70 9.134690 7.600087 -0.5293291 4.223910 1.3083328 0.2155414 0.1235673 0.0871618 -0.0364055
Paraguay 2010 4355.93 928.19221 61.3 0.511 3.11 8.379293 6.833239 -0.6713857 4.115780 1.1346227 0.2130870 0.1150214 0.0611191 -0.0539023
New Zealand 2010 33700.13 6623.33188 82.1 0.779 7.17 10.425257 8.798354 -0.2497442 4.407938 1.9699057 0.1965373 0.1483735 0.0601015 -0.0882720
Burkina Faso 2010 647.84 130.36255 59.4 0.320 1.13 6.473644 4.870319 -1.1394343 4.084294 0.1222176 0.2012265 0.0310646 -0.0016821 -0.0327466
Oman 2010 18712.58 4629.91895 67.7 0.548 4.41 9.836951 8.440295 -0.6014800 4.215086 1.4838747 0.2474228 0.1549916 0.0687532 -0.0862385
Hungary 2010 13191.62 2652.68192 66.1 0.690 5.92 9.487337 7.883326 -0.3710637 4.191169 1.7783364 0.2010884 0.0285330 0.0685235 0.0399905
Luxembourg 2010 104965.31 18482.47100 75.4 0.700 7.82 11.561385 9.824578 -0.3566749 4.322807 2.0566846 0.1760817 0.0194322 0.0936278 0.0741957
Mauritius 2010 8000.38 1932.69841 76.3 0.600 4.31 8.987244 7.566672 -0.5108256 4.334673 1.4609379 0.2415758 0.0807705 0.1112559 0.0304854
Chad 2010 892.57 300.10041 47.5 0.286 0.88 6.794105 5.704117 -1.2517635 3.860730 -0.1278334 0.3362206 0.0293557 0.0000000 -0.0293557
Indonesia 2010 3122.36 967.60502 55.5 0.496 3.11 8.046344 6.874824 -0.7011794 4.016383 1.1346227 0.3098954 0.2283177 0.1471534 -0.0811643
Turkey 2010 10742.43 2640.78465 63.8 0.627 4.56 9.281957 7.878831 -0.4668087 4.155753 1.5173226 0.2458275 0.1055629 0.1293056 0.0237427
Spain 2010 30502.72 6655.66021 69.6 0.708 6.53 10.325571 8.803223 -0.3453112 4.242765 1.8764069 0.2181989 -0.0283745 0.0479304 0.0763050
United States 2010 48467.52 8922.75034 78.0 0.692 7.30 10.788649 9.096360 -0.3681693 4.356709 1.9878743 0.1840975 0.0169147 0.0252259 0.0083112
Azerbaijan 2010 5842.81 1061.44649 58.8 0.497 4.21 8.672967 6.967388 -0.6991653 4.074142 1.4374626 0.1816671 0.1420644 0.1082967 -0.0337677
Botswana 2010 6434.82 2163.13935 70.3 0.368 2.86 8.769479 7.679316 -0.9996723 4.252772 1.0508216 0.3361616 0.1488577 0.0297737 -0.1190840
Madagascar 2010 471.96 122.17086 63.2 0.389 1.34 6.156894 4.805421 -0.9441759 4.146304 0.2926696 0.2588585 0.1062866 0.0617588 -0.0445277
Zimbabwe 2010 948.33 161.32766 21.4 0.410 1.97 6.854703 5.083437 -0.8915981 3.063391 0.6780335 0.1701176 0.0938471 -0.0589740 -0.1528211
Canada 2010 47448.01 11145.45617 80.4 0.774 7.03 10.767390 9.318787 -0.2561834 4.387014 1.9501867 0.2348983 0.1057236 0.0498257 -0.0558978
Kazakhstan 2010 9070.49 2206.60918 61.0 0.594 4.81 9.112782 7.699212 -0.5208760 4.110874 1.5706971 0.2432734 0.1857561 0.1176868 -0.0680694
Colombia 2010 6336.71 1396.79917 65.5 0.580 3.91 8.754115 7.241939 -0.5447272 4.182050 1.3635374 0.2204297 0.1651349 0.0999024 -0.0652325
Estonia 2010 14790.82 3115.43893 74.7 0.726 6.70 9.601762 8.044125 -0.3202053 4.313480 1.9021075 0.2106333 0.0217981 0.0470235 0.0252253
Belgium 2010 44141.88 9728.71032 70.1 0.753 6.76 10.695164 9.182837 -0.2836901 4.249923 1.9110229 0.2203964 0.0012577 0.0110895 0.0098318
Senegal 2010 1280.23 235.45382 54.6 0.390 1.80 7.154795 5.461515 -0.9416085 4.000034 0.5877867 0.1839152 -0.0065374 0.0148017 0.0213392
Algeria 2010 4479.34 1625.24779 56.9 0.531 2.99 8.407231 7.393416 -0.6329933 4.041295 1.0952734 0.3628320 0.1124389 0.0781088 -0.0343301
France 2010 40638.33 8980.81484 64.2 0.757 7.22 10.612467 9.102846 -0.2783920 4.162003 1.9768550 0.2209937 -0.0179535 0.1023892 0.1203427
Peru 2010 5082.35 1195.03332 67.6 0.545 3.64 8.533529 7.085929 -0.6069695 4.213608 1.2919837 0.2351340 0.1408254 0.1284169 -0.0124085
Bulgaria 2010 6812.41 1520.35006 62.3 0.637 5.45 8.826501 7.326696 -0.4509856 4.131961 1.6956156 0.2231736 0.0145799 0.0579569 0.0433770
Germany 2010 41531.93 8119.64939 71.1 0.761 7.28 10.634218 9.002042 -0.2731219 4.264087 1.9851309 0.1955038 -0.0102717 0.0620841 0.0723558
Australia 2010 52022.13 14115.99169 82.6 0.755 7.32 10.859424 9.555064 -0.2810375 4.414010 1.9906103 0.2713459 0.1423801 0.0533086 -0.0890716
Greece 2010 26917.76 4727.57624 62.7 0.715 6.20 10.200542 8.461168 -0.3354727 4.138361 1.8245493 0.1756304 -0.0517530 0.1026489 0.1544019
Jordan 2010 3736.65 1004.98620 66.1 0.557 3.82 8.225945 6.912729 -0.5851900 4.191169 1.3402504 0.2689538 0.0330989 0.0452705 0.0121715
Netherlands 2010 50950.03 10050.92025 75.0 0.797 7.82 10.838601 9.215419 -0.2269006 4.317488 2.0566846 0.1972702 -0.0110421 0.0370284 0.0480705
Malaysia 2010 9040.57 2028.28716 64.8 0.584 4.85 9.109478 7.614947 -0.5378543 4.171306 1.5789787 0.2243539 0.1607038 0.1095978 -0.0511060
Ireland 2010 48715.18 8545.29200 81.3 0.766 7.04 10.793746 9.053136 -0.2665731 4.398146 1.9516082 0.1754133 -0.0242232 0.0703364 0.0945595
Uruguay 2010 11992.02 2286.89011 69.8 0.591 5.19 9.391997 7.734948 -0.5259393 4.245634 1.6467337 0.1907010 0.1893505 0.0840390 -0.1053115
Poland 2010 12613.01 2555.72211 63.2 0.701 6.38 9.442484 7.846090 -0.3552474 4.146304 1.8531681 0.2026259 0.0867554 0.1953922 0.1086368
Ecuador 2010 4633.59 1141.01362 49.3 0.526 3.65 8.441087 7.039672 -0.6424541 3.897924 1.2947272 0.2462483 0.0523674 0.0198971 -0.0324703
Saudi Arabia 2010 19262.55 4704.34453 64.1 0.548 4.96 9.865918 8.456242 -0.6014800 4.160444 1.6014057 0.2442223 0.1489753 0.0678958 -0.0810796
Panama 2010 8082.03 2393.37061 64.8 0.513 4.07 8.997398 7.780458 -0.6674794 4.171306 1.4036430 0.2961348 0.0321804 0.0675582 0.0353778
Sweden 2010 52869.04 11942.68450 72.4 0.762 8.43 10.875573 9.387874 -0.2718087 4.282206 2.1317968 0.2258918 0.0920242 0.1158722 0.0238480
Japan 2010 44507.68 9526.04045 72.9 0.816 7.73 10.703417 9.161784 -0.2033409 4.289089 2.0451089 0.2140314 0.0699964 0.0863868 0.0163904
United Kingdom 2010 39435.84 6229.45108 76.5 0.765 7.62 10.582430 8.737044 -0.2678794 4.337291 2.0307764 0.1579642 0.0179820 0.0245382 0.0065562
Namibia 2010 5318.01 1344.59551 62.2 0.394 2.63 8.578855 7.203849 -0.9314044 4.130355 0.9669838 0.2528381 0.2021401 0.0676855 -0.1344546
Benin 2010 1036.53 182.94821 55.4 0.366 1.63 6.943634 5.209203 -1.0051219 4.014580 0.4885800 0.1765006 -0.0461109 0.1449903 0.1911012
Tunisia 2010 4141.98 1018.34766 58.9 0.525 3.62 8.328929 6.925937 -0.6443570 4.075841 1.2864740 0.2458601 0.0013652 0.1109845 0.1096194
United Arab Emirates 2010 33893.30 8392.14256 67.3 0.621 5.38 10.430973 9.035051 -0.4764242 4.209160 1.6826884 0.2476048 0.0871522 0.0246386 -0.0625136
Thailand 2010 5076.34 1217.95116 64.1 0.585 3.62 8.532346 7.104925 -0.5361434 4.160444 1.2864740 0.2399270 0.1352861 0.0453227 -0.0899634
Denmark 2010 58041.40 10513.43839 77.9 0.749 8.18 10.968912 9.260410 -0.2890163 4.355426 2.1016922 0.1811369 0.0144765 0.0467064 0.0322299
Finland 2011 51082.00 11552.90385 74.0 0.818 7.99 10.841188 9.354692 -0.2008929 4.304065 2.0781908 0.2261639 0.0711147 0.0064681 -0.0646466
Chile 2011 14637.24 3384.08598 77.4 0.636 5.08 9.591324 8.126839 -0.4525567 4.348987 1.6253113 0.2311970 0.0986132 0.0386634 -0.0599498
Singapore 2011 53890.43 13615.37082 87.2 0.854 7.55 10.894708 9.518955 -0.1578241 4.468204 2.0215476 0.2526491 0.1076640 0.0034661 -0.1041979
Croatia 2011 14609.52 2949.54922 61.1 0.700 6.14 9.589429 7.989408 -0.3566749 4.112512 1.8148247 0.2018923 0.0546293 0.0851148 0.0304855
Morocco 2011 3046.95 973.91840 59.6 0.477 3.59 8.021896 6.881328 -0.7402388 4.087656 1.2781522 0.3196371 0.0435250 0.0179386 -0.0255863
Malta 2011 23155.55 4205.54788 65.7 0.683 6.85 10.049990 8.344160 -0.3812604 4.185099 1.9242487 0.1816216 0.0793059 0.0040545 -0.0752514
Argentina 2011 12848.86 2216.20868 51.7 0.594 5.06 9.461010 7.703553 -0.5208760 3.945458 1.6213665 0.1724829 0.1769134 0.0176548 -0.1592586
Latvia 2011 13895.16 3051.63674 65.8 0.687 6.00 9.539296 8.023433 -0.3754210 4.186620 1.7917595 0.2196187 0.1377585 -0.0420711 -0.1798295
Moldova 2011 2942.26 681.48666 55.7 0.560 4.46 7.986933 6.524277 -0.5798185 4.019980 1.4951488 0.2316201 0.1436449 0.0777629 -0.0658820
Israel 2011 33669.25 6888.71451 68.5 0.729 6.70 10.424340 8.837640 -0.3160815 4.226834 1.9021075 0.2045996 0.0693622 0.0132412 -0.0561210
Romania 2011 9099.22 2479.00932 64.7 0.601 5.05 9.115944 7.815614 -0.5091603 4.169761 1.6193882 0.2724420 0.0636929 0.0197103 -0.0439826
Brazil 2011 13245.61 2728.91310 56.3 0.537 4.59 9.491421 7.911659 -0.6217572 4.030695 1.5238800 0.2060240 0.1325478 0.0801046 -0.0524432
Costa Rica 2011 9121.93 1793.56510 67.3 0.599 4.47 9.118437 7.491961 -0.5124937 4.209160 1.4973884 0.1966212 0.0926292 0.1147672 0.0221380
Cyprus 2011 32396.39 4665.08993 73.3 0.697 5.71 10.385802 8.447862 -0.3609699 4.294561 1.7422190 0.1440003 0.0723447 0.0263093 -0.0460354
Cameroon 2011 1405.09 339.86266 51.8 0.382 1.66 7.247857 5.828542 -0.9623347 3.947390 0.5068176 0.2418796 0.0635062 0.0272078 -0.0362984
Czech Republic 2011 21871.27 5851.62753 70.4 0.738 6.30 9.992929 8.674475 -0.3038115 4.254193 1.8405496 0.2675486 0.0818858 0.0085593 -0.0733265
Austria 2011 51374.96 11544.83447 71.9 0.750 7.10 10.846906 9.353993 -0.2876821 4.275276 1.9600948 0.2247171 0.0749280 0.0327546 -0.0421734
Lithuania 2011 14392.53 2656.84518 71.3 0.694 5.79 9.574465 7.884895 -0.3652833 4.266896 1.7561323 0.1845989 0.1392142 -0.0248304 -0.1640446
Norway 2011 100600.56 21602.68503 70.3 0.771 7.97 11.518913 9.980573 -0.2600669 4.252772 2.0756845 0.2147372 0.1004423 -0.0106747 -0.1111171
Slovenia 2011 25095.13 5005.07950 64.6 0.760 6.60 10.130429 8.518209 -0.2744368 4.168214 1.8870696 0.1994443 0.0717811 -0.0150910 -0.0868721
Switzerland 2011 88415.63 20726.96545 81.9 0.769 7.62 11.389804 9.939191 -0.2626643 4.405499 2.0307764 0.2344265 0.1243179 0.0124442 -0.1118738
Iceland 2011 47516.87 7316.65291 68.2 0.752 8.12 10.768840 8.897908 -0.2850190 4.222445 2.0943302 0.1539801 0.0665943 -0.0861420 -0.1527363
Georgia 2011 4021.74 816.97013 70.4 0.557 4.24 8.299470 6.705603 -0.5851900 4.254193 1.4445633 0.2031385 0.1826623 0.1201443 -0.0625180
Albania 2011 4437.14 1303.02070 64.0 0.557 3.80 8.397765 7.172441 -0.5851900 4.158883 1.3350011 0.2936623 0.0639411 0.0095022 -0.0544388
Bahrain 2011 22514.24 4742.99252 77.7 0.617 5.79 10.021903 8.464424 -0.4828863 4.352855 1.7561323 0.2106663 0.1256684 0.0842188 -0.0414496
Uganda 2011 829.01 213.17847 61.7 0.350 1.72 6.720232 5.362130 -1.0498221 4.122284 0.5423243 0.2571482 0.0231439 0.0831776 0.0600337
South Africa 2011 8007.48 1530.73908 62.7 0.421 3.67 8.988131 7.333506 -0.8651224 4.138361 1.3001917 0.1911636 0.0654956 0.0038709 -0.0616247
Italy 2011 38599.06 7612.06120 60.3 0.756 6.43 10.560983 8.937489 -0.2797139 4.099332 1.8609745 0.1972085 0.0652097 -0.0312229 -0.0964326
Ukraine 2011 3569.76 629.93761 45.8 0.637 4.38 8.180254 6.445621 -0.4509856 3.824284 1.4770487 0.1764650 0.1517914 -0.0198413 -0.1716327
Portugal 2011 23186.91 4271.08803 64.0 0.750 6.07 10.051343 8.359624 -0.2876821 4.158883 1.8033586 0.1842026 0.0525975 -0.0193240 -0.0719215
Mexico 2011 10203.42 2273.20908 67.8 0.592 3.78 9.230478 7.728948 -0.5242486 4.216562 1.3297240 0.2227889 0.0710285 0.0140436 -0.0569848
Paraguay 2011 5322.96 1116.38926 62.3 0.515 3.10 8.579785 7.017855 -0.6635884 4.131961 1.1314021 0.2097309 0.1679337 0.0129610 -0.1549727
New Zealand 2011 38437.54 7627.24893 82.3 0.776 7.31 10.556790 8.939483 -0.2536028 4.410371 1.9892433 0.1984323 0.1004355 0.0217707 -0.0786648
Burkina Faso 2011 751.17 158.60078 60.6 0.328 1.11 6.621632 5.066390 -1.1147417 4.104295 0.1043600 0.2111383 0.1260692 0.0021430 -0.1239262
Oman 2011 20876.79 4858.17827 69.8 0.561 4.80 9.946393 8.488419 -0.5780344 4.245634 1.5686159 0.2327071 0.1162328 0.1152891 -0.0009438
Hungary 2011 14216.17 2781.03085 66.6 0.694 5.91 9.562135 7.930577 -0.3652833 4.198705 1.7766458 0.1956245 0.0702045 0.0058452 -0.0643593
Luxembourg 2011 115761.51 22201.65965 76.2 0.699 7.76 11.659287 10.007922 -0.3581045 4.333361 2.0489823 0.1917879 0.0615836 0.0028520 -0.0587316
Mauritius 2011 9197.03 2157.57284 76.2 0.605 4.23 9.126636 7.676739 -0.5025268 4.333361 1.4422020 0.2345945 0.1199225 -0.0200474 -0.1399698
Chad 2011 984.74 278.48693 45.3 0.287 0.94 6.892378 5.629371 -1.2482731 3.813307 -0.0618754 0.2828025 0.1219144 0.0185353 -0.1033791
Indonesia 2011 3643.04 1142.31533 56.0 0.502 3.14 8.200574 7.040813 -0.6891552 4.025352 1.1442228 0.3135610 0.1104357 0.0185687 -0.0918670
Turkey 2011 11420.77 3172.49108 64.2 0.625 4.47 9.343189 8.062272 -0.4700036 4.162003 1.4973884 0.2777826 0.0079682 -0.0136842 -0.0216524
Spain 2011 31636.45 6332.54003 70.2 0.715 6.65 10.362065 8.753457 -0.3354727 4.251348 1.8946169 0.2001659 0.0543247 0.0267937 -0.0275311
United States 2011 49886.82 9372.28559 77.8 0.706 7.35 10.817512 9.145512 -0.3481400 4.354141 1.9947003 0.1878710 0.0358949 0.0042586 -0.0316364
Azerbaijan 2011 7189.69 1450.70746 59.7 0.519 4.62 8.880403 7.279807 -0.6558514 4.089332 1.5303947 0.2017761 0.1789717 0.1081222 -0.0708495
Botswana 2011 7617.33 2440.96060 68.8 0.378 2.83 8.938181 7.800147 -0.9728611 4.231204 1.0402767 0.3204483 0.1482016 -0.0321130 -0.1803145
Madagascar 2011 531.27 131.14833 61.2 0.386 1.28 6.275270 4.876329 -0.9519179 4.114147 0.2468601 0.2468582 0.0950410 -0.0779666 -0.1730076
Zimbabwe 2011 1093.65 160.05309 22.1 0.415 2.16 6.997276 5.075506 -0.8794768 3.095578 0.7701082 0.1463476 0.1540817 0.1242614 -0.0298203
Canada 2011 52087.45 12289.11643 80.8 0.778 7.14 10.860679 9.416469 -0.2510288 4.391977 1.9657128 0.2359324 0.0741816 0.0204889 -0.0536927
Kazakhstan 2011 11634.00 2497.20373 62.1 0.634 5.41 9.361687 7.822927 -0.4557063 4.128746 1.6882491 0.2146470 0.2735318 0.1354241 -0.1381076
Colombia 2011 7335.17 1607.56238 68.0 0.582 3.89 8.900436 7.382474 -0.5412848 4.219508 1.3584092 0.2191582 0.1182093 0.0323293 -0.0858799
Estonia 2011 17621.55 4620.82207 75.2 0.729 6.74 9.776878 8.438328 -0.3160815 4.320151 1.9080599 0.2622256 0.0747882 0.0126235 -0.0621647
Belgium 2011 47348.53 10871.27469 70.2 0.754 6.85 10.765291 9.293879 -0.2823629 4.251348 1.9242487 0.2296011 0.0456537 0.0146513 -0.0310024
Senegal 2011 1373.52 287.24194 55.7 0.395 1.88 7.225132 5.660325 -0.9288695 4.019980 0.6312718 0.2091283 0.0388352 0.0634314 0.0245962
Algeria 2011 5462.26 1729.94259 52.4 0.529 2.98 8.605618 7.455844 -0.6367668 3.958907 1.0919233 0.3167082 0.1760370 -0.0857388 -0.2617758
France 2011 43790.73 9825.10998 64.6 0.758 7.26 10.687177 9.192697 -0.2770719 4.168214 1.9823798 0.2243651 0.0555750 0.0117361 -0.0438389
Peru 2011 5869.32 1370.40081 68.6 0.551 3.58 8.677494 7.222859 -0.5960205 4.228293 1.2753628 0.2334854 0.1203866 -0.0019363 -0.1223230
Bulgaria 2011 7809.43 1635.74500 64.9 0.649 5.50 8.963087 7.399854 -0.4323226 4.172848 1.7047481 0.2094577 0.1360165 0.0500187 -0.0859978
Germany 2011 46644.78 9504.82917 71.8 0.768 7.33 10.750316 9.159555 -0.2639655 4.273885 1.9919755 0.2037705 0.0912926 0.0166418 -0.0746508
Australia 2011 62517.83 16293.62618 82.5 0.765 7.54 11.043207 9.698529 -0.2678794 4.412798 2.0202222 0.2606237 0.1561208 0.0284005 -0.1277203
Greece 2011 25916.29 3956.62358 60.3 0.710 6.21 10.162627 8.283146 -0.3424903 4.099332 1.8261609 0.1526694 -0.0166823 -0.0374177 -0.0207354
Jordan 2011 3852.75 955.20475 68.9 0.557 3.90 8.256543 6.861926 -0.5851900 4.232656 1.3609766 0.2479280 0.0431933 0.0622136 0.0190203
Netherlands 2011 54159.35 10902.72529 74.7 0.799 7.85 10.899686 9.296768 -0.2243943 4.313480 2.0605135 0.2013083 0.0467109 -0.0001790 -0.0468899
Malaysia 2011 10399.37 2306.90733 66.3 0.593 4.81 9.249500 7.743663 -0.5225609 4.194190 1.5706971 0.2218315 0.1233706 0.0146027 -0.1087679
Ireland 2011 51848.91 8607.81302 78.7 0.775 7.10 10.856089 9.060426 -0.2548922 4.365643 1.9600948 0.1660172 0.0708746 -0.0240162 -0.0948909
Uruguay 2011 14236.68 2721.84952 70.0 0.593 5.38 9.563577 7.909067 -0.5225609 4.248495 1.6826884 0.1911857 0.1410238 0.0388159 -0.1022079
Poland 2011 13879.56 2863.65420 64.1 0.709 6.22 9.538172 7.959854 -0.3438998 4.160444 1.8277699 0.2063217 0.0812229 -0.0112581 -0.0924810
Ecuador 2011 5200.56 1342.88527 47.1 0.539 3.73 8.556522 7.202576 -0.6180397 3.852273 1.3164082 0.2582194 0.0914796 -0.0239700 -0.1154496
Saudi Arabia 2011 23745.80 5377.16477 66.2 0.555 5.46 10.075161 8.589916 -0.5887872 4.192680 1.6974488 0.2264470 0.1887912 0.1282791 -0.0605120
Panama 2011 9358.25 2914.00230 64.9 0.518 4.38 9.144014 7.977283 -0.6577800 4.172848 1.4770487 0.3113833 0.0920064 0.0749477 -0.0170587
Sweden 2011 60755.76 13863.58843 71.9 0.769 8.41 11.014617 9.537021 -0.2626643 4.275276 2.1294215 0.2281856 0.1120686 -0.0093053 -0.1213739
Japan 2011 48168.00 10560.65335 72.8 0.824 7.77 10.782450 9.264890 -0.1935847 4.287716 2.0502702 0.2192462 0.0640447 0.0037886 -0.0602561
United Kingdom 2011 42038.57 6481.31067 74.5 0.767 7.63 10.646343 8.776678 -0.2652685 4.310799 2.0320878 0.1541753 0.0600102 -0.0251801 -0.0851904
Namibia 2011 5723.33 1299.11596 62.7 0.401 2.60 8.652306 7.169439 -0.9137939 4.138361 0.9555114 0.2269860 0.0948752 -0.0034660 -0.0983412
Benin 2011 1130.27 206.00729 56.0 0.373 1.57 7.030212 5.327911 -0.9861769 4.025352 0.4510756 0.1822638 0.0804338 -0.0267323 -0.1071661
Tunisia 2011 4264.67 932.12603 58.5 0.521 3.58 8.358120 6.837468 -0.6520052 4.069027 1.2753628 0.2185693 0.0425508 -0.0179256 -0.0604764
United Arab Emirates 2011 39194.68 8401.69017 67.8 0.628 5.68 10.576296 9.036188 -0.4652151 4.216562 1.7369512 0.2143579 0.1538863 0.0616648 -0.0922214
Thailand 2011 5492.12 1418.96473 64.7 0.589 3.42 8.611070 7.257683 -0.5293291 4.169761 1.2296406 0.2583638 0.0443106 -0.0475166 -0.0918272
Denmark 2011 61753.65 11213.36832 78.6 0.755 8.18 11.030908 9.324862 -0.2810375 4.364372 2.1016922 0.1815823 0.0568231 0.0089457 -0.0478773
Finland 2012 47710.79 11010.62049 72.3 0.817 8.27 10.772913 9.306616 -0.2021162 4.280824 2.1126345 0.2307784 -0.0581205 0.0112028 0.0693233
Chile 2012 15351.55 3818.81153 78.3 0.639 5.68 9.638972 8.247694 -0.4478508 4.360548 1.7369512 0.2487574 0.0211191 0.1232008 0.1020817
Singapore 2012 55546.49 14680.93042 87.5 0.858 7.85 10.924976 9.594305 -0.1531512 4.471639 2.0605135 0.2642999 0.0137903 0.0424004 0.0286102
Croatia 2012 13258.36 2596.27862 60.9 0.703 6.70 9.492384 7.861834 -0.3523984 4.109233 1.9021075 0.1958220 -0.0686243 0.0840041 0.1526284
Morocco 2012 2912.66 963.62097 60.2 0.480 4.09 7.976822 6.870698 -0.7339692 4.097672 1.4085450 0.3308388 -0.0373623 0.1404095 0.1777719
Malta 2012 22527.64 3966.21510 67.0 0.687 7.08 10.022498 8.285568 -0.3754210 4.204693 1.9572739 0.1760599 -0.0123644 0.0526189 0.0649833
Argentina 2012 13082.66 2074.58682 48.0 0.596 5.58 9.479043 7.637517 -0.5175146 3.871201 1.7191888 0.1585753 0.0313326 0.0235655 -0.0077671
Latvia 2012 13926.35 3503.73048 65.2 0.692 6.84 9.541538 8.161584 -0.3681693 4.177460 1.9227877 0.2515900 -0.0270878 0.1218679 0.1489557
Moldova 2012 3045.74 719.82746 54.4 0.563 5.44 8.021499 6.579012 -0.5744757 3.996364 1.6937791 0.2363391 0.0257100 0.1750143 0.1493043
Israel 2012 32511.24 6818.64732 67.8 0.732 7.25 10.389341 8.827416 -0.3119748 4.216562 1.9810015 0.2097320 -0.0296095 0.0686224 0.0982318
Romania 2012 8507.10 2342.40424 64.4 0.600 5.52 9.048656 7.758933 -0.5108256 4.165114 1.7083779 0.2753470 -0.0528874 0.0843420 0.1372294
Brazil 2012 12370.02 2564.13735 57.9 0.539 5.16 9.423031 7.849377 -0.6180397 4.058717 1.6409366 0.2072864 -0.0525334 0.1450794 0.1976128
Costa Rica 2012 9913.21 2041.93659 68.0 0.602 5.64 9.201624 7.621654 -0.5074978 4.219508 1.7298841 0.2059814 0.0604392 0.2428431 0.1824039
Cyprus 2012 28912.16 3412.16946 71.8 0.705 6.09 10.272018 8.135104 -0.3495575 4.273885 1.8066481 0.1180185 -0.0668079 0.0437529 0.1105608
Cameroon 2012 1354.55 308.34032 51.8 0.384 1.98 7.211225 5.731204 -0.9571127 3.947390 0.6830968 0.2276330 -0.0104416 0.1762792 0.1867208
Czech Republic 2012 19870.80 5197.28128 69.9 0.741 6.57 9.897007 8.555891 -0.2997547 4.247066 1.8825138 0.2615537 -0.0619107 0.0348366 0.0967473
Austria 2012 48567.70 11000.23950 70.3 0.752 7.46 10.790714 9.305672 -0.2850190 4.252772 2.0095554 0.2264929 -0.0431879 0.0269562 0.0701440
Lithuania 2012 14373.06 2490.01325 71.5 0.697 6.50 9.573111 7.820043 -0.3609699 4.269697 1.8718022 0.1732417 0.0134474 0.1184710 0.1050236
Norway 2012 101524.14 22715.62056 68.8 0.771 8.35 11.528052 10.030808 -0.2600669 4.231204 2.1222615 0.2237460 -0.0021011 0.0250090 0.0271101
Slovenia 2012 22643.10 4309.37068 62.9 0.763 6.96 10.027610 8.368547 -0.2704972 4.141546 1.9401795 0.1903172 -0.0711457 0.0264416 0.0975872
Switzerland 2012 83538.23 19882.80151 81.1 0.768 7.94 11.333060 9.897610 -0.2639655 4.395683 2.0719133 0.2380084 -0.0478394 0.0313209 0.0791603
Iceland 2012 45910.02 7335.54096 70.9 0.751 8.58 10.734439 8.900486 -0.2863496 4.261270 2.1494339 0.1597808 -0.0359314 0.0939296 0.1298610
Georgia 2012 4421.82 977.88228 69.4 0.562 4.48 8.394307 6.885389 -0.5762534 4.239887 1.4996230 0.2211493 0.0620373 0.0407534 -0.0212839
Albania 2012 4247.63 1125.14100 65.1 0.566 4.42 8.354116 7.025664 -0.5691612 4.175924 1.4861397 0.2648868 0.0070134 0.1681801 0.1611667
Bahrain 2012 23654.35 6348.19160 75.2 0.623 7.22 10.071302 8.755925 -0.4732088 4.320151 1.9768550 0.2683731 -0.0217519 0.1880186 0.2097705
Uganda 2012 786.73 197.78979 61.9 0.355 1.90 6.667885 5.287205 -1.0356375 4.125520 0.6418539 0.2514075 -0.0228919 0.1027658 0.1256578
South Africa 2012 7501.66 1442.40218 62.7 0.421 4.19 8.922880 7.274065 -0.8651224 4.138361 1.4327007 0.1922777 -0.0538226 0.1325091 0.1863317
Italy 2012 35053.53 6415.88538 58.8 0.755 6.66 10.464632 8.766532 -0.2810375 4.074142 1.8961195 0.1830311 -0.0661425 0.0099547 0.0760972
Ukraine 2012 3855.42 732.27655 46.1 0.637 4.97 8.257235 6.596158 -0.4509856 3.830813 1.6034198 0.1899343 0.0483894 0.1329000 0.0845106
Portugal 2012 20564.89 3254.23340 63.0 0.753 6.57 9.931340 8.087712 -0.2836901 4.143135 1.8825138 0.1582422 -0.0736144 0.0634069 0.1370213
Mexico 2012 10241.73 2336.40566 65.3 0.594 4.07 9.234226 7.756369 -0.5208760 4.178992 1.4036430 0.2281261 0.0000954 0.0363488 0.0362534
Paraguay 2012 5183.08 1012.22383 61.8 0.517 3.56 8.553155 6.919905 -0.6597124 4.123903 1.2697605 0.1952939 -0.0043820 0.1303004 0.1346824
New Zealand 2012 39982.75 8217.83999 82.1 0.776 7.62 10.596203 9.014063 -0.2536028 4.407938 2.0307764 0.2055346 0.0240847 0.0391000 0.0150153
Burkina Faso 2012 758.00 167.93546 60.6 0.334 1.35 6.630683 5.123580 -1.0966143 4.104295 0.3001046 0.2215507 0.0104923 0.1957446 0.1852523
Oman 2012 21872.62 4756.98909 67.9 0.568 5.43 9.992991 8.467370 -0.5656339 4.218036 1.6919391 0.2174860 0.0608790 0.0957252 0.0348463
Hungary 2012 12950.69 2486.55687 67.1 0.695 6.35 9.468904 7.818654 -0.3638434 4.206184 1.8484548 0.1920019 -0.0705782 0.0792884 0.1498666
Luxembourg 2012 106749.01 21523.86239 74.5 0.698 8.19 11.578236 9.976918 -0.3595362 4.310799 2.1029139 0.2016306 -0.0759432 0.0313692 0.1073124
Mauritius 2012 9291.23 2098.21317 77.0 0.607 4.96 9.136826 7.648841 -0.4992265 4.343805 1.6014057 0.2258273 0.0190454 0.1696477 0.1506023
Chad 2012 967.35 300.84928 44.8 0.288 1.09 6.874560 5.706609 -1.2447948 3.802208 0.0861777 0.3110035 -0.0394421 0.1369542 0.1763963
Indonesia 2012 3694.35 1207.47469 56.4 0.507 3.70 8.214560 7.096286 -0.6792443 4.032469 1.3083328 0.3268436 0.0025264 0.1712275 0.1687011
Turkey 2012 11795.32 3188.08285 62.5 0.626 5.12 9.375458 8.067175 -0.4684049 4.135167 1.6331544 0.2702837 0.0321107 0.1089294 0.0768187
Spain 2012 28324.43 5238.05854 69.1 0.717 7.14 10.251480 8.563706 -0.3326794 4.235555 1.9657128 0.1849308 -0.0732178 0.0553023 0.1285202
United States 2012 51610.61 10100.97824 76.3 0.708 7.90 10.851483 9.220388 -0.3453112 4.334673 2.0668628 0.1957151 0.0215914 0.0526940 0.0311025
Azerbaijan 2012 7496.29 1683.30695 58.9 0.530 5.22 8.922163 7.428516 -0.6348783 4.075841 1.6524974 0.2245520 0.0246309 0.1086118 0.0839809
Botswana 2012 7050.57 2554.25901 69.6 0.383 3.94 8.860864 7.845517 -0.9597203 4.242765 1.3711807 0.3622770 -0.0853740 0.3424648 0.4278388
Madagascar 2012 518.15 121.07018 62.4 0.386 1.43 6.250265 4.796370 -0.9519179 4.133565 0.3576744 0.2336585 -0.0063226 0.1302325 0.1365550
Zimbabwe 2012 1304.97 158.53217 26.3 0.420 2.68 7.173935 5.065957 -0.8675006 3.269569 0.9858168 0.1214834 0.1883405 0.3896999 0.2013594
Canada 2012 52678.39 12905.37348 79.9 0.781 7.37 10.871961 9.465399 -0.2471801 4.380776 1.9974177 0.2449842 0.0022000 0.0205038 0.0183038
Kazakhstan 2012 12386.70 2824.55840 63.6 0.644 5.80 9.424379 7.946107 -0.4400566 4.152614 1.7578579 0.2280316 0.0466836 0.0934763 0.0467927
Colombia 2012 8050.26 1700.63331 68.0 0.584 4.61 8.993460 7.438756 -0.5378543 4.219508 1.5282279 0.2112520 0.0838400 0.1698187 0.0859787
Estonia 2012 17534.42 4996.76023 73.2 0.734 7.54 9.771921 8.516545 -0.3092463 4.293195 2.0202222 0.2849687 -0.0223588 0.0852064 0.1075652
Belgium 2012 44673.12 10263.86044 69.0 0.755 7.33 10.707127 9.236384 -0.2810375 4.234107 1.9919755 0.2297547 -0.0439332 0.0504851 0.0944183
Senegal 2012 1329.98 272.81246 55.4 0.398 2.20 7.192919 5.608785 -0.9213033 4.014580 0.7884574 0.2051252 -0.0156265 0.1517850 0.1674115
Algeria 2012 5591.21 1722.04367 51.0 0.529 3.30 8.628951 7.451267 -0.6367668 3.931826 1.1939225 0.3079912 0.0247426 0.0749182 0.0501756
France 2012 40874.70 9183.70018 63.2 0.758 7.73 10.618267 9.125186 -0.2770719 4.146304 2.0451089 0.2246793 -0.0537425 0.0408189 0.0945614
Peru 2012 6528.97 1635.15014 68.7 0.557 3.92 8.784004 7.399490 -0.5851900 4.229749 1.3660917 0.2504453 0.0703919 0.0921855 0.0217936
Bulgaria 2012 7395.85 1569.86244 64.7 0.649 6.12 8.908674 7.358743 -0.4323226 4.169761 1.8115621 0.2122626 -0.0456868 0.1037276 0.1494143
Germany 2012 43858.36 8915.04710 71.0 0.768 7.72 10.688721 9.095496 -0.2639655 4.262680 2.0438144 0.2032690 -0.0485744 0.0406342 0.0892086
Australia 2012 68012.15 18650.91837 83.1 0.767 8.03 11.127442 9.833651 -0.2652685 4.420045 2.0831845 0.2742292 0.0490753 0.0702088 0.0211335
Greece 2012 22242.68 2808.19672 55.4 0.707 6.70 10.009768 7.940298 -0.3467246 4.014580 1.9021075 0.1262526 -0.1132730 -0.0088059 0.1044671
Jordan 2012 3909.91 828.79000 69.9 0.557 4.48 8.271270 6.719967 -0.5851900 4.247066 1.4996230 0.2119716 0.0448184 0.1530560 0.1082375
Netherlands 2012 50073.01 9370.35846 73.3 0.799 8.36 10.821237 9.145307 -0.2243943 4.294561 2.1234584 0.1871339 -0.0501049 0.0440254 0.0941303
Malaysia 2012 10817.44 2743.67654 66.4 0.596 5.18 9.288915 7.917054 -0.5175146 4.195697 1.6448051 0.2536346 -0.0007972 0.0756151 0.0764123
Ireland 2012 48917.90 9591.93690 76.9 0.779 7.48 10.797899 9.168678 -0.2497442 4.342506 2.0122328 0.1960824 -0.0752784 0.0290007 0.1042791
Uruguay 2012 15171.58 3361.01934 69.9 0.594 5.92 9.627179 8.120000 -0.5208760 4.247066 1.7783364 0.2215339 0.0181851 0.0942185 0.0760334
Poland 2012 13097.27 2601.41180 64.2 0.715 6.63 9.480159 7.863810 -0.3354727 4.162003 1.8916048 0.1986224 -0.0321837 0.0653937 0.0975774
Ecuador 2012 5682.05 1532.09782 48.3 0.547 4.28 8.645067 7.334393 -0.6033065 3.877432 1.4539530 0.2696382 0.0637633 0.1627033 0.0989400
Saudi Arabia 2012 25243.36 5625.07111 62.5 0.558 6.01 10.136318 8.634989 -0.5833963 4.135167 1.7934247 0.2228337 0.0553034 0.0384621 -0.0168414
Panama 2012 10722.28 3803.26970 65.2 0.517 4.69 9.280079 8.243616 -0.6597124 4.177460 1.5454326 0.3547072 0.0403481 0.0729957 0.0326476
Sweden 2012 58037.82 13236.16448 71.7 0.773 8.68 10.968850 9.490708 -0.2574762 4.272491 2.1610215 0.2280610 -0.0311999 0.0288145 0.0600145
Japan 2012 48603.48 10890.94171 71.6 0.825 8.15 10.791450 9.295687 -0.1923719 4.271095 2.0980179 0.2240774 0.0030406 0.0311269 0.0280863
United Kingdom 2012 42462.77 6577.68581 74.1 0.769 8.28 10.656383 8.791438 -0.2626643 4.305415 2.1138430 0.1549048 0.0099545 0.0763715 0.0664170
Namibia 2012 5942.22 1529.96156 61.9 0.406 3.08 8.689838 7.332998 -0.9014021 4.125520 1.1249296 0.2574731 0.0046213 0.1565769 0.1519556
Benin 2012 1145.14 185.55896 55.7 0.376 1.75 7.043282 5.223373 -0.9781661 4.019980 0.5596158 0.1620404 0.0367225 0.1031686 0.0664461
Tunisia 2012 4152.68 934.02568 58.6 0.520 4.07 8.331509 6.839504 -0.6539265 4.070735 1.4036430 0.2249212 -0.0285579 0.1299881 0.1585461
United Arab Emirates 2012 40976.50 8528.23973 69.3 0.633 6.27 10.620754 9.051138 -0.4572849 4.238445 1.8357764 0.2081251 0.0476260 0.1207078 0.0730818
Thailand 2012 5860.58 1577.33457 64.9 0.592 4.09 8.676004 7.363492 -0.5242486 4.172848 1.4085450 0.2691431 0.0401696 0.1819908 0.1418213
Denmark 2012 58507.51 10986.36489 76.2 0.756 8.78 10.976910 9.304410 -0.2797139 4.333361 2.1724764 0.1877770 -0.0490825 0.0397740 0.0888565
Finland 2013 49878.04 10977.16814 74.0 0.815 8.31 10.817336 9.303573 -0.2045672 4.304065 2.1174596 0.2200802 0.0431813 0.0280661 -0.0151153
Chile 2013 15842.94 3929.73433 79.0 0.643 5.92 9.670479 8.276327 -0.4416106 4.369448 1.7783364 0.2480433 0.0290978 0.0502855 0.0211876
Singapore 2013 56967.43 15693.50928 88.0 0.862 7.90 10.950235 9.661003 -0.1485000 4.477337 2.0668628 0.2754821 0.0102552 0.0120472 0.0017921
Croatia 2013 13674.42 2687.88018 61.3 0.705 6.90 9.523282 7.896508 -0.3495575 4.115780 1.9315214 0.1965626 0.0263656 0.0359606 0.0095950
Morocco 2013 3121.68 975.64811 59.6 0.483 4.27 8.046127 6.883102 -0.7277386 4.087656 1.4516138 0.3125394 0.0697111 0.0330521 -0.0366590
Malta 2013 24771.08 4093.14116 67.5 0.690 7.25 10.117432 8.317068 -0.3710637 4.212128 1.9810015 0.1652387 0.0933661 0.0311625 -0.0622035
Argentina 2013 13080.25 2130.70956 46.7 0.598 5.80 9.478859 7.664210 -0.5141645 3.843744 1.7578579 0.1628952 -0.0017280 0.0112123 0.0129403
Latvia 2013 15120.78 3481.72681 66.5 0.696 7.03 9.623825 8.155284 -0.3624056 4.197202 1.9501867 0.2302611 0.0881744 0.0471415 -0.0410329
Moldova 2013 3322.04 765.19371 55.5 0.566 5.72 8.108334 6.640129 -0.5691612 4.016383 1.7439688 0.2303385 0.0768478 0.0702086 -0.0066392
Israel 2013 36309.47 7417.37065 66.9 0.735 7.29 10.499834 8.911580 -0.3078848 4.203199 1.9865035 0.2042820 0.0965541 -0.0078612 -0.1044152
Romania 2013 9547.85 2358.45561 65.1 0.599 5.83 9.164071 7.765762 -0.5124937 4.175924 1.7630170 0.2470143 0.1124720 0.0654501 -0.0470219
Brazil 2013 12300.32 2571.67995 57.7 0.541 5.50 9.417381 7.852315 -0.6143360 4.055257 1.7047481 0.2090742 -0.0033353 0.0603513 0.0636866
Costa Rica 2013 10490.08 2048.30641 67.0 0.604 5.92 9.258185 7.624769 -0.5041811 4.204693 1.7783364 0.1952613 0.0586228 0.0336373 -0.0249855
Cyprus 2013 27729.19 2949.31690 69.0 0.712 6.11 10.230241 7.989329 -0.3396774 4.234107 1.8099268 0.1063615 -0.0174426 -0.0364993 -0.0190567
Cameroon 2013 1465.64 331.47931 52.3 0.385 2.10 7.290047 5.803565 -0.9545119 3.956996 0.7419373 0.2261669 0.0644696 0.0684467 0.0039772
Czech Republic 2013 20133.17 5105.74803 70.9 0.745 6.72 9.910124 8.538122 -0.2943711 4.261270 1.9050882 0.2535988 0.0216418 0.0367791 0.0151373
Austria 2013 50716.71 11685.22988 71.8 0.754 7.62 10.834011 9.366081 -0.2823629 4.273885 2.0307764 0.2304020 0.0314226 0.0423336 0.0109111
Lithuania 2013 15726.63 2897.11106 72.1 0.699 6.74 9.663111 7.971469 -0.3581045 4.278054 1.9080599 0.1842169 0.0644421 0.0446143 -0.0198277
Norway 2013 102913.45 24214.39544 70.5 0.771 8.39 11.541644 10.094703 -0.2600669 4.255613 2.1270405 0.2352889 -0.0014419 0.0291879 0.0306299
Slovenia 2013 23496.60 4613.22771 61.7 0.766 7.13 10.064611 8.436683 -0.2665731 4.122284 1.9643112 0.1963360 0.0267767 0.0048695 -0.0219072
Switzerland 2013 85112.46 20026.34082 81.0 0.767 8.11 11.351729 9.904804 -0.2652685 4.394449 2.0930979 0.2352927 0.0159802 0.0199508 0.0039706
Iceland 2013 49522.24 7751.59746 72.1 0.750 8.64 10.810177 8.955654 -0.2876821 4.278054 2.1564026 0.1565276 0.0659793 0.0237523 -0.0422270
Georgia 2013 4623.75 868.77862 72.2 0.567 4.86 8.438961 6.767088 -0.5673960 4.279440 1.5810384 0.1878948 0.0740760 0.1209686 0.0468926
Albania 2013 4413.06 1150.90754 65.2 0.576 4.72 8.392324 7.048306 -0.5516476 4.177460 1.5518088 0.2607958 0.0452482 0.0672040 0.0219558
Bahrain 2013 24744.30 6127.60534 75.5 0.629 7.40 10.116350 8.720559 -0.4636240 4.324133 2.0014800 0.2476370 0.0610173 0.0286065 -0.0324108
Uganda 2013 806.60 245.54762 61.1 0.359 1.94 6.692828 5.503491 -1.0244329 4.112512 0.6626880 0.3044230 -0.0331060 0.0078258 0.0409318
South Africa 2013 6832.73 1392.09772 61.8 0.421 4.42 8.829480 7.238567 -0.8651224 4.123903 1.4861397 0.2037396 -0.0861677 0.0389809 0.1251485
Italy 2013 35549.97 6109.51153 60.6 0.754 6.94 10.478695 8.717602 -0.2823629 4.104295 1.9373018 0.1718570 0.0213744 0.0713353 0.0499609
Ukraine 2013 4029.71 679.46877 46.3 0.637 5.15 8.301450 6.521311 -0.4509856 3.835142 1.6389967 0.1686148 0.0568348 0.0399059 -0.0169289
Portugal 2013 21647.04 3193.28152 63.1 0.757 6.67 9.982624 8.068804 -0.2783920 4.144721 1.8976199 0.1475159 0.0585891 0.0166921 -0.0418971
Mexico 2013 10725.18 2280.62337 67.0 0.597 4.29 9.280349 7.732204 -0.5158382 4.204693 1.4562867 0.2126420 0.0552287 0.0783443 0.0231156
Paraguay 2013 5926.83 1127.01475 61.1 0.519 3.71 8.687245 7.027328 -0.6558514 4.112512 1.3110319 0.1901547 0.1167899 0.0298798 -0.0869101
New Zealand 2013 42962.99 9113.42827 81.4 0.775 7.82 10.668094 9.117504 -0.2548922 4.399375 2.0566846 0.2121228 0.0489327 0.0173454 -0.0315872
Burkina Faso 2013 787.47 184.91833 59.9 0.341 1.56 6.668825 5.219914 -1.0758728 4.092676 0.4446858 0.2348259 0.0313909 0.1329628 0.1015719
Oman 2013 20865.79 5114.36121 68.1 0.575 6.10 9.945866 8.539808 -0.5533852 4.220977 1.8082888 0.2451075 -0.0556333 0.1192908 0.1749241
Hungary 2013 13687.51 2852.20784 67.3 0.695 6.52 9.524239 7.955849 -0.3638434 4.209160 1.8748744 0.2083803 0.0267461 0.0293958 0.0026497
Luxembourg 2013 113625.13 22171.38349 74.2 0.697 8.26 11.640660 10.006558 -0.3609699 4.306764 2.1114246 0.1951275 0.0554868 0.0044757 -0.0510110
Mauritius 2013 9637.00 2008.62217 76.9 0.610 5.22 9.173365 7.605204 -0.4942963 4.342506 1.6524974 0.2084282 0.0495367 0.0497921 0.0002554
Chad 2013 979.81 280.05677 45.2 0.290 1.11 6.887359 5.634992 -1.2378744 3.811097 0.1043600 0.2858276 0.0382108 0.0270713 -0.0111396
Indonesia 2013 3623.91 1159.62103 56.9 0.512 3.83 8.195309 7.055848 -0.6694307 4.041295 1.3428648 0.3199917 0.0003621 0.0433582 0.0429961
Turkey 2013 12614.48 3582.31456 62.9 0.627 5.29 9.442601 8.183764 -0.4668087 4.141546 1.6658182 0.2839843 0.0351758 0.0390434 0.0038676
Spain 2013 29059.55 5040.75018 68.0 0.720 7.38 10.277102 8.525310 -0.3285041 4.219508 1.9987736 0.1734628 0.0357339 0.0170138 -0.0187200
United States 2013 53117.67 10506.53808 76.0 0.710 8.02 10.880265 9.259753 -0.3424903 4.330733 2.0819384 0.1977974 0.0232589 0.0111361 -0.0121228
Azerbaijan 2013 7875.76 2031.46394 59.7 0.540 5.65 8.971545 7.616512 -0.6161861 4.089332 1.7316555 0.2579388 0.0147606 0.0926491 0.0778885
Botswana 2013 7224.97 2420.19623 70.6 0.388 4.01 8.885298 7.791604 -0.9467499 4.257030 1.3887912 0.3349766 0.0511200 0.0318761 -0.0192439
Madagascar 2013 541.07 106.88658 62.0 0.385 1.42 6.293549 4.671768 -0.9545119 4.127134 0.3506569 0.1975467 0.0658170 -0.0134485 -0.0792655
Zimbabwe 2013 1430.00 131.29368 28.6 0.426 2.89 7.265430 4.877437 -0.8533159 3.353407 1.0612565 0.0918138 0.1216855 0.1592775 0.0375920
Canada 2013 52652.59 12741.23040 79.4 0.784 7.62 10.871471 9.452599 -0.2433463 4.374498 2.0307764 0.2419868 0.0055138 0.0270812 0.0215674
Kazakhstan 2013 13890.63 3039.57396 63.0 0.654 6.08 9.538970 8.019473 -0.4246479 4.143135 1.8050047 0.2188219 0.1105741 0.0376680 -0.0729061
Colombia 2013 8218.35 1753.66370 69.6 0.586 4.95 9.014125 7.469462 -0.5344355 4.242765 1.5993876 0.2133839 0.0168021 0.0944166 0.0776145
Estonia 2013 19174.10 5315.17317 75.3 0.739 7.68 9.861316 8.578321 -0.3024574 4.321480 2.0386195 0.2772059 0.0771769 0.0466821 -0.0304949
Belgium 2013 46744.66 10394.81757 69.2 0.756 7.57 10.752455 9.249063 -0.2797139 4.237001 2.0241931 0.2223744 0.0435380 0.0351119 -0.0084261
Senegal 2013 1376.07 304.30534 55.5 0.401 2.46 7.226987 5.718032 -0.9137939 4.016383 0.9001613 0.2211409 0.0157575 0.1135074 0.0977499
Algeria 2013 5498.78 1879.69437 49.6 0.530 3.42 8.612281 7.538864 -0.6348783 3.903991 1.2296406 0.3418384 -0.0453707 0.0078833 0.0532539
France 2013 42592.93 9394.12628 64.1 0.759 7.87 10.659444 9.147840 -0.2757535 4.160444 2.0630581 0.2205560 0.0372080 0.0320893 -0.0051188
Peru 2013 6756.75 1709.51230 68.2 0.563 4.00 8.818297 7.443963 -0.5744757 4.222445 1.3862944 0.2530081 0.0310442 0.0128981 -0.0181461
Bulgaria 2013 7655.13 1627.45787 65.0 0.649 6.31 8.943131 7.394774 -0.4323226 4.174387 1.8421357 0.2125970 0.0267969 0.0351996 0.0084028
Germany 2013 46285.76 9213.14931 72.8 0.768 7.90 10.742590 9.128387 -0.2639655 4.287716 2.0668628 0.1990493 0.0473220 0.0480845 0.0007624
Australia 2013 68150.11 18981.21547 82.6 0.769 8.18 11.129468 9.851205 -0.2626643 4.414010 2.1016922 0.2785207 -0.0009840 0.0124726 0.0134566
Greece 2013 21874.82 2659.41003 55.4 0.704 6.85 9.993092 7.885860 -0.3509769 4.014580 1.9242487 0.1215740 -0.0137938 0.0221411 0.0359350
Jordan 2013 4043.75 787.86700 70.4 0.556 4.62 8.304928 6.669329 -0.5869870 4.254193 1.5303947 0.1948357 0.0420773 0.0378993 -0.0041780
Netherlands 2013 52184.06 9580.80583 73.5 0.798 8.38 10.862532 9.167517 -0.2256467 4.297285 2.1258479 0.1835964 0.0361948 0.0051143 -0.0310805
Malaysia 2013 10970.12 2904.56569 66.1 0.600 5.20 9.302931 7.974039 -0.5108256 4.191169 1.6486586 0.2647706 0.0038455 -0.0006747 -0.0045203
Ireland 2013 51590.19 9574.33862 75.7 0.782 7.57 10.851087 9.166842 -0.2459005 4.326778 2.0241931 0.1855845 0.0566593 -0.0037674 -0.0604268
Uruguay 2013 16973.67 3707.47534 69.7 0.595 6.32 9.739419 8.218106 -0.5191939 4.244200 1.8437192 0.2184251 0.0921251 0.0625174 -0.0296076
Poland 2013 13696.47 2592.49277 66.0 0.721 6.60 9.524893 7.860375 -0.3271161 4.189655 1.8870696 0.1892818 0.0521592 0.0231164 -0.0290429
Ecuador 2013 6056.33 1668.73808 46.9 0.555 4.56 8.708859 7.419823 -0.5887872 3.848018 1.5173226 0.2755362 0.0507716 0.0339557 -0.0168159
Saudi Arabia 2013 24844.74 5889.68951 60.6 0.562 6.36 10.120401 8.680959 -0.5762534 4.104295 1.8500284 0.2370598 -0.0213651 0.0257320 0.0470970
Panama 2013 11889.13 4671.07138 62.5 0.517 4.75 9.383380 8.449144 -0.6597124 4.135167 1.5581446 0.3928859 0.0225519 -0.0295809 -0.0521328
Sweden 2013 61126.94 13749.45718 72.9 0.777 8.67 11.020708 9.528755 -0.2523149 4.289089 2.1598688 0.2249329 0.0473003 0.0154452 -0.0318551
Japan 2013 40454.45 9415.82643 71.8 0.825 8.22 10.607932 9.150147 -0.1923719 4.273885 2.1065702 0.2327513 -0.1496440 0.0113417 0.1609857
United Kingdom 2013 43444.53 6814.46700 74.8 0.771 8.50 10.679240 8.826803 -0.2600669 4.314818 2.1400662 0.1568544 0.0195001 0.0356255 0.0161254
Namibia 2013 5377.73 1660.95250 60.3 0.412 3.24 8.590022 7.415146 -0.8867319 4.099332 1.1755733 0.3088575 -0.1150495 0.0244557 0.1395051
Benin 2013 1251.21 259.10396 57.6 0.380 1.84 7.131866 5.557229 -0.9675840 4.053523 0.6097656 0.2070827 0.0278390 0.0836922 0.0558532
Tunisia 2013 4222.70 925.28575 57.0 0.519 4.23 8.348230 6.830103 -0.6558514 4.043051 1.4422020 0.2191218 0.0172777 0.0108756 -0.0064022
United Arab Emirates 2013 42412.63 7724.85467 71.1 0.639 7.03 10.655202 8.952198 -0.4478508 4.264087 1.9501867 0.1821357 0.0601837 0.1400528 0.0798691
Thailand 2013 6168.26 1570.19273 64.1 0.595 4.76 8.727172 7.358954 -0.5191939 4.160444 1.5602477 0.2545601 0.0560915 0.1392994 0.0832080
Denmark 2013 61191.19 11658.38597 76.1 0.758 8.86 11.021759 9.363781 -0.2770719 4.332048 2.1815468 0.1905239 0.0356752 0.0077572 -0.0279180
Finland 2014 50260.30 10791.91009 73.4 0.814 8.07 10.824971 9.286552 -0.2057949 4.295924 2.0881535 0.2147204 0.0103252 -0.0374473 -0.0477725
Chile 2014 14671.00 3499.40016 78.7 0.646 5.93 9.593628 8.160347 -0.4369558 4.365643 1.7800242 0.2385250 -0.0456425 -0.0021169 0.0435256
Singapore 2014 57562.53 16191.30910 89.4 0.866 7.89 10.960627 9.692230 -0.1438704 4.493121 2.0655961 0.2812821 0.0049358 0.0145172 0.0095814
Croatia 2014 13599.41 2618.58900 60.4 0.708 6.80 9.517782 7.870391 -0.3453112 4.100989 1.9169226 0.1925517 0.0029570 -0.0293895 -0.0323466
Morocco 2014 3171.70 961.05458 58.3 0.486 4.26 8.062023 6.868031 -0.7215467 4.065602 1.4492692 0.3030093 0.0247787 -0.0243981 -0.0491769
Malta 2014 26754.27 4457.21225 66.4 0.693 7.35 10.194449 8.402279 -0.3667253 4.195697 1.9947003 0.1665982 0.0664369 -0.0027317 -0.0691686
Argentina 2014 12334.80 1971.09509 44.6 0.600 6.04 9.420180 7.586345 -0.5108256 3.797734 1.7984040 0.1597995 -0.0434307 -0.0054642 0.0379665
Latvia 2014 15713.54 3583.94490 68.7 0.701 6.89 9.662278 8.184219 -0.3552474 4.229749 1.9300711 0.2280800 0.0373787 0.0124316 -0.0249471
Moldova 2014 3328.80 861.92326 57.3 0.569 5.62 8.110367 6.759166 -0.5638748 4.048301 1.7263317 0.2589291 -0.0248718 0.0142805 0.0391523
Israel 2014 37678.89 7548.36337 68.4 0.738 7.36 10.536855 8.929086 -0.3038115 4.225373 1.9960599 0.2003340 0.0367716 0.0317302 -0.0050414
Romania 2014 10043.68 2446.82474 65.5 0.598 5.90 9.214699 7.802546 -0.5141645 4.182050 1.7749524 0.2436183 0.0404025 0.0180609 -0.0223415
Brazil 2014 12112.59 2406.74201 56.9 0.543 5.49 9.402001 7.786029 -0.6106460 4.041295 1.7029283 0.1986976 0.0007477 -0.0157817 -0.0165294
Costa Rica 2014 10547.15 2059.06869 66.9 0.607 5.71 9.263611 7.630009 -0.4992265 4.203199 1.7422190 0.1952251 0.0083899 -0.0376111 -0.0460010
Cyprus 2014 27129.63 2681.77813 67.6 0.720 6.60 10.208382 7.894235 -0.3285041 4.213608 1.8870696 0.0988505 -0.0023903 0.0566444 0.0590347
Cameroon 2014 1542.62 366.21154 52.6 0.387 2.05 7.341238 5.903211 -0.9493306 3.962716 0.7178398 0.2373958 0.0314861 -0.0183778 -0.0498639
Czech Republic 2014 19890.92 5053.01425 72.2 0.749 6.83 9.898019 8.527740 -0.2890163 4.279440 1.9213247 0.2540362 -0.0054735 0.0344061 0.0398796
Austria 2014 51717.50 11700.89334 72.4 0.757 7.59 10.853552 9.367420 -0.2783920 4.282206 2.0268316 0.2262463 0.0223102 0.0043770 -0.0179331
Lithuania 2014 16564.96 3125.80577 73.0 0.702 6.76 9.715045 8.047447 -0.3538219 4.290459 1.9110229 0.1886999 0.0410716 0.0153684 -0.0257033
Norway 2014 97019.18 23164.22540 70.9 0.771 8.35 11.482664 10.050364 -0.2600669 4.261270 2.1222615 0.2387592 -0.0483935 0.0008787 0.0492722
Slovenia 2014 24214.92 4626.88532 62.7 0.769 7.10 10.094724 8.439639 -0.2626643 4.138361 1.9600948 0.1910758 0.0327103 0.0118611 -0.0208492
Switzerland 2014 86605.56 20638.32508 81.6 0.766 8.29 11.369119 9.934905 -0.2665731 4.401829 2.1150500 0.2383025 0.0092236 0.0293322 0.0201086
Iceland 2014 54241.93 9326.42505 72.4 0.749 8.64 10.901210 9.140607 -0.2890163 4.282206 2.1564026 0.1719412 0.0581265 0.0041523 -0.0539743
Georgia 2014 4739.19 1035.72674 72.6 0.572 4.97 8.463622 6.942859 -0.5586163 4.284965 1.6034198 0.2185451 -0.0068926 0.0279063 0.0347989
Albania 2014 4578.63 1106.13646 66.9 0.585 4.57 8.429155 7.008629 -0.5361434 4.203199 1.5195132 0.2415868 0.0581756 -0.0065561 -0.0647317
Bahrain 2014 24989.40 6397.35077 75.1 0.634 7.10 10.126207 8.763639 -0.4557063 4.318821 1.9600948 0.2560026 0.0047187 -0.0466973 -0.0514161
Uganda 2014 879.72 225.16505 59.9 0.363 1.93 6.779604 5.416834 -1.0133524 4.092676 0.6575200 0.2559508 0.1172002 -0.0250033 -0.1422035
South Africa 2014 6433.40 1311.83623 62.5 0.420 4.46 8.769258 7.179183 -0.8675006 4.135167 1.4951488 0.2039103 -0.0500053 0.0202723 0.0702776
Italy 2014 35518.42 5938.56074 60.9 0.752 6.86 10.477807 8.689222 -0.2850190 4.109233 1.9257074 0.1671966 0.0016452 -0.0066561 -0.0083013
Ukraine 2014 3104.64 416.85890 49.3 0.638 5.10 8.040653 6.032748 -0.4494170 3.897924 1.6292405 0.1342696 -0.1938394 0.0530259 0.2468653
Portugal 2014 22074.30 3318.11962 63.5 0.760 6.73 10.002169 8.107154 -0.2744368 4.151040 1.9065751 0.1503160 0.0171415 0.0152744 -0.0018671
Mexico 2014 10928.92 2293.21346 66.8 0.600 4.47 9.299168 7.737709 -0.5108256 4.201703 1.4973884 0.2098298 0.0216238 0.0381121 0.0164883
Paraguay 2014 6102.94 1210.04593 62.0 0.521 3.71 8.716526 7.098414 -0.6520052 4.127134 1.3110319 0.1982726 0.0182703 0.0146225 -0.0036478
New Zealand 2014 44486.20 9938.94641 81.2 0.775 7.92 10.702934 9.204216 -0.2548922 4.396915 2.0693912 0.2234164 0.0154671 0.0102466 -0.0052205
Burkina Faso 2014 792.85 147.95520 58.9 0.348 1.57 6.675634 4.996910 -1.0555528 4.075841 0.4510756 0.1866118 0.0649521 -0.0104456 -0.0753978
Oman 2014 20035.17 4858.22478 67.4 0.582 5.77 9.905245 8.488428 -0.5412848 4.210645 1.7526721 0.2424848 -0.0189968 -0.0659489 -0.0469521
Hungary 2014 14267.01 3146.13882 67.0 0.695 6.57 9.565705 8.053931 -0.3638434 4.204693 1.8825138 0.2205184 0.0198371 0.0031718 -0.0166653
Luxembourg 2014 118823.65 23725.87533 74.2 0.695 8.33 11.685396 10.074321 -0.3638434 4.306764 2.1198635 0.1996730 0.0289054 0.0084389 -0.0204665
Mauritius 2014 10153.94 1916.22686 76.5 0.612 5.17 9.225617 7.558113 -0.4910230 4.337291 1.6428727 0.1887176 0.0637944 -0.0148398 -0.0786343
Chad 2014 1020.29 338.46219 44.5 0.291 1.09 6.927842 5.824412 -1.2344320 3.795489 0.0861777 0.3317314 -0.0200527 -0.0337902 -0.0137375
Indonesia 2014 3491.62 1136.67986 58.5 0.517 3.76 8.158121 7.035867 -0.6597124 4.069027 1.3244190 0.3255451 -0.0241283 0.0092856 0.0334139
Turkey 2014 12157.34 3495.96443 64.9 0.629 5.37 9.405688 8.159365 -0.4636240 4.172848 1.6808279 0.2875600 -0.0276269 0.0463111 0.0739380
Spain 2014 29461.55 5227.95587 67.2 0.723 7.38 10.290841 8.561776 -0.3243461 4.207673 1.9987736 0.1774501 0.0106882 -0.0118345 -0.0225227
United States 2014 55064.74 11184.38180 75.5 0.712 7.93 10.916265 9.322274 -0.3396774 4.324133 2.0706530 0.2031133 0.0255428 -0.0178861 -0.0434288
Azerbaijan 2014 7891.31 2164.61827 61.3 0.551 5.52 8.973517 7.679999 -0.5960205 4.115780 1.7083779 0.2743040 -0.0008082 0.0031701 0.0039784
Botswana 2014 7780.65 2370.04418 72.0 0.393 3.89 8.959395 7.770664 -0.9339457 4.276666 1.3584092 0.3046075 0.0893793 -0.0107461 -0.1001254
Madagascar 2014 530.86 97.03162 61.7 0.385 1.51 6.274498 4.575037 -0.9545119 4.122284 0.4121097 0.1827819 -0.0013696 0.0566023 0.0579719
Zimbabwe 2014 1434.90 137.88367 35.5 0.432 2.65 7.268850 4.926410 -0.8393297 3.569533 0.9745596 0.0960929 0.0113570 0.1294291 0.1180722
Canada 2014 50893.45 12416.24852 80.2 0.787 7.53 10.837490 9.426761 -0.2395270 4.384524 2.0188950 0.2439656 -0.0247903 -0.0018562 0.0229342
Kazakhstan 2014 12807.26 2760.72167 63.7 0.664 6.05 9.457767 7.923247 -0.4094731 4.154185 1.8000583 0.2155591 -0.0485564 0.0061034 0.0546598
Colombia 2014 8114.34 1839.56314 70.7 0.589 4.86 9.001388 7.517283 -0.5293291 4.258446 1.5810384 0.2267052 -0.0196291 -0.0026681 0.0169610
Estonia 2014 20367.10 5209.05776 75.9 0.744 7.70 9.921676 8.558154 -0.2957142 4.329417 2.0412203 0.2557584 0.0705367 0.0105373 -0.0599994
Belgium 2014 47700.54 10884.05563 69.9 0.756 7.51 10.772698 9.295054 -0.2797139 4.247066 2.0162355 0.2281747 0.0097486 0.0021072 -0.0076414
Senegal 2014 1396.66 327.93047 55.4 0.405 2.36 7.241839 5.792802 -0.9038682 4.014580 0.8586616 0.2347962 0.0048915 -0.0433032 -0.0481946
Algeria 2014 5494.35 2022.76386 50.8 0.530 3.75 8.611476 7.612220 -0.6348783 3.927896 1.3217558 0.3681534 -0.0278121 0.1160208 0.1438329
France 2014 43011.26 9379.89160 63.5 0.759 7.88 10.669217 9.146323 -0.2757535 4.151040 2.0643279 0.2180799 0.0101044 -0.0081346 -0.0182390
Peru 2014 6672.88 1637.55921 67.4 0.569 4.22 8.805807 7.400962 -0.5638748 4.210645 1.4398351 0.2454052 0.0060616 0.0417412 0.0356796
Bulgaria 2014 7876.87 1664.13222 65.7 0.649 6.33 8.971686 7.417059 -0.4323226 4.185099 1.8453002 0.2112682 0.0238466 0.0138762 -0.0099704
Germany 2014 47959.99 9607.01386 73.4 0.768 7.98 10.778122 9.170249 -0.2639655 4.295924 2.0769384 0.2003131 0.0271473 0.0182836 -0.0088637
Australia 2014 62510.79 16825.91938 82.0 0.772 8.03 11.043095 9.730676 -0.2587707 4.406719 2.0831845 0.2691682 -0.0510854 -0.0257981 0.0252873
Greece 2014 21760.98 2512.12088 55.7 0.701 6.86 9.987874 7.828883 -0.3552474 4.019980 1.9257074 0.1154415 -0.0024177 0.0068593 0.0092771
Jordan 2014 4130.88 800.38087 69.2 0.556 4.95 8.326246 6.685088 -0.5869870 4.237001 1.5993876 0.1937555 0.0182647 0.0518005 0.0335358
Netherlands 2014 52830.17 9309.21586 74.2 0.798 8.34 10.874838 9.138760 -0.2256467 4.306764 2.1210632 0.1762102 0.0173726 0.0046940 -0.0126785
Malaysia 2014 11319.08 2940.07399 69.6 0.604 5.62 9.334245 7.986190 -0.5041811 4.242765 1.7263317 0.2597450 0.0330771 0.1292689 0.0961917
Ireland 2014 55492.98 11453.00550 76.2 0.786 7.67 10.924012 9.346008 -0.2407985 4.333361 2.0373166 0.2063866 0.0399966 0.0197069 -0.0202898
Uruguay 2014 16831.97 3608.45903 69.3 0.596 6.32 9.731035 8.191036 -0.5175146 4.238445 1.8437192 0.2143813 -0.0012606 -0.0057554 -0.0044948
Poland 2014 14271.31 2841.22785 67.0 0.727 6.67 9.566007 7.951992 -0.3188288 4.204693 1.8976199 0.1990867 0.0295109 0.0255881 -0.0039228
Ecuador 2014 6377.09 1735.48847 48.0 0.562 4.40 8.760467 7.459044 -0.5762534 3.871201 1.4816045 0.2721443 0.0500568 -0.0125347 -0.0625915
Saudi Arabia 2014 24463.90 6145.48749 62.2 0.565 6.33 10.104954 8.723473 -0.5709295 4.130355 1.8453002 0.2512064 -0.0221410 0.0213320 0.0434730
Panama 2014 12796.07 5199.34945 63.4 0.516 4.69 9.456893 8.556289 -0.6616485 4.149464 1.5454326 0.4063239 0.0288285 0.0015853 -0.0272433
Sweden 2014 60020.36 13923.10937 73.1 0.781 8.52 11.002439 9.541305 -0.2471801 4.291828 2.1424163 0.2319731 -0.0172366 -0.0147127 0.0025239
Japan 2014 38109.41 9114.05135 72.4 0.826 8.25 10.548217 9.117573 -0.1911605 4.282206 2.1102132 0.2391549 -0.0510034 0.0119648 0.0629682
United Kingdom 2014 47425.61 7755.14208 74.9 0.773 8.37 10.766918 8.956111 -0.2574762 4.316154 2.1246539 0.1635222 0.0686997 -0.0140763 -0.0827760
Namibia 2014 5435.17 1924.54633 59.4 0.418 3.23 8.600646 7.562445 -0.8722738 4.084294 1.1724821 0.3540913 -0.0321943 -0.0181291 0.0140652
Benin 2014 1291.41 279.43090 57.1 0.384 1.84 7.163490 5.632755 -0.9571127 4.044804 0.6097656 0.2163766 0.0234871 -0.0087185 -0.0322056
Tunisia 2014 4305.47 875.05075 57.3 0.518 4.35 8.367642 6.774282 -0.6577800 4.048301 1.4701758 0.2032416 0.0292200 0.0332232 0.0040032
United Arab Emirates 2014 43751.84 8566.14708 71.4 0.645 6.79 10.686289 9.055573 -0.4385050 4.268298 1.9154509 0.1957894 0.0183638 -0.0305252 -0.0488890
Thailand 2014 5951.88 1461.16095 63.3 0.597 4.77 8.691462 7.286987 -0.5158382 4.147885 1.5623463 0.2454957 -0.0155101 -0.0104604 0.0050498
Denmark 2014 62548.98 11986.67234 76.1 0.759 8.66 11.043705 9.391551 -0.2757535 4.332048 2.1587147 0.1916366 0.0176908 -0.0228320 -0.0405228
Finland 2015 42784.70 9083.18428 73.4 0.812 8.36 10.663936 9.114180 -0.2082549 4.295924 2.1234584 0.2122998 -0.1263782 0.0353049 0.1616831
Chile 2015 13574.17 3227.29957 78.5 0.650 6.31 9.515924 8.079401 -0.4307829 4.363099 1.8421357 0.2377530 -0.0537537 0.0595669 0.1133206
Singapore 2015 55646.62 15148.27330 89.4 0.869 8.08 10.926777 9.625642 -0.1404122 4.493121 2.0893919 0.2722227 -0.0132069 0.0237957 0.0370026
Croatia 2015 11781.73 2303.22687 61.5 0.710 7.00 9.374305 7.742066 -0.3424903 4.119037 1.9459101 0.1954914 -0.1161206 0.0470356 0.1631562
Morocco 2015 2875.26 828.06294 60.1 0.489 4.47 7.963898 6.719089 -0.7153928 4.096010 1.4973884 0.2879958 -0.0508484 0.0785270 0.1293753
Malta 2015 24921.60 6030.93890 66.5 0.696 7.52 10.123490 8.704658 -0.3624056 4.197202 2.0175661 0.2419965 -0.1408596 0.0243707 0.1652303
Argentina 2015 13789.06 2146.23210 44.1 0.602 6.40 9.531631 7.671469 -0.5074978 3.786460 1.8562980 0.1556475 0.1010114 0.0466199 -0.0543915
Latvia 2015 13774.61 3012.92286 69.7 0.706 7.16 9.530582 8.010666 -0.3481400 4.244200 1.9685100 0.2187302 -0.0881816 0.0528900 0.1410716
Moldova 2015 2732.46 663.78887 57.5 0.572 5.81 7.912958 6.497964 -0.5586163 4.051785 1.7595806 0.2429272 -0.1299754 0.0367332 0.1667086
Israel 2015 35776.80 6829.29730 70.5 0.741 7.19 10.485055 8.828977 -0.2997547 4.255613 1.9726912 0.1908862 -0.0294085 0.0068711 0.0362796
Romania 2015 8969.15 2223.58906 66.6 0.596 6.11 9.101546 7.706878 -0.5175146 4.198705 1.8099268 0.2479152 -0.0919545 0.0516289 0.1435834
Brazil 2015 8814.00 1569.89887 56.6 0.545 6.03 9.084097 7.358766 -0.6069695 4.036009 1.7967470 0.1781142 -0.2387808 0.0885324 0.3273132
Costa Rica 2015 11299.14 2103.61848 67.2 0.609 6.20 9.332482 7.651414 -0.4959370 4.207673 1.8245493 0.1861751 0.0675629 0.0868045 0.0192417
Cyprus 2015 23333.71 2200.67306 67.9 0.727 6.37 10.057654 7.696518 -0.3188288 4.218036 1.8515995 0.0943130 -0.1233174 -0.0310421 0.0922752
Cameroon 2015 1327.50 305.95449 51.9 0.389 2.19 7.191053 5.723436 -0.9441759 3.949319 0.7839015 0.2304742 -0.1047847 0.0526644 0.1574491
Czech Republic 2015 17829.70 4731.65377 72.5 0.752 7.21 9.788621 8.462030 -0.2850190 4.283587 1.9754690 0.2653804 -0.0890230 0.0582908 0.1473138
Austria 2015 44178.05 10026.96217 71.2 0.759 7.67 10.695983 9.213033 -0.2757535 4.265493 2.0373166 0.2269671 -0.1204876 -0.0062285 0.1142592
Lithuania 2015 14258.23 2796.20509 74.7 0.705 7.08 9.565090 7.936019 -0.3495575 4.313480 1.9572739 0.1961117 -0.1246747 0.0692717 0.1939464
Norway 2015 74355.52 17722.16178 71.8 0.771 8.49 11.216613 9.782571 -0.2600669 4.273885 2.1388890 0.2383436 -0.2022240 0.0292415 0.2314655
Slovenia 2015 20881.77 3895.40807 60.3 0.772 7.23 9.946632 8.267554 -0.2587707 4.099332 1.9782390 0.1865459 -0.1128234 -0.0208851 0.0919383
Switzerland 2015 82081.60 19559.55740 80.5 0.765 8.56 11.315469 9.881219 -0.2678794 4.388257 2.1471002 0.2382941 -0.0418522 0.0184781 0.0603303
Iceland 2015 52564.43 10196.76195 72.0 0.747 8.86 10.869795 9.229826 -0.2916901 4.276666 2.1815468 0.1939860 -0.0508768 0.0196040 0.0704808
Georgia 2015 4014.19 977.54033 73.0 0.577 5.25 8.297591 6.885040 -0.5499130 4.290459 1.6582281 0.2435212 -0.1453666 0.0603028 0.2056694
Albania 2015 3952.80 965.01596 65.7 0.595 4.73 8.282179 6.872145 -0.5191939 4.185099 1.5539252 0.2441348 -0.1008436 0.0163120 0.1171555
Bahrain 2015 22634.12 5448.49352 73.4 0.640 7.63 10.027214 8.603094 -0.4462871 4.295924 2.0320878 0.2407204 -0.0531950 0.0490964 0.1022914
Uganda 2015 843.63 190.15475 59.7 0.368 2.14 6.737714 5.247838 -0.9996723 4.089332 0.7608058 0.2254007 0.0067986 0.0999413 0.0931427
South Africa 2015 5734.63 1164.76714 62.6 0.420 4.90 8.654279 7.060276 -0.8675006 4.136765 1.5892352 0.2031111 -0.0908287 0.0956852 0.1865138
Italy 2015 30230.23 5120.97842 61.7 0.751 7.12 10.316598 8.541101 -0.2863496 4.122284 1.9629077 0.1693993 -0.1372226 0.0502510 0.1874737
Ukraine 2015 2124.66 273.14320 46.9 0.638 5.23 7.661367 5.609996 -0.4494170 3.848018 1.6544113 0.1285585 -0.3249376 -0.0247357 0.3002020
Portugal 2015 19242.37 2985.88020 65.3 0.764 6.93 9.864870 8.001650 -0.2691875 4.178992 1.9358598 0.1551722 -0.1164934 0.0572368 0.1737302
Mexico 2015 9616.65 2158.24520 66.4 0.602 4.68 9.171251 7.677051 -0.5074978 4.195697 1.5432981 0.2244280 -0.1117221 0.0399037 0.1516258
Paraguay 2015 5406.70 1050.26354 61.1 0.523 3.79 8.595394 6.956796 -0.6481738 4.112512 1.3323660 0.1942522 -0.0905351 0.0067116 0.0972467
New Zealand 2015 38501.22 8808.02957 82.1 0.774 8.14 10.558445 9.083419 -0.2561834 4.407938 2.0967902 0.2287727 -0.1178498 0.0384217 0.1562715
Burkina Faso 2015 653.33 125.09390 58.6 0.354 1.77 6.482082 4.829065 -1.0384584 4.070735 0.5709795 0.1914712 -0.1475929 0.1147975 0.2623904
Oman 2015 16028.61 4507.97382 66.7 0.589 6.33 9.682130 8.413603 -0.5293291 4.200205 1.8453002 0.2812455 -0.1934765 0.0821881 0.2756646
Hungary 2015 12706.89 2819.64834 66.8 0.695 6.82 9.449900 7.944368 -0.3638434 4.201703 1.9198595 0.2218992 -0.0914934 0.0343561 0.1258495
Luxembourg 2015 101376.50 18461.27796 73.2 0.694 8.59 11.526597 9.823431 -0.3652833 4.293195 2.1505987 0.1821061 -0.1142881 0.0171666 0.1314546
Mauritius 2015 9260.45 1607.55887 76.4 0.615 5.41 9.133508 7.382472 -0.4861330 4.335983 1.6882491 0.1735940 -0.0575778 0.0440684 0.1016461
Chad 2015 776.02 215.84960 45.9 0.293 1.17 6.654178 5.374582 -1.2275827 3.826465 0.1570037 0.2781495 -0.1435995 0.1018020 0.2454015
Indonesia 2015 3331.70 1091.40199 58.1 0.521 3.94 8.111238 6.995218 -0.6520052 4.062166 1.3711807 0.3275811 -0.0283850 0.0399007 0.0682857
Turkey 2015 11006.25 3247.19113 63.2 0.630 5.58 9.306219 8.085546 -0.4620355 4.146304 1.7191888 0.2950316 -0.0765710 0.0118175 0.0883886
Spain 2015 25732.02 4629.14797 67.6 0.725 7.66 10.155491 8.440128 -0.3215836 4.213608 2.0360120 0.1798984 -0.1112002 0.0431731 0.1543733
United States 2015 56839.38 11601.97143 76.2 0.715 8.19 10.947985 9.358930 -0.3354727 4.333361 2.1029139 0.2041185 0.0275839 0.0414897 0.0139058
Azerbaijan 2015 5500.31 1530.47805 61.0 0.562 5.79 8.612560 7.333335 -0.5762534 4.110874 1.7561323 0.2782531 -0.2502306 0.0428485 0.2930791
Botswana 2015 6799.87 2311.06700 69.8 0.398 3.82 8.824659 7.745465 -0.9213033 4.245634 1.3402504 0.3398693 -0.1178263 -0.0491908 0.0686355
Madagascar 2015 467.24 88.58534 61.7 0.385 1.51 6.146843 4.483966 -0.9545119 4.122284 0.4121097 0.1895928 -0.1103890 0.0000000 0.1103890
Zimbabwe 2015 1445.07 144.44304 37.6 0.438 2.90 7.275913 4.972885 -0.8255364 3.627004 1.0647107 0.0999557 0.0148318 0.1476225 0.1327907
Canada 2015 43585.51 10391.31042 79.1 0.789 7.76 10.682480 9.248725 -0.2369890 4.370713 2.0489823 0.2384120 -0.1106306 0.0162767 0.1269072
Kazakhstan 2015 10510.77 2405.02447 63.3 0.674 6.20 9.260156 7.785315 -0.3945252 4.147885 1.8245493 0.2288153 -0.1545232 0.0181918 0.1727149
Colombia 2015 6175.88 1443.59755 71.7 0.591 5.32 8.728407 7.274894 -0.5259393 4.272491 1.6714733 0.2337477 -0.2137260 0.1044800 0.3182060
Estonia 2015 17522.23 4260.77345 76.8 0.750 8.05 9.771226 8.357206 -0.2876821 4.341205 2.0856721 0.2431639 -0.0955081 0.0562397 0.1517478
Belgium 2015 40991.81 9402.00082 68.8 0.757 7.88 10.621128 9.148678 -0.2783920 4.231204 2.0643279 0.2293629 -0.1169784 0.0322305 0.1492090
Senegal 2015 1219.25 280.63853 57.8 0.408 2.68 7.105991 5.637067 -0.8964881 4.056989 0.9858168 0.2301731 -0.0943205 0.1695644 0.2638849
Algeria 2015 4187.51 1769.51214 48.9 0.530 3.71 8.339862 7.478459 -0.6348783 3.889777 1.3110319 0.4225691 -0.2150908 -0.0488429 0.1662479
France 2015 36638.18 7873.98356 62.5 0.760 8.12 10.508846 8.971319 -0.2744368 4.135167 2.0943302 0.2149120 -0.1217269 0.0141289 0.1358558
Peru 2015 6229.10 1438.21039 67.7 0.575 4.26 8.736987 7.271155 -0.5533852 4.215086 1.4492692 0.2308857 -0.0307813 0.0138752 0.0446565
Bulgaria 2015 7055.94 1475.29556 66.8 0.649 6.52 8.861625 7.296614 -0.4323226 4.201703 1.8748744 0.2090856 -0.0848774 0.0461783 0.1310557
Germany 2015 41086.73 8226.56237 73.8 0.768 8.22 10.623440 9.015123 -0.2639655 4.301359 2.1065702 0.2002243 -0.1236221 0.0350666 0.1586887
Australia 2015 56755.72 14863.96012 81.4 0.774 8.29 10.946512 9.606695 -0.2561834 4.399375 2.1150500 0.2618936 -0.0622032 0.0245215 0.0867246
Greece 2015 18167.77 2100.11983 54.0 0.699 7.09 9.807404 7.649750 -0.3581045 3.988984 1.9586853 0.1155959 -0.1622891 0.0019818 0.1642709
Jordan 2015 4164.11 792.33735 69.3 0.555 4.75 8.334258 6.674987 -0.5887872 4.238445 1.5581446 0.1902777 0.0084764 -0.0397989 -0.0482753
Netherlands 2015 45175.23 9976.43260 73.7 0.798 8.53 10.718304 9.207981 -0.2256467 4.300003 2.1435894 0.2208386 -0.1718201 0.0157648 0.1875849
Malaysia 2015 9955.24 2574.98785 70.8 0.608 5.90 9.205854 7.853600 -0.4975804 4.259859 1.7749524 0.2586565 -0.0892021 0.0657151 0.1549172
Ireland 2015 61995.42 14915.58278 76.6 0.790 7.82 11.034816 9.610162 -0.2357223 4.338597 2.0566846 0.2405917 0.0511055 0.0246036 -0.0265020
Uruguay 2015 15613.76 3089.37633 68.6 0.597 6.70 9.655908 8.035725 -0.5158382 4.228293 1.9021075 0.1978624 -0.0430524 0.0482359 0.0912884
Poland 2015 12578.50 2524.55168 68.6 0.733 6.91 9.439744 7.833819 -0.3106096 4.228293 1.9329696 0.2007037 -0.0959749 0.0589497 0.1549246
Ecuador 2015 6124.49 1627.83268 49.2 0.570 4.81 8.720051 7.395005 -0.5621189 3.895894 1.5706971 0.2657907 -0.0130176 0.1137852 0.1268028
Saudi Arabia 2015 20627.93 6147.99317 62.1 0.568 7.05 9.934401 8.723881 -0.5656339 4.128746 1.9530276 0.2980422 -0.1669567 0.1061184 0.2730751
Panama 2015 13630.31 5374.84437 64.1 0.516 4.87 9.520051 8.589485 -0.6616485 4.160444 1.5830939 0.3943303 0.0500677 0.0486419 -0.0014258
Sweden 2015 51545.48 12245.91512 72.7 0.785 8.67 10.850220 9.412948 -0.2420716 4.286341 2.1598688 0.2375750 -0.1178299 0.0119655 0.1297953
Japan 2015 34524.47 8179.89476 73.3 0.826 8.47 10.449424 9.009435 -0.1911605 4.294561 2.1365305 0.2369304 -0.0731717 0.0386716 0.1118433
United Kingdom 2015 44974.83 7617.14988 75.8 0.774 8.75 10.713858 8.938158 -0.2561834 4.328098 2.1690537 0.1693647 -0.0489448 0.0563442 0.1052890
Namibia 2015 4869.38 1509.72202 59.6 0.423 3.41 8.490722 7.319681 -0.8603831 4.087656 1.2267123 0.3100440 -0.0264523 0.0575915 0.0840438
Benin 2015 1076.80 220.69765 58.8 0.388 2.05 6.981749 5.396794 -0.9467499 4.074142 0.7178398 0.2049570 -0.1251402 0.1374120 0.2625521
Tunisia 2015 3861.69 766.45916 57.7 0.517 4.73 8.258860 6.641781 -0.6597124 4.055257 1.5539252 0.1984777 -0.0840318 0.0907059 0.1747378
United Arab Emirates 2015 38663.38 9038.75336 72.4 0.650 7.32 10.562648 9.109276 -0.4307829 4.282206 1.9906103 0.2337807 -0.1302788 0.0890678 0.2193466
Thailand 2015 5840.05 1432.47695 62.4 0.600 5.36 8.672495 7.267160 -0.5108256 4.133565 1.6789640 0.2452850 -0.0103217 0.1022976 0.1126193
Denmark 2015 53254.86 10571.42416 76.3 0.760 8.88 10.882844 9.265910 -0.2744368 4.334673 2.1838016 0.1985063 -0.1348651 0.0277115 0.1625766
Finland 2016 43784.28 9958.64096 72.6 0.811 7.83 10.687030 9.206196 -0.2094872 4.284965 2.0579625 0.2274479 0.0012135 -0.0764549 -0.0776684
Chile 2016 13753.59 3126.90680 77.7 0.653 6.28 9.529055 8.047800 -0.4261781 4.352855 1.8373700 0.2273520 0.0238737 -0.0150091 -0.0388827
Singapore 2016 56828.30 14949.87105 87.8 0.873 7.85 10.947790 9.612458 -0.1358197 4.475061 2.0605135 0.2630709 0.0278657 -0.0469375 -0.0748032
Croatia 2016 12361.48 2479.29932 59.1 0.713 6.96 9.422341 7.815731 -0.3382739 4.079231 1.9401795 0.2005665 0.0366312 -0.0455369 -0.0821681
Morocco 2016 2896.72 883.26556 61.3 0.492 4.57 7.971334 6.783626 -0.7092766 4.115780 1.5195132 0.3049192 -0.0079913 0.0418948 0.0498861
Malta 2016 25617.83 6147.74407 66.7 0.699 7.65 10.151044 8.723840 -0.3581045 4.200205 2.0347056 0.2399791 0.0262192 0.0201425 -0.0060767
Argentina 2016 12790.24 1825.46980 43.8 0.604 6.68 9.456438 7.509593 -0.5041811 3.779634 1.8991180 0.1427237 -0.0492462 0.0359940 0.0852402
Latvia 2016 14315.79 2765.29770 70.4 0.710 7.05 9.569118 7.924904 -0.3424903 4.254193 1.9530276 0.1931642 0.0596607 -0.0054894 -0.0651501
Moldova 2016 2880.44 639.70977 57.4 0.575 6.21 7.965698 6.461015 -0.5533852 4.050044 1.8261609 0.2220875 0.0650161 0.0648397 -0.0001764
Israel 2016 37321.62 7681.05725 70.7 0.744 7.71 10.527328 8.946513 -0.2957142 4.258446 2.0425182 0.2058072 0.0212924 0.0726599 0.0513675
Romania 2016 9548.59 2191.11261 65.6 0.595 6.23 9.164149 7.692165 -0.5191939 4.183576 1.8293763 0.2294698 0.0646849 0.0043207 -0.0603642
Brazil 2016 8710.10 1353.29774 56.5 0.547 5.89 9.072239 7.210300 -0.6033065 4.034241 1.7732560 0.1553711 0.0143032 -0.0252594 -0.0395626
Costa Rica 2016 11666.46 2127.84745 67.4 0.612 6.29 9.364473 7.662866 -0.4910230 4.210645 1.8389611 0.1823902 0.0339205 0.0173835 -0.0165369
Cyprus 2016 24532.52 3243.68816 68.7 0.735 7.30 10.107755 8.084466 -0.3078848 4.229749 1.9878743 0.1322199 0.0083031 0.1479880 0.1396850
Cameroon 2016 1364.33 308.23723 54.2 0.391 2.14 7.218419 5.730870 -0.9390477 3.992681 0.7608058 0.2259257 0.0296562 0.0202664 -0.0093898
Czech Republic 2016 18575.23 4633.15417 73.2 0.756 7.06 9.829584 8.440993 -0.2797139 4.293195 1.9544451 0.2494265 0.0501924 -0.0114150 -0.0616074
Austria 2016 45276.83 10457.26713 71.7 0.761 7.70 10.720551 9.255052 -0.2731219 4.272491 2.0412203 0.2309629 0.0168862 0.0109016 -0.0059846
Lithuania 2016 14998.13 2978.28186 75.2 0.708 6.97 9.615681 7.999102 -0.3453112 4.320151 1.9416152 0.1985769 0.0414674 -0.0089875 -0.0504550
Norway 2016 70459.18 17757.95875 70.8 0.771 8.45 11.162789 9.784589 -0.2600669 4.259859 2.1341664 0.2520319 -0.0543329 -0.0187480 0.0355849
Slovenia 2016 21663.64 3764.95047 60.6 0.775 7.20 9.983391 8.233490 -0.2548922 4.104295 1.9740810 0.1737912 0.0458832 0.0008048 -0.0450784
Switzerland 2016 80172.23 19227.69629 81.0 0.764 8.66 11.291932 9.864107 -0.2691875 4.394449 2.1587147 0.2398299 -0.0204270 0.0178065 0.0382335
Iceland 2016 61466.80 12977.05154 73.3 0.746 8.78 11.026253 9.470938 -0.2930297 4.294561 2.1724764 0.2111229 0.1044964 0.0088241 -0.0956723
Georgia 2016 4062.17 1077.39999 72.6 0.582 5.59 8.309473 6.982306 -0.5412848 4.284965 1.7209793 0.2652277 -0.0075763 0.0572567 0.0648330
Albania 2016 4124.06 1004.94791 65.9 0.605 4.90 8.324593 6.912691 -0.5025268 4.188138 1.5892352 0.2436793 0.0451393 0.0383495 -0.0067897
Bahrain 2016 22608.48 5824.87419 74.3 0.646 7.46 10.026080 8.669893 -0.4369558 4.308111 2.0095554 0.2576411 -0.0114162 -0.0103454 0.0010708
Uganda 2016 733.43 177.73979 59.3 0.372 1.90 6.597732 5.180321 -0.9888614 4.082609 0.6418539 0.2423405 -0.1154286 -0.1256747 -0.0102460
South Africa 2016 5272.54 1023.95525 61.9 0.420 4.91 8.570267 6.931428 -0.8675006 4.125520 1.5912739 0.1942053 -0.0589880 -0.0092064 0.0497816
Italy 2016 30939.71 5311.12137 61.2 0.750 6.84 10.339796 8.577558 -0.2876821 4.114147 1.9227877 0.1716603 0.0158360 -0.0482567 -0.0640928
Ukraine 2016 2187.73 320.62097 46.8 0.638 5.31 7.690620 5.770260 -0.4494170 3.845883 1.6695918 0.1465542 0.0057654 0.0130461 0.0072807
Portugal 2016 19978.40 3095.30679 65.1 0.767 6.88 9.902407 8.037642 -0.2652685 4.175924 1.9286187 0.1549327 0.0352725 -0.0103086 -0.0455811
Mexico 2016 8744.52 1994.59390 65.2 0.605 4.87 9.076182 7.598196 -0.5025268 4.177460 1.5830939 0.2280964 -0.0732451 0.0215582 0.0948033
Paraguay 2016 5319.41 1015.91595 61.5 0.525 4.02 8.579118 6.923546 -0.6443570 4.119037 1.3912819 0.1909828 -0.0068384 0.0654412 0.0722796
New Zealand 2016 39927.80 9052.37766 81.6 0.773 8.23 10.594828 9.110783 -0.2574762 4.401829 2.1077860 0.2267187 0.0291793 0.0048871 -0.0242922
Burkina Faso 2016 688.25 139.33722 59.1 0.361 1.74 6.534152 4.936897 -1.0188773 4.079231 0.5538851 0.2024515 0.0458558 -0.0085982 -0.0544540
Oman 2016 14618.73 4824.58373 67.1 0.596 6.14 9.590059 8.481480 -0.5175146 4.206184 1.8148247 0.3300276 -0.1065575 -0.0244964 0.0820611
Hungary 2016 13090.51 2554.73528 66.0 0.695 6.74 9.479643 7.845704 -0.3638434 4.189655 1.9080599 0.1951593 0.0489983 -0.0238479 -0.0728462
Luxembourg 2016 104278.39 18913.54184 73.9 0.693 8.40 11.554819 9.847633 -0.3667253 4.302713 2.1282317 0.1813755 0.0226526 -0.0128496 -0.0355023
Mauritius 2016 9681.62 1669.92416 74.7 0.617 5.51 9.177985 7.420534 -0.4828863 4.313480 1.7065646 0.1724840 0.0405984 -0.0041871 -0.0447854
Chad 2016 693.45 163.95640 46.3 0.294 1.06 6.541679 5.099601 -1.2241755 3.835142 0.0582689 0.2364358 -0.0448821 -0.0900580 -0.0451759
Indonesia 2016 3562.85 1162.28288 59.4 0.526 3.85 8.178316 7.058141 -0.6424541 4.084294 1.3480731 0.3262228 0.0529866 -0.0009790 -0.0539656
Turkey 2016 10895.32 3169.56321 62.1 0.631 5.66 9.296089 8.061349 -0.4604494 4.128746 1.7334239 0.2909105 -0.0019663 -0.0033232 -0.0013569
Spain 2016 26505.34 4754.31773 68.5 0.728 7.61 10.185102 8.466809 -0.3174542 4.226834 2.0294632 0.1793721 0.0282131 0.0066770 -0.0215361
United States 2016 57951.58 11766.84391 75.4 0.717 8.13 10.967363 9.373041 -0.3326794 4.322807 2.0955609 0.2030461 0.0187394 -0.0179072 -0.0366466
Azerbaijan 2016 3880.74 971.52696 60.2 0.573 6.25 8.263781 6.878869 -0.5568696 4.097672 1.8325815 0.2503458 -0.2204736 0.0632477 0.2837213
Botswana 2016 7243.87 2250.31144 71.1 0.403 4.51 8.887911 7.718824 -0.9088187 4.264087 1.5062972 0.3106504 0.0801343 0.1845001 0.1043658
Madagascar 2016 475.96 90.32327 61.1 0.385 1.70 6.165334 4.503395 -0.9545119 4.112512 0.5306283 0.1897707 0.0148038 0.1087465 0.0939428
Zimbabwe 2016 1464.58 143.64400 38.2 0.443 2.85 7.289324 4.967338 -0.8141855 3.642835 1.0473190 0.0980786 0.0241924 -0.0015603 -0.0257527
Canada 2016 42322.48 9637.35652 78.0 0.792 7.64 10.653074 9.173402 -0.2331939 4.356709 2.0333976 0.2277125 -0.0093235 -0.0295888 -0.0202653
Kazakhstan 2016 7714.84 1752.75531 63.6 0.684 6.72 8.950901 7.468944 -0.3797974 4.152614 1.9050882 0.2271927 -0.2259957 0.0852670 0.3112627
Colombia 2016 5870.78 1299.18307 70.8 0.593 5.12 8.677743 7.169491 -0.5225609 4.259859 1.6331544 0.2212965 -0.0247079 -0.0509506 -0.0262427
Estonia 2016 18437.25 4466.61115 77.2 0.755 8.16 9.822128 8.404385 -0.2810375 4.346400 2.0992442 0.2422602 0.0445079 0.0187669 -0.0257410
Belgium 2016 41984.10 9795.76967 68.4 0.758 7.70 10.645046 9.189706 -0.2770719 4.225373 2.0412203 0.2333209 0.0153581 -0.0289385 -0.0442966
Senegal 2016 1269.90 303.86375 58.1 0.411 2.48 7.146693 5.716579 -0.8891621 4.062166 0.9082586 0.2392816 0.0272495 -0.0723813 -0.0996309
Algeria 2016 3945.48 1699.49436 50.1 0.530 4.32 8.280326 7.438086 -0.6348783 3.914021 1.4632554 0.4307446 -0.0421452 0.1764671 0.2186123
France 2016 37037.37 8078.04028 62.3 0.760 8.05 10.519683 8.996905 -0.2744368 4.131961 2.0856721 0.2181051 0.0052563 -0.0118632 -0.0171195
Peru 2016 6205.00 1330.78235 67.4 0.581 4.61 8.733111 7.193522 -0.5430045 4.210645 1.5282279 0.2144694 0.0209277 0.0745175 0.0535898
Bulgaria 2016 7548.86 1392.97643 65.9 0.649 6.66 8.929152 7.239198 -0.4323226 4.188138 1.8961195 0.1845281 0.0781215 0.0076805 -0.0704411
Germany 2016 42107.52 8549.01492 74.4 0.768 8.20 10.647982 9.053571 -0.2639655 4.309456 2.1041342 0.2030282 0.0167352 0.0056612 -0.0110740
Australia 2016 49971.13 12649.38103 80.3 0.777 8.08 10.819201 9.445364 -0.2523149 4.385770 2.0893919 0.2531338 -0.0835834 -0.0392637 0.0443196
Greece 2016 18116.46 2184.83699 53.2 0.696 7.08 9.804576 7.689297 -0.3624056 3.974058 1.9572739 0.1205996 -0.0113799 -0.0163371 -0.0049572
Jordan 2016 4176.59 729.42117 68.3 0.555 5.97 8.337250 6.592251 -0.5887872 4.223910 1.7867469 0.1746451 0.0174420 0.2140672 0.1966252
Netherlands 2016 46007.85 9218.85527 74.6 0.798 8.40 10.736567 9.129006 -0.2256467 4.312140 2.1282317 0.2003757 0.0340877 -0.0032199 -0.0373077
Malaysia 2016 9817.74 2505.26967 71.5 0.612 6.22 9.191946 7.826152 -0.4910230 4.269697 1.8277699 0.2551778 -0.0020198 0.0626560 0.0646758
Ireland 2016 63197.08 22501.04356 77.3 0.794 7.90 11.054013 10.021317 -0.2306718 4.347694 2.0668628 0.3560456 -0.1239401 0.0192751 0.1432152
Uruguay 2016 15387.14 2922.09631 68.8 0.598 6.75 9.641287 7.980057 -0.5141645 4.231204 1.9095425 0.1899051 -0.0026930 0.0103462 0.0130392
Poland 2016 12447.44 2237.75598 69.3 0.739 6.73 9.429270 7.713229 -0.3024574 4.238445 1.9065751 0.1797764 0.0178918 -0.0162421 -0.0341340
Ecuador 2016 6060.09 1520.86672 48.6 0.578 4.52 8.709480 7.327036 -0.5481814 3.883624 1.5085120 0.2509644 0.0169267 -0.0744552 -0.0913819
Saudi Arabia 2016 19879.30 5178.38105 62.1 0.572 6.87 9.897434 8.552248 -0.5586163 4.128746 1.9271641 0.2604911 0.0129315 -0.0258635 -0.0387950
Panama 2016 14343.96 5501.03317 64.8 0.515 4.80 9.571084 8.612691 -0.6635884 4.171306 1.5686159 0.3835087 0.0409372 -0.0036168 -0.0445540
Sweden 2016 51965.16 12596.88897 72.0 0.789 8.41 10.858329 9.441205 -0.2369890 4.276666 2.1294215 0.2424103 0.0051096 -0.0401226 -0.0452322
Japan 2016 38761.82 9055.50949 73.1 0.826 8.32 10.565191 9.111129 -0.1911605 4.291828 2.1186623 0.2336193 0.0920097 -0.0206005 -0.1126102
United Kingdom 2016 41064.13 7071.92096 76.4 0.776 8.53 10.622890 8.863887 -0.2536028 4.335983 2.1435894 0.1722165 -0.0760413 -0.0175799 0.0584613
Namibia 2016 4523.09 982.43536 61.9 0.429 3.33 8.416951 6.890034 -0.8462984 4.125520 1.2029723 0.2172045 0.0305753 0.0141246 -0.0164507
Benin 2016 1087.29 214.44027 59.3 0.391 1.92 6.991444 5.368031 -0.9390477 4.082609 0.6523252 0.1972245 0.0215505 -0.0570472 -0.0785977
Tunisia 2016 3697.93 715.23779 57.6 0.515 4.70 8.215528 6.572615 -0.6635884 4.053523 1.5475625 0.1934157 -0.0330801 -0.0080973 0.0249828
United Arab Emirates 2016 38141.85 9326.78874 72.6 0.656 7.18 10.549067 9.140646 -0.4215945 4.284965 1.9712994 0.2445290 -0.0143100 -0.0165523 -0.0022424
Thailand 2016 5994.23 1421.23012 63.9 0.603 5.31 8.698553 7.259278 -0.5058381 4.157319 1.6695918 0.2370997 0.0317319 0.0143819 -0.0173499
Denmark 2016 54664.00 11492.98152 75.3 0.762 8.68 10.908961 9.349492 -0.2718087 4.321480 2.1610215 0.2102477 0.0106189 -0.0359728 -0.0465918
Finland 2017 46336.66 10839.43172 74.0 0.814 7.88 10.743689 9.290946 -0.2057949 4.304065 2.0643279 0.2339278 0.0396618 0.0254656 -0.0141962
Chile 2017 14999.37 3152.58604 76.5 0.674 6.57 9.615763 8.055978 -0.3945252 4.337291 1.8825138 0.2101812 0.1099894 0.0295793 -0.0804101
Singapore 2017 60913.75 15491.13768 88.6 0.884 8.05 11.017214 9.648023 -0.1232982 4.484132 2.0856721 0.2543127 0.0697169 0.0342289 -0.0354880
Croatia 2017 13451.62 2683.92976 59.4 0.723 7.24 9.506855 7.895037 -0.3243461 4.084294 1.9796212 0.1995246 0.0798397 0.0445050 -0.0353347
Morocco 2017 3036.33 882.11268 61.5 0.500 4.77 8.018405 6.782320 -0.6931472 4.119037 1.5623463 0.2905194 0.0588934 0.0460904 -0.0128030
Malta 2017 28091.86 6111.00832 67.7 0.701 7.86 10.243235 8.717847 -0.3552474 4.215086 2.0617866 0.2175366 0.0957307 0.0419622 -0.0537685
Argentina 2017 14613.04 2215.65845 50.4 0.611 6.79 9.589670 7.703305 -0.4926583 3.919991 1.9154509 0.1516220 0.1136365 0.1566903 0.0430538
Latvia 2017 15682.22 3233.37333 74.8 0.724 7.26 9.660283 8.081281 -0.3229639 4.314818 1.9823798 0.2061808 0.0744228 0.0899768 0.0155540
Moldova 2017 3509.69 782.22904 58.0 0.580 6.45 8.163283 6.662148 -0.5447272 4.060443 1.8640801 0.2228770 0.1594851 0.0483179 -0.1111672
Israel 2017 40541.86 8383.59225 69.7 0.763 7.88 10.610090 9.034032 -0.2704972 4.244200 2.0643279 0.2067885 0.0846667 0.0075645 -0.0771022
Romania 2017 10807.80 2421.83512 69.7 0.601 6.48 9.288023 7.792281 -0.5091603 4.244200 1.8687205 0.2240822 0.1092256 0.0999688 -0.0092568
Brazil 2017 9925.39 1443.46086 52.9 0.560 6.12 9.202851 7.274799 -0.5798185 3.968403 1.8115621 0.1454311 0.1413048 -0.0275312 -0.1688360
Costa Rica 2017 11814.63 2038.13005 65.0 0.619 6.44 9.377094 7.619788 -0.4796500 4.174387 1.8625285 0.1725090 0.0294629 -0.0126903 -0.0421532
Cyprus 2017 26338.69 4052.86944 67.9 0.751 7.77 10.178794 8.307180 -0.2863496 4.218036 2.0502702 0.1538751 0.0549906 0.0506827 -0.0043080
Cameroon 2017 1425.11 327.39620 51.8 0.394 2.38 7.262004 5.791171 -0.9314044 3.947390 0.8671005 0.2297340 0.0356197 0.0610039 0.0253842
Czech Republic 2017 20636.20 5141.77322 73.3 0.782 7.16 9.934802 8.545153 -0.2459005 4.294561 1.9685100 0.2491628 0.1046533 0.0154301 -0.0892232
Austria 2017 47426.51 11204.73525 72.3 0.793 8.02 10.766937 9.324092 -0.2319321 4.280824 2.0819384 0.2362547 0.0615336 0.0490515 -0.0124822
Lithuania 2017 16885.41 3396.46449 75.8 0.712 7.19 9.734205 8.130490 -0.3396774 4.328098 1.9726912 0.2011479 0.0965965 0.0390230 -0.0575735
Norway 2017 75496.75 18542.92333 74.0 0.771 8.47 11.231845 9.827844 -0.2600669 4.304065 2.1365305 0.2456122 0.0584323 0.0465702 -0.0118621
Slovenia 2017 23512.82 4306.51846 59.2 0.788 7.38 10.065301 8.367885 -0.2382572 4.080921 1.9987736 0.1831562 0.0708835 0.0013193 -0.0695642
Switzerland 2017 80449.99 19640.69362 81.5 0.767 8.74 11.295391 9.885359 -0.2652685 4.400603 2.1679102 0.2441354 0.0012325 0.0153493 0.0141169
Iceland 2017 71310.94 15681.67843 74.4 0.740 8.98 11.174805 9.660248 -0.3011051 4.309456 2.1949999 0.2199056 0.1006225 0.0374188 -0.0632037
Georgia 2017 4357.00 1110.69234 76.0 0.614 5.79 8.379539 7.012739 -0.4877604 4.330733 1.7561323 0.2549214 0.1021884 0.0809214 -0.0212670
Albania 2017 4531.02 1113.56519 64.4 0.621 5.14 8.418702 7.015322 -0.4764242 4.165114 1.6370531 0.2457648 0.0885734 0.0247931 -0.0637803
Bahrain 2017 23742.99 6731.00686 68.5 0.668 7.60 10.075043 8.814480 -0.4034671 4.226834 2.0281482 0.2834945 0.0319674 -0.0626844 -0.0946517
Uganda 2017 747.20 179.71896 60.9 0.382 2.19 6.616333 5.191394 -0.9623347 4.109233 0.7839015 0.2405232 0.0360837 0.1686715 0.1325878
South Africa 2017 6131.48 1150.54432 62.3 0.406 4.96 8.721191 7.047990 -0.9014021 4.131961 1.6014057 0.1876454 0.1015115 0.0165730 -0.0849384
Italy 2017 32406.72 5665.98359 62.5 0.769 7.04 10.386121 8.642236 -0.2626643 4.135167 1.9516082 0.1748398 0.0556608 0.0498398 -0.0058210
Ukraine 2017 2640.68 394.45190 48.1 0.647 5.62 7.878792 5.977497 -0.4354090 3.873282 1.7263317 0.1493751 0.1691314 0.0841388 -0.0849926
Portugal 2017 21490.43 3606.94862 62.6 0.776 7.13 9.975363 8.190617 -0.2536028 4.136765 1.9643112 0.1678398 0.0569885 -0.0034667 -0.0604552
Mexico 2017 9287.85 2051.65483 63.6 0.607 5.16 9.136462 7.626402 -0.4992265 4.152614 1.6409366 0.2208966 0.0566205 0.0329966 -0.0236239
Paraguay 2017 5680.58 1089.90171 62.4 0.533 4.18 8.644809 6.993843 -0.6292339 4.133565 1.4303112 0.1918645 0.0644250 0.0535574 -0.0108676
New Zealand 2017 42674.06 9864.05192 83.7 0.767 8.33 10.661347 9.196652 -0.2652685 4.427239 2.1198635 0.2311487 0.0406787 0.0374872 -0.0031915
Burkina Faso 2017 734.99 153.49257 59.6 0.369 1.90 6.599857 5.033652 -0.9969586 4.087656 0.6418539 0.2088363 0.0628400 0.0963934 0.0335534
Oman 2017 15130.52 4139.16413 62.1 0.622 6.43 9.624469 8.328249 -0.4748152 4.128746 1.8609745 0.2735639 0.1073471 -0.0312883 -0.1386353
Hungary 2017 14605.85 3238.31282 65.8 0.703 6.93 9.589177 8.082808 -0.3523984 4.186620 1.9358598 0.2217134 0.0658730 0.0247650 -0.0411080
Luxembourg 2017 107627.15 20191.02405 75.9 0.692 8.47 11.586428 9.912993 -0.3681693 4.329417 2.1365305 0.1876016 0.0181740 0.0350027 0.0168286
Mauritius 2017 10484.91 1823.13628 74.7 0.626 5.88 9.257692 7.508313 -0.4684049 4.313480 1.7715568 0.1738819 0.0764078 0.0649921 -0.0114156
Chad 2017 665.95 136.76997 49.0 0.293 1.27 6.501215 4.918300 -1.2275827 3.891820 0.2390169 0.2053757 -0.0059373 0.2374263 0.2433636
Indonesia 2017 3837.65 1235.61339 61.9 0.535 4.33 8.252615 7.119323 -0.6254885 4.125520 1.4655675 0.3219714 0.0661039 0.1587203 0.0926165
Turkey 2017 10591.47 3156.52315 65.2 0.626 6.08 9.267804 8.057226 -0.4684049 4.177460 1.8050047 0.2980250 -0.0326403 0.1202943 0.1529346
Spain 2017 28170.17 5258.27397 63.6 0.743 7.79 10.246019 8.567558 -0.2970592 4.152614 2.0528409 0.1866611 0.0586994 -0.0508426 -0.1095420
United States 2017 60062.22 12308.23997 75.1 0.762 8.18 11.003136 9.418024 -0.2718087 4.318821 2.1016922 0.2049248 0.0749518 0.0021445 -0.0728073
Azerbaijan 2017 4147.09 987.72098 63.6 0.597 6.20 8.330162 6.895400 -0.5158382 4.152614 1.8245493 0.2381721 0.0937026 0.0469089 -0.0467937
Botswana 2017 7893.23 2297.96415 70.1 0.424 4.59 8.973761 7.739779 -0.8580218 4.249923 1.5238800 0.2911310 0.1157575 0.0034183 -0.1123392
Madagascar 2017 515.29 93.47113 57.4 0.374 1.68 6.244730 4.537653 -0.9834995 4.050044 0.5187938 0.1813952 0.0494525 -0.0743020 -0.1237546
Zimbabwe 2017 1548.17 149.64444 44.0 0.441 2.92 7.344829 5.008262 -0.8187104 3.784190 1.0715836 0.0966589 0.0474619 0.1656187 0.1181569
Canada 2017 45146.11 10261.23883 78.5 0.799 7.77 10.717659 9.236129 -0.2243943 4.363099 2.0502702 0.2272895 0.0571281 0.0232624 -0.0338658
Kazakhstan 2017 9247.58 2006.49861 69.0 0.746 6.79 9.132117 7.604146 -0.2930297 4.234107 1.9154509 0.2169755 0.2198218 0.0918558 -0.1279660
Colombia 2017 6376.71 1385.19873 69.7 0.593 5.36 8.760408 7.233599 -0.5225609 4.244200 1.6789640 0.2172278 0.0687388 0.0301509 -0.0385879
Estonia 2017 20458.46 5093.68830 79.1 0.747 8.14 9.926152 8.535758 -0.2916901 4.370713 2.0967902 0.2489771 0.0633144 0.0218594 -0.0414550
Belgium 2017 44192.62 10285.57142 67.8 0.757 7.81 10.696313 9.238497 -0.2783920 4.216562 2.0554050 0.2327441 0.0388980 0.0053740 -0.0335240
Senegal 2017 1361.70 351.66793 55.9 0.418 2.66 7.216489 5.862687 -0.8722738 4.023564 0.9783261 0.2582565 0.0445892 0.0314663 -0.0131229
Algeria 2017 4111.29 1676.63874 46.5 0.523 4.67 8.321492 7.424546 -0.6481738 3.839452 1.5411591 0.4078133 0.0388145 0.0033350 -0.0354795
France 2017 38812.16 8734.09742 63.3 0.765 8.24 10.566489 9.074990 -0.2678794 4.147885 2.1090003 0.2250351 0.0343160 0.0392522 0.0049361
Peru 2017 6710.51 1382.87445 68.9 0.586 4.85 8.811430 7.231920 -0.5344355 4.232656 1.5789787 0.2060759 0.0772099 0.0727620 -0.0044479
Bulgaria 2017 8334.08 1530.49101 67.9 0.676 6.86 9.028108 7.333344 -0.3915622 4.218036 1.9257074 0.1836425 0.1149424 0.0594856 -0.0554569
Germany 2017 44552.82 9097.83783 73.8 0.795 8.39 10.704431 9.115792 -0.2294132 4.301359 2.1270405 0.2042034 0.0712401 0.0148092 -0.0564309
Australia 2017 54027.97 12925.85195 81.0 0.803 8.24 10.897257 9.466985 -0.2194006 4.394449 2.1090003 0.2392437 0.0979235 0.0282880 -0.0696355
Greece 2017 18930.22 2441.46357 55.0 0.681 7.23 9.848515 7.800353 -0.3841930 4.007333 1.9782390 0.1289717 0.0106381 0.0542399 0.0436018
Jordan 2017 4234.40 764.15589 66.7 0.562 6.00 8.350997 6.638772 -0.5762534 4.200205 1.7917595 0.1804638 0.0156231 -0.0186923 -0.0343154
Netherlands 2017 48675.22 9806.61358 75.8 0.800 8.49 10.792925 9.190812 -0.2231436 4.328098 2.1388890 0.2014703 0.0459048 0.0266151 -0.0192897
Malaysia 2017 10259.18 2571.25517 73.8 0.622 6.38 9.235928 7.852150 -0.4748152 4.301359 1.8531681 0.2506297 0.0496118 0.0570595 0.0074477
Ireland 2017 69822.35 21841.38247 76.7 0.806 8.02 11.153709 9.991562 -0.2156715 4.339902 2.0819384 0.3128136 0.1193119 0.0072834 -0.1120285
Uruguay 2017 17322.15 2853.54528 69.7 0.600 7.16 9.759741 7.956317 -0.5108256 4.244200 1.9685100 0.1647339 0.1251534 0.0719640 -0.0531894
Poland 2017 13864.68 2429.89986 68.3 0.747 6.89 9.537100 7.795605 -0.2916901 4.223910 1.9300711 0.1752583 0.1022727 0.0089608 -0.0933119
Ecuador 2017 6213.50 1578.53358 49.3 0.602 4.84 8.734480 7.364252 -0.5074978 3.897924 1.5769147 0.2540490 0.0458930 0.0827033 0.0368103
Saudi Arabia 2017 20803.75 5105.87176 64.4 0.585 6.67 9.942889 8.538146 -0.5361434 4.165114 1.8976199 0.2454304 0.0658725 0.0068234 -0.0590491
Panama 2017 15150.35 5957.94117 66.3 0.532 4.91 9.625779 8.692480 -0.6311118 4.194190 1.5912739 0.3932544 0.0430223 0.0455423 0.0025200
Sweden 2017 53791.51 13521.98087 74.9 0.800 8.41 10.892871 9.512072 -0.2231436 4.316154 2.1294215 0.2513776 0.0270928 0.0394878 0.0123949
Japan 2017 38386.51 9149.28981 69.6 0.844 8.43 10.555461 9.121431 -0.1696028 4.242765 2.1317968 0.2383465 0.0042342 -0.0359293 -0.0401635
United Kingdom 2017 40361.42 6963.48691 76.4 0.781 8.65 10.605630 8.848436 -0.2471801 4.335983 2.1575593 0.1725283 -0.0092802 0.0139700 0.0232502
Namibia 2017 5303.31 939.93859 62.5 0.435 3.89 8.576086 6.845815 -0.8324092 4.135167 1.3584092 0.1772362 0.1784006 0.1650832 -0.0133174
Benin 2017 1136.59 266.39975 59.2 0.406 1.94 7.035788 5.584998 -0.9014021 4.080921 0.6626880 0.2343851 0.0223124 0.0086750 -0.0136374
Tunisia 2017 3481.23 655.72095 55.7 0.508 4.82 8.155141 6.485735 -0.6772738 4.019980 1.5727739 0.1883590 -0.0551306 -0.0083310 0.0467996
United Arab Emirates 2017 40644.80 7713.08627 76.9 0.659 7.21 10.612626 8.950674 -0.4170317 4.342506 1.9754690 0.1897681 0.1033064 0.0617105 -0.0415959
Thailand 2017 6592.91 1517.12492 66.2 0.604 5.67 8.793750 7.324572 -0.5041811 4.192680 1.7351891 0.2301146 0.0814480 0.1009584 0.0195104
Denmark 2017 57610.10 12228.15233 75.1 0.774 8.71 10.961453 9.411496 -0.2561834 4.318821 2.1644718 0.2122571 0.0516404 0.0007907 -0.0508497
Finland 2018 50030.88 12067.07145 74.1 0.814 8.77 10.820396 9.398236 -0.2057949 4.305415 2.1713368 0.2411925 0.0508295 0.1083593 0.0575299
Chile 2018 15924.79 3396.65255 75.2 0.665 6.95 9.675632 8.130546 -0.4079682 4.320151 1.9387417 0.2132934 0.0333883 0.0390883 0.0057000
Singapore 2018 66188.78 15299.89130 88.8 0.887 8.72 11.100266 9.635601 -0.1199103 4.486387 2.1656192 0.2311554 0.0885283 0.0822019 -0.0063264
Croatia 2018 15014.09 3057.36206 61.0 0.729 7.86 9.616744 8.025308 -0.3160815 4.110874 2.0617866 0.2036329 0.0899438 0.1087450 0.0188012
Morocco 2018 3222.20 930.68907 61.9 0.493 5.22 8.077820 6.835925 -0.7072461 4.125520 1.6524974 0.2888365 0.0339050 0.0966341 0.0627291
Malta 2018 30437.22 6418.13264 68.5 0.708 8.38 10.323422 8.766882 -0.3453112 4.226834 2.1258479 0.2108646 0.0776875 0.0758089 -0.0018787
Argentina 2018 11633.50 1705.45797 52.3 0.617 7.10 9.361644 7.441589 -0.4828863 3.956996 1.9600948 0.1465989 -0.1813187 0.0816490 0.2629677
Latvia 2018 17858.28 3951.57784 73.6 0.738 7.96 9.790223 8.281870 -0.3038115 4.298645 2.0744290 0.2212743 0.1004690 0.0758763 -0.0245927
Moldova 2018 4230.36 1028.81858 58.4 0.582 6.86 8.350042 6.936166 -0.5412848 4.067316 1.9257074 0.2431988 0.1227235 0.0685002 -0.0542233
Israel 2018 41719.73 8946.22724 72.2 0.763 8.26 10.638729 9.098987 -0.2704972 4.279440 2.1114246 0.2144364 0.0147103 0.0823364 0.0676261
Romania 2018 12399.89 2610.42231 69.4 0.594 6.93 9.425443 7.867267 -0.5208760 4.239887 1.9358598 0.2105198 0.1123841 0.0628259 -0.0495583
Brazil 2018 9001.23 1370.12896 51.4 0.546 6.54 9.105116 7.222660 -0.6051363 3.939638 1.8779372 0.1522157 -0.1112626 0.0376099 0.1488725
Costa Rica 2018 12112.13 2123.21894 65.6 0.603 6.92 9.401963 7.660689 -0.5058381 4.183576 1.9344158 0.1752969 -0.0038983 0.0810757 0.0849739
Cyprus 2018 28689.71 4084.95003 67.8 0.755 7.58 10.264294 8.315065 -0.2810375 4.216562 2.0255132 0.1423838 0.0889327 -0.0262308 -0.1151635
Cameroon 2018 1534.49 349.58935 51.9 0.393 2.41 7.335953 5.856759 -0.9339457 3.949319 0.8796267 0.2278212 0.0570444 0.0144549 -0.0425895
Czech Republic 2018 23415.84 6160.61177 74.2 0.765 7.79 10.061168 8.725931 -0.2678794 4.306764 2.0528409 0.2630959 0.0626076 0.0965344 0.0339268
Austria 2018 51478.29 12329.59008 71.8 0.769 8.44 10.848915 9.419757 -0.2626643 4.273885 2.1329823 0.2395105 0.0356943 0.0441042 0.0084099
Lithuania 2018 19176.18 4017.63663 75.3 0.727 7.78 9.861424 8.298449 -0.3188288 4.321480 2.0515563 0.2095118 0.1085101 0.0722470 -0.0362631
Norway 2018 81734.47 19766.87884 74.3 0.769 9.13 11.311231 9.891763 -0.2626643 4.308111 2.2115657 0.2418426 0.0619585 0.0790810 0.0171225
Slovenia 2018 26115.91 5023.36020 64.8 0.789 7.85 10.170300 8.521854 -0.2369890 4.171306 2.0605135 0.1923487 0.0764074 0.1521240 0.0757165
Switzerland 2018 82818.11 19966.34145 81.7 0.766 9.17 11.324402 9.901803 -0.2665731 4.403054 2.2159373 0.2410867 0.0240564 0.0504781 0.0264217
Iceland 2018 72968.70 15730.72932 77.0 0.743 9.49 11.197786 9.663371 -0.2970592 4.343805 2.2502386 0.2155819 0.0254812 0.0895882 0.0641070
Georgia 2018 4722.79 1187.67003 76.2 0.609 6.03 8.460155 7.079749 -0.4959370 4.333361 1.7967470 0.2514764 0.0576442 0.0432428 -0.0144013
Albania 2018 5284.38 1262.26971 64.5 0.629 5.48 8.572511 7.140667 -0.4636240 4.166665 1.7011051 0.2388681 0.1336100 0.0656036 -0.0680064
Bahrain 2018 23991.06 7102.34812 67.7 0.664 8.34 10.085437 8.868181 -0.4094731 4.215086 2.1210632 0.2960414 -0.0097317 0.0811674 0.0908991
Uganda 2018 770.45 187.59027 62.0 0.382 2.29 6.646975 5.234260 -0.9623347 4.127134 0.8285518 0.2434814 0.0202048 0.0625515 0.0423466
South Africa 2018 6372.61 1159.00147 63.0 0.423 5.34 8.759764 7.055314 -0.8603831 4.143135 1.6752257 0.1818723 0.0707998 0.0849932 0.0141934
Italy 2018 34615.76 6173.27268 62.5 0.753 7.52 10.452064 8.727984 -0.2836901 4.135167 2.0175661 0.1783371 0.0333750 0.0659580 0.0325829
Ukraine 2018 3096.82 517.64656 51.9 0.642 5.93 8.038131 6.249293 -0.4431670 3.949319 1.7800242 0.1671542 0.1074463 0.1297292 0.0222828
Portugal 2018 23562.55 4128.75503 63.4 0.783 7.57 10.067414 8.325731 -0.2446226 4.149464 2.0241931 0.1752253 0.0757821 0.0725804 -0.0032017
Mexico 2018 9686.51 2131.69285 64.8 0.612 5.23 9.178489 7.664672 -0.4910230 4.171306 1.6544113 0.2200682 0.0400033 0.0321668 -0.0078365
Paraguay 2018 5805.68 1153.59713 62.1 0.528 4.32 8.666592 7.050640 -0.6386590 4.128746 1.4632554 0.1987015 0.0029453 0.0281249 0.0251796
New Zealand 2018 42427.58 10018.59056 84.2 0.771 8.85 10.655554 9.212198 -0.2600669 4.433195 2.1804175 0.2361339 -0.0054901 0.0665099 0.0720001
Burkina Faso 2018 813.10 161.23994 60.0 0.378 1.91 6.700854 5.082894 -0.9728611 4.094345 0.6471032 0.1983027 0.1105514 0.0119383 -0.0986131
Oman 2018 16521.18 3829.80247 61.0 0.611 7.06 9.712399 8.250568 -0.4926583 4.110874 1.9544451 0.2318117 0.0922297 0.0755984 -0.0166313
Hungary 2018 16410.19 4066.72199 66.7 0.705 7.45 9.705658 8.310593 -0.3495575 4.200205 2.0082140 0.2478169 0.0621683 0.0859393 0.0237710
Luxembourg 2018 116654.26 19612.43080 76.4 0.692 9.28 11.666970 9.883919 -0.3681693 4.335983 2.2278615 0.1681244 0.0854297 0.0978970 0.0124673
Mauritius 2018 11208.34 2101.71585 75.1 0.623 6.13 9.324413 7.650509 -0.4732088 4.318821 1.8131947 0.1875136 0.0361544 0.0469785 0.0108241
Chad 2018 726.15 151.52943 49.3 0.299 1.26 6.587757 5.020780 -1.2073117 3.897924 0.2311117 0.2086751 0.0811980 -0.0018014 -0.0829994
Indonesia 2018 3893.85 1255.30781 64.2 0.538 4.53 8.267154 7.135136 -0.6198967 4.162003 1.5107219 0.3223822 0.0132294 0.0816374 0.0684081
Turkey 2018 9455.59 2806.13186 65.4 0.625 6.34 9.154361 7.939562 -0.4700036 4.180522 1.8468788 0.2967696 -0.0796480 0.0449369 0.1245848
Spain 2018 30389.36 5919.08748 65.1 0.736 8.34 10.321848 8.685938 -0.3065252 4.175924 2.1210632 0.1947750 0.0451494 0.0915334 0.0463841
United States 2018 62996.47 13101.20524 75.7 0.714 8.77 11.050834 9.480460 -0.3368723 4.326778 2.1713368 0.2079673 -0.0168193 0.0776023 0.0944216
Azerbaijan 2018 4739.84 980.86648 64.3 0.629 6.88 8.463759 6.888436 -0.4636240 4.163560 1.9286187 0.2069408 0.1764465 0.1150155 -0.0614310
Botswana 2018 8279.60 2503.01786 69.9 0.413 4.75 9.021550 7.825252 -0.8843077 4.247066 1.5581446 0.3023114 0.0036102 0.0314074 0.0277972
Madagascar 2018 527.50 99.19796 56.8 0.385 1.70 6.268149 4.597118 -0.9545119 4.039536 0.5306283 0.1880530 0.0357728 0.0013265 -0.0344463
Zimbabwe 2018 1683.74 156.69262 44.0 0.461 3.20 7.428773 5.054286 -0.7743572 3.784190 1.1631508 0.0930622 0.1198864 0.0915672 -0.0283192
Canada 2018 46303.91 10441.06681 77.7 0.800 8.21 10.742982 9.253502 -0.2231436 4.352855 2.1053529 0.2254900 0.0223736 0.0448394 0.0224658
Kazakhstan 2018 9812.63 2078.00350 69.1 0.777 7.42 9.191426 7.639163 -0.2523149 4.235555 2.0041791 0.2117683 0.0839857 0.0901763 0.0061906
Colombia 2018 6716.91 1434.07242 68.9 0.599 5.77 8.812383 7.268274 -0.5124937 4.232656 1.7526721 0.2135018 0.0524907 0.0621640 0.0096733
Estonia 2018 23170.71 5696.44480 78.8 0.774 8.87 10.050644 8.647597 -0.2561834 4.366913 2.1826748 0.2458468 0.1237745 0.0820847 -0.0416897
Belgium 2018 47583.07 11288.99890 67.5 0.763 8.32 10.770232 9.331584 -0.2704972 4.212128 2.1186623 0.2372482 0.0578563 0.0588227 0.0009664
Senegal 2018 1465.59 381.65763 55.7 0.421 2.87 7.290013 5.944524 -0.8651224 4.019980 1.0543120 0.2604123 0.0575018 0.0724017 0.0148999
Algeria 2018 4153.73 1667.66358 44.7 0.532 4.53 8.331762 7.419179 -0.6311118 3.799974 1.5107219 0.4014858 0.0226367 -0.0699159 -0.0925526
France 2018 41631.09 9542.16826 63.9 0.756 8.90 10.636603 9.163476 -0.2797139 4.157319 2.1860513 0.2292077 0.0407100 0.0864850 0.0457749
Peru 2018 6941.24 1457.90369 68.7 0.595 4.92 8.845236 7.284755 -0.5191939 4.229749 1.5933085 0.2100350 0.0347486 0.0114228 -0.0233257
Bulgaria 2018 9427.73 1771.71653 68.3 0.670 7.42 9.151411 7.479704 -0.4004776 4.223910 2.0041791 0.1879261 0.0885574 0.0843453 -0.0042120
Germany 2018 47810.51 10107.85955 74.2 0.764 8.85 10.775001 9.221069 -0.2691875 4.306764 2.1804175 0.2114150 0.0169476 0.0587824 0.0418348
Australia 2018 57354.96 13969.67372 80.9 0.781 8.90 10.957015 9.544644 -0.2471801 4.393214 2.1860513 0.2435652 0.0198289 0.0758156 0.0559867
Greece 2018 20324.30 2250.62509 57.3 0.695 7.74 9.919572 7.718963 -0.3638434 4.048301 2.0464017 0.1107357 0.0981665 0.1091301 0.0109636
Jordan 2018 4312.18 755.57024 64.9 0.547 5.95 8.369199 6.627473 -0.6033065 4.172848 1.7833912 0.1752177 -0.0021311 -0.0357256 -0.0335944
Netherlands 2018 53044.53 10852.14023 76.2 0.803 9.13 10.878887 9.292118 -0.2194006 4.333361 2.2115657 0.2045855 0.0682133 0.0779399 0.0097266
Malaysia 2018 11377.46 2754.17090 74.5 0.633 6.63 9.339389 7.920872 -0.4572849 4.310799 1.8916048 0.2420726 0.1001122 0.0478771 -0.0522351
Ireland 2018 78621.23 18394.84296 80.4 0.814 8.61 11.272397 9.819826 -0.2057949 4.387014 2.1529243 0.2339679 0.1664341 0.1180984 -0.0483358
Uruguay 2018 17277.97 2850.49932 69.2 0.602 7.53 9.757188 7.955249 -0.5074978 4.237001 2.0188950 0.1649788 0.0004012 0.0431856 0.0427844
Poland 2018 15468.48 2817.66174 68.5 0.760 7.61 9.646560 7.943663 -0.2744368 4.226834 2.0294632 0.1821550 0.0966009 0.1023161 0.0057152
Ecuador 2018 6295.94 1610.69474 48.5 0.596 5.24 8.747660 7.384421 -0.5175146 3.881564 1.6563215 0.2558307 0.0005665 0.0630465 0.0624800
Saudi Arabia 2018 23338.96 4896.15013 59.6 0.581 7.69 10.057879 8.496204 -0.5430045 4.087656 2.0399208 0.2097844 0.1183678 0.0648429 -0.0535250
Panama 2018 15592.57 6011.50669 67.0 0.514 5.38 9.654550 8.701431 -0.6655320 4.204693 1.6826884 0.3855366 0.0041702 0.1019172 0.0977470
Sweden 2018 54589.06 13758.92438 76.3 0.803 9.17 10.907589 9.529443 -0.2194006 4.334673 2.2159373 0.2520455 0.0131391 0.1050349 0.0918957
Japan 2018 39159.42 9483.98432 72.3 0.841 9.17 10.575396 9.157360 -0.1731636 4.280824 2.2159373 0.2421891 0.0085350 0.1222001 0.1136650
United Kingdom 2018 43043.23 7282.53829 78.0 0.777 9.31 10.669960 8.893235 -0.2523149 4.356709 2.2310891 0.1691913 0.0524849 0.0942559 0.0417710
Namibia 2018 5495.43 916.73707 58.5 0.445 3.86 8.611672 6.820821 -0.8096810 4.069027 1.3506672 0.1668181 0.0586919 -0.0738818 -0.1325737
Benin 2018 1240.83 321.44905 56.7 0.397 2.18 7.123536 5.772839 -0.9238190 4.037774 0.7793249 0.2590597 0.0224763 0.0734896 0.0510132
Tunisia 2018 3438.79 638.75733 58.9 0.510 5.19 8.142875 6.459525 -0.6733446 4.075841 1.6467337 0.1857506 -0.0041979 0.1298207 0.1340187
United Arab Emirates 2018 43839.36 7594.91323 77.6 0.676 7.85 10.688287 8.935234 -0.3915622 4.351567 2.0605135 0.1732442 0.0993931 0.0941061 -0.0052869
Thailand 2018 7295.48 1656.37973 67.1 0.617 5.77 8.895010 7.412390 -0.4828863 4.206184 1.7526721 0.2270419 0.0977820 0.0309865 -0.0667954
Denmark 2018 61598.54 13568.54502 76.6 0.771 9.47 11.028393 9.515510 -0.2600669 4.338597 2.2481289 0.2202738 0.0410008 0.1034336 0.0624329
Finland 2019 48771.37 11654.15167 74.9 0.806 8.95 10.794899 9.363418 -0.2156715 4.316154 2.1916535 0.2389548 -0.0246936 0.0310551 0.0557487
Chile 2019 14896.45 3342.80114 75.4 0.664 7.21 9.608878 8.114564 -0.4094731 4.322807 1.9754690 0.2244025 -0.0643350 0.0393833 0.1037184
Singapore 2019 65233.28 15099.72839 89.4 0.885 8.93 11.085725 9.622432 -0.1221676 4.493121 2.1894164 0.2314728 -0.0132278 0.0305312 0.0437590
Croatia 2019 14944.36 3141.54231 61.4 0.721 8.13 9.612089 8.052469 -0.3271161 4.117410 2.0955609 0.2102159 -0.0190798 0.0403103 0.0593901
Morocco 2019 3204.10 908.23833 62.9 0.501 5.46 8.072187 6.811507 -0.6911492 4.141546 1.6974488 0.2834613 0.0128226 0.0609774 0.0481547
Malta 2019 29737.25 6436.99706 68.6 0.708 8.64 10.300156 8.769817 -0.3453112 4.228293 2.1564026 0.2164624 -0.0239010 0.0320135 0.0559145
Argentina 2019 9912.28 1339.38671 52.2 0.610 7.36 9.201530 7.199967 -0.4942963 3.955083 1.9960599 0.1351240 -0.1373339 0.0340513 0.1713851
Latvia 2019 17819.27 3953.27309 70.4 0.724 8.23 9.788036 8.282299 -0.3229639 4.254193 2.1077860 0.2218538 -0.0171854 -0.0110947 0.0060906
Moldova 2019 4494.02 1153.21970 59.1 0.584 7.17 8.410503 7.050313 -0.5378543 4.079231 1.9699057 0.2566121 0.0337193 0.0561132 0.0223939
Israel 2019 43588.71 9095.41359 72.8 0.753 8.49 10.682553 9.115526 -0.2836901 4.287716 2.1388890 0.2086644 0.0299331 0.0357403 0.0058072
Romania 2019 12913.07 3051.78100 68.6 0.591 7.19 9.465995 8.023481 -0.5259393 4.228293 1.9726912 0.2363327 -0.0002326 0.0252370 0.0254697
Brazil 2019 8717.19 1340.91748 51.9 0.553 6.80 9.073052 7.201109 -0.5923973 3.949319 1.9169226 0.1538245 -0.0179698 0.0486661 0.0666359
Costa Rica 2019 12243.81 1931.80011 65.3 0.619 7.22 9.412776 7.566207 -0.4796500 4.178992 1.9768550 0.1577777 0.0477763 0.0378555 -0.0099207
Cyprus 2019 27858.37 4040.35615 68.1 0.758 7.83 10.234889 8.304088 -0.2770719 4.220977 2.0579625 0.1450320 -0.0244226 0.0368643 0.0612869
Cameroon 2019 1507.45 340.27426 52.4 0.396 2.50 7.318175 5.829752 -0.9263411 3.958907 0.9162907 0.2257284 -0.0057943 0.0462518 0.0520461
Czech Republic 2019 23489.84 6157.45539 73.7 0.766 8.02 10.064323 8.725419 -0.2665731 4.300003 2.0819384 0.2621327 0.0042535 0.0223362 0.0180827
Austria 2019 50121.55 12387.49899 72.0 0.768 8.66 10.822206 9.424443 -0.2639655 4.276666 2.1587147 0.2471492 -0.0288468 0.0285141 0.0573609
Lithuania 2019 19550.73 4178.48815 74.2 0.716 8.04 9.880768 8.337705 -0.3340751 4.306764 2.0844291 0.2137254 -0.0010340 0.0181568 0.0191907
Norway 2019 75419.63 19633.88966 73.0 0.770 9.33 11.230823 9.885012 -0.2613648 4.290459 2.2332350 0.2603286 -0.0776896 0.0040178 0.0817074
Slovenia 2019 25940.73 5094.06801 65.5 0.785 8.04 10.163570 8.535832 -0.2420716 4.182050 2.0844291 0.1963733 -0.0135597 0.0346601 0.0482198
Switzerland 2019 81989.44 19707.81129 81.9 0.762 9.39 11.314346 9.888770 -0.2718087 4.405499 2.2396453 0.2403701 -0.0109007 0.0261530 0.0370537
Iceland 2019 67084.08 13564.78703 77.1 0.742 9.71 11.113702 9.515232 -0.2984060 4.345103 2.2731563 0.2022058 -0.0552038 0.0242155 0.0794193
Georgia 2019 4697.98 1129.99257 75.9 0.597 6.30 8.454888 7.029966 -0.5158382 4.329417 1.8405496 0.2405273 -0.0084075 0.0398578 0.0482653
Albania 2019 5353.24 1205.46069 66.5 0.633 5.71 8.585457 7.094617 -0.4572849 4.197202 1.7422190 0.2251834 0.0282280 0.0716506 0.0434227
Bahrain 2019 23503.98 6832.31252 66.4 0.663 8.65 10.064925 8.829418 -0.4109803 4.195697 2.1575593 0.2906875 -0.0103128 0.0171070 0.0274198
Uganda 2019 794.34 201.21479 59.7 0.385 2.38 6.677512 5.304373 -0.9545119 4.089332 0.8671005 0.2533107 0.0186177 0.0007463 -0.0178713
South Africa 2019 6001.40 1074.23043 58.3 0.419 5.56 8.699748 6.979360 -0.8698844 4.065602 1.7155981 0.1789966 -0.0542213 -0.0371602 0.0170612
Italy 2019 33225.65 6003.10838 62.2 0.747 7.69 10.411077 8.700033 -0.2916901 4.130355 2.0399208 0.1806769 -0.0424913 0.0175431 0.0600344
Ukraine 2019 3659.03 624.29782 52.3 0.639 6.14 8.204953 6.436628 -0.4478508 3.956996 1.8148247 0.1706184 0.1309748 0.0424781 -0.0884967
Portugal 2019 23213.98 4226.94811 65.3 0.777 7.77 10.052510 8.349236 -0.2523149 4.178992 2.0502702 0.1820863 -0.0254754 0.0556053 0.0810807
Mexico 2019 9946.03 2053.68539 64.7 0.612 5.42 9.204929 7.627391 -0.4910230 4.169761 1.6900958 0.2064829 0.0341371 0.0341401 0.0000031
Paraguay 2019 5414.80 1001.65665 61.8 0.530 4.47 8.596891 6.909411 -0.6348783 4.123903 1.4973884 0.1849850 -0.0404941 0.0292904 0.0697845
New Zealand 2019 41557.80 9598.73878 84.4 0.772 9.08 10.634840 9.169387 -0.2587707 4.435567 2.2060742 0.2309732 -0.0098285 0.0280292 0.0378577
Burkina Faso 2019 786.90 161.19011 59.4 0.381 2.00 6.668101 5.082585 -0.9649559 4.084294 0.6931472 0.2048419 -0.0264037 0.0359936 0.0623973
Oman 2019 15343.06 3567.38706 61.0 0.616 7.38 9.638419 8.179589 -0.4845083 4.110874 1.9987736 0.2325082 -0.0512215 0.0443286 0.0955501
Hungary 2019 16729.78 4555.04553 65.0 0.696 7.67 9.724946 8.423991 -0.3624056 4.174387 2.0373166 0.2722717 -0.0209372 0.0032849 0.0242221
Luxembourg 2019 114685.17 19358.63882 75.9 0.689 9.52 11.649946 9.870894 -0.3725140 4.329417 2.2533948 0.1687981 -0.0184365 0.0189673 0.0374038
Mauritius 2019 11099.24 2177.00988 73.0 0.625 6.37 9.314632 7.685708 -0.4700036 4.290459 1.8515995 0.1961404 -0.0141088 0.0100436 0.0241524
Chad 2019 709.54 151.93694 49.9 0.298 1.30 6.564617 5.023466 -1.2106618 3.910021 0.2623643 0.2141344 -0.0263475 0.0433495 0.0696970
Indonesia 2019 4135.57 1337.64153 65.8 0.540 4.72 8.327380 7.198663 -0.6161861 4.186620 1.5518088 0.3234479 0.0421894 0.0657035 0.0235140
Turkey 2019 9126.56 2361.27183 64.6 0.636 6.58 9.118944 7.766956 -0.4525567 4.168214 1.8840347 0.2587253 0.0221734 0.0248481 0.0026747
Spain 2019 29564.74 5876.92144 65.7 0.736 8.58 10.294338 8.678788 -0.3065252 4.185099 2.1494339 0.1987814 -0.0260890 0.0375451 0.0636341
United States 2019 65297.52 13557.17300 76.8 0.724 8.98 11.086709 9.514671 -0.3229639 4.341205 2.1949999 0.2076216 0.0397930 0.0380896 -0.0017035
Azerbaijan 2019 4793.13 929.19070 65.4 0.605 7.22 8.474939 6.834314 -0.5025268 4.180522 1.9768550 0.1938589 -0.0096888 0.0651989 0.0748877
Botswana 2019 7961.33 2510.89918 69.5 0.419 4.97 8.982351 7.828396 -0.8698844 4.241327 1.6034198 0.3153869 -0.0303157 0.0395363 0.0698520
Madagascar 2019 523.36 110.65084 56.6 0.385 1.75 6.260270 4.706380 -0.9545119 4.036009 0.5596158 0.2114240 -0.0309800 0.0254602 0.0564402
Zimbabwe 2019 1463.99 140.38473 40.4 0.461 3.34 7.288921 4.944387 -0.7743572 3.698830 1.2059708 0.0958919 -0.1293135 -0.0425399 0.0867736
Canada 2019 46189.66 10214.56329 77.7 0.800 8.38 10.740511 9.231570 -0.2231436 4.352855 2.1258479 0.2211439 0.0023797 0.0204950 0.0181152
Kazakhstan 2019 9812.53 2365.43472 65.4 0.714 7.76 9.191415 7.768717 -0.3368723 4.180522 2.0489823 0.2410627 -0.0954146 -0.0102292 0.0851854
Colombia 2019 6428.68 1384.50938 67.3 0.600 5.99 8.768524 7.233101 -0.5108256 4.209160 1.7900914 0.2153645 -0.0349753 0.0139234 0.0488987
Estonia 2019 23717.80 6217.11302 76.6 0.770 9.16 10.073981 8.735061 -0.2613648 4.338597 2.2148462 0.2621286 -0.0034130 0.0038555 0.0072685
Belgium 2019 46345.40 11214.75437 67.3 0.761 8.52 10.743877 9.324986 -0.2731219 4.209160 2.1424163 0.2419820 -0.0267478 0.0207867 0.0475346
Senegal 2019 1446.83 414.60326 56.3 0.421 3.00 7.277130 6.027322 -0.8651224 4.030695 1.0986123 0.2865598 -0.0366095 0.0550146 0.0916242
Algeria 2019 3973.96 1537.69998 46.2 0.531 4.73 8.287518 7.338043 -0.6329933 3.832980 1.5539252 0.3869440 -0.0140021 0.0762096 0.0902116
France 2019 40496.36 9574.10818 63.8 0.762 9.16 10.608967 9.166818 -0.2718087 4.155753 2.2148462 0.2364190 -0.0223889 0.0272287 0.0496177
Peru 2019 6977.70 1477.03440 67.8 0.599 5.09 8.850475 7.297792 -0.5124937 4.216562 1.6272778 0.2116793 0.0077612 0.0207823 0.0130211
Bulgaria 2019 9828.15 1838.38879 69.0 0.649 7.70 9.193006 7.516645 -0.4323226 4.234107 2.0412203 0.1870534 0.0087972 0.0472380 0.0384408
Germany 2019 46467.52 10073.05528 73.5 0.767 9.06 10.746509 9.217619 -0.2652685 4.297285 2.2038691 0.2167763 -0.0246747 0.0139729 0.0386477
Australia 2019 55057.20 12773.13164 80.9 0.784 9.12 10.916128 9.455099 -0.2433463 4.393214 2.2104698 0.2319975 -0.0171681 0.0244185 0.0415866
Greece 2019 19580.99 2235.92909 57.7 0.688 7.96 9.882314 7.712412 -0.3739664 4.055257 2.0744290 0.1141888 -0.0454770 0.0349839 0.0804609
Jordan 2019 4405.49 752.99212 66.5 0.553 6.20 8.390607 6.624055 -0.5923973 4.197202 1.8245493 0.1709213 0.0310367 0.0655124 0.0344757
Netherlands 2019 52295.04 10954.24504 76.8 0.797 9.33 10.864657 9.301482 -0.2269006 4.341205 2.2332350 0.2094701 -0.0221209 0.0295125 0.0516334
Malaysia 2019 11414.21 2620.62200 74.0 0.623 6.88 9.342614 7.871167 -0.4732088 4.304065 1.9286187 0.2295929 0.0023688 0.0302798 0.0279110
Ireland 2019 78778.99 34251.85041 80.5 0.805 8.84 11.274402 10.441496 -0.2169130 4.388257 2.1792869 0.4347841 -0.2745719 0.0276056 0.3021774
Uruguay 2019 16190.13 2781.99022 68.6 0.601 7.83 9.692157 7.930922 -0.5091603 4.228293 2.0579625 0.1718325 -0.0622270 0.0303591 0.0925862
Poland 2019 15694.74 2897.36925 67.8 0.756 7.85 9.661081 7.971559 -0.2797139 4.216562 2.0605135 0.1846077 0.0050686 0.0207788 0.0157102
Ecuador 2019 6183.82 1543.77834 46.9 0.601 5.45 8.729691 7.341988 -0.5091603 3.848018 1.6956156 0.2496480 -0.0011069 0.0057480 0.0068549
Saudi Arabia 2019 23139.80 5106.72650 60.7 0.582 8.03 10.049309 8.538314 -0.5412848 4.105944 2.0831845 0.2206902 -0.0165229 0.0615519 0.0780748
Panama 2019 15731.02 5916.84209 67.2 0.514 5.56 9.663390 8.685558 -0.6655320 4.207673 1.7155981 0.3761258 0.0148101 0.0358904 0.0210803
Sweden 2019 51647.99 12647.28370 75.2 0.801 9.33 10.852207 9.445198 -0.2218943 4.320151 2.2332350 0.2448747 -0.0366358 0.0027760 0.0394118
Japan 2019 40246.88 9567.18537 72.1 0.828 9.39 10.602788 9.166094 -0.1887421 4.278054 2.2396453 0.2377125 0.0134399 0.0209379 0.0074981
United Kingdom 2019 42328.90 7211.64704 78.9 0.781 9.54 10.653225 8.883453 -0.2471801 4.368181 2.2554935 0.1703717 -0.0108083 0.0358768 0.0466851
Namibia 2019 4957.46 800.67983 58.7 0.445 4.01 8.508649 6.685461 -0.8096810 4.072440 1.3887912 0.1615101 -0.0811614 0.0415370 0.1226984
Benin 2019 1219.43 306.97090 55.3 0.403 2.27 7.106139 5.726753 -0.9088187 4.012773 0.8197798 0.2517331 0.0054286 0.0154537 0.0100250
Tunisia 2019 3317.45 586.88142 55.4 0.512 5.40 8.106952 6.374823 -0.6694307 4.014580 1.6863990 0.1769074 -0.0177174 -0.0215962 -0.0038789
United Arab Emirates 2019 43103.32 7602.36550 77.6 0.673 8.12 10.671355 8.936215 -0.3960099 4.351567 2.0943302 0.1763754 -0.0207683 0.0338166 0.0545849
Thailand 2019 7806.74 1766.59206 68.3 0.612 6.02 8.962743 7.476808 -0.4910230 4.223910 1.7950873 0.2262906 0.0468598 0.0601409 0.0132811
Denmark 2019 60213.09 13217.06726 76.7 0.766 9.67 11.005645 9.489264 -0.2665731 4.339902 2.2690283 0.2195049 -0.0220655 0.0222040 0.0442695
## [1] 0.02581905

Therefore, across all countries, the proxy TFP dataset overestimates the theoretically implied TFP value derived via growth accounting by only 2.6%. Thus, using the IDI and EFI datasets together seem to be a fairly good proxy of TFP.